Have you ever initiated a vote to kick someone? If so, why and for what instance?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MCAZR, Mar 15, 2013.

  1. MCAZR New Player

    Trying to get a feel for why people initiate to kick people and from what instances.

    I've initiated votes to kick what appear to be frozen people who aren't moving nor responding to messages nor voice.

    I did initiate a vote to kick a fire tank at Oolong (the more difficult one) who, when he wasn't lone wolfing everything and dying, was either aggro'ing nearby adds that the group wasn't fighting or stepping on my inferno (I was a fire DPS at a significantly higher CR) despite my attempts to coordinate our attack strategies. I might get some heat for this but his very low damage out on the scoreboard sealed the deal on my decision to initiate a vote to kick him. Maybe his mic wasn't working nor his sound, and maybe his chat window had too much text scrolling to see my messages, but it is what it is. I think we lucked out and got one of the key roles that we were lacking (I think it was a healer).

    In other instances, I've left instead of initiating a vote to kick someone.

    I've been in instances where someone will initiate a vote to kick and everyone will vote against. I've also been in instances where there will be a number of players from the same league and people not in the league will be mysteriously kicked. In one case, 4 DPS' from the same league kicked the only troll who was putting out some great power. Up until that point, the raid was going smoothly until we hit a bump in the road and wiped. I was the sole healer and left immediately.
  2. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    Only once. In an Area 51 alert, I was controlling and joined at the last boss, there was a healer and another DPS who were brand new 30s. The fourth player was a DPS who was screaming and berating the other two players. He starts sending me tells that he's going to kick the healer. He's just going off on them over voice chat. The other two players are obviously really intimidated by this guy.

    having heard enough, I start the vote to kick. The two new players can't vote yes fast enough. You could hear his final "Oh what?" as his loading screen came up.

    The three of us struggled, but made it through, I tell you though, without him screaming into the mic, it was a lot more fun,
  3. Sophittia Well-Known Player

    I have kicked loads of people before.
    Mostly idiot DPS who become abusive on mic about a trolls power or healers.

    Couple of times I've kicked people who start screaming about ninja looting.
    Make rules at start or expect it from random pugs.
    Even had one person actually flip out on mic over a collection that someone else needed on.
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  4. Sylar-Man New Player

    Yes and it was because they ninja looted gear (before the change to how the loot is setup), they weren't very good, a league mate just logged on, they were rude, or we wanted to run the instance with less people than we are able to que in for and we couldn't walk into it.
  5. Clutch Committed Player

    I voted to kick one of my friends that won a roll over me as a joke. Everyone else thought it would be funny to vote yes though.
  6. EP Ice Loyal Player

    I am not an advocate of kicking people unless it is absolutely necessary. If someone is just standing there and doing absolutely nothing for more then a couple of minutes without saying anything then I think they should be kicked. I won't vote if someone else initiates unless they tell me why first (if I don't see the problem). I have been kicked from instances without notice and I would always wonder if it was something I did or if there was another motive involved. All I ask from anyone that is initiating a kick is to let the person know why before you do it.
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  7. LisaLoeb New Player

    Tons. Most from Coast City alert. Reason being that they keep hitting all switches when told not to repeatedly.
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  8. Lelouch New Player

    Yes, Vengence, better chance to win rolls
  9. hoaxone Committed Player

    I kicked someone last night matter fact.had to pug a dps on league raid night.fos2,are last raid outta all them.i grab a dps from lfg and my leaguemate said i have to stop inviting noobs for free feats.so i immediatly inspect him and he was wearing full t3 tank gear.so i gave him a shot and told him he needed 100k after 1st boss fight to stay.we get to boss and our two dps had 163k and 136k and the dps/tank had 21k damage out.i HAD to kick him
  10. MrFunktaztyk Well-Known Player

    I've kicked a few... mostly Schmucks going for Speed Feats all by themselves...
    (flighing at SuperSonic speed right into a boss, Leaving everyone behind to deal with ALL the Ads they spawned,
    getting killed by the boss, cause they're alone, repeating a few more times, then calling the rest of us trash)

    Or people who just don't do their jobs... (Trolls not giving Power, Healers not healing, Tanks not pulling Aggro)

    I usually go by a three strikes rule, If I have to call you on something, fix it, if not, I call on it again, still not fixed BOOT!!

    And Yes I PUG... Alot!
  11. PurpCity New Player

    I voted to kick my league leader because it was a Tuesday..

    Other than that it's usually some extreme case of identity crisis. Controllers who don't spec into instant power, healers who use sonic shout and heat vision, dd's who swear spamming galvanize is the best move out and tanks who full auto from behind the entire group.
  12. Solarr Man New Player

    I've voted and initiated to kick one person thus far and I felt terrible for doing so. To be fair, the guy was being a huge jerk. He was playing the Tank, and apparently had no idea how to play his role. He kept yelling at everyone and being abusive in chat and I guess in some sense of protest, after we defeated one of the mini bosses he had his character sit down and not move while we moved on. We waited for a few minutes, tried to communicate with him, he ignored us, so we booted him and recruited someone else who knew their role and we had no problems finishing up the Alert.
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  13. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    if someones standing in a corner..or typing constantly ill kick vote...
  14. X-zero Loyal Player

    I believe only once. Guy was in controller stance but won't through out any power. Was with two other league mates and we asked for power over time. No response. We told him the two powers that would cast power over time. No response. We ask could he switch to dps so we at least can get the power buff. Nothing.

    20 minutes and just got to the first boss in star labs. New controller comes. In 5 seconds already has a bigger power out.
  15. MercPony Devoted Player

    I've only voted to kick someone when they are being rude in general, doing things to intentionally make things harder than they are, when they continue to need on gear they don't actually need (as in needing on literally EVERYTHING), when they are afk for too long and give no warning they were going afk, and in some instances for no reason at all (as a joke when all the people in the group are from my league).
  16. Statman New Player

    I've only ever started a vote to kick twice. The first time was in the Coast City alert, I'd queued in and had a decent group - made it all the way to the last boss no hassles. It was me, one other random, and then 2 guys from the same league. We started the fight and one of the guys from the same league hit all 3 of the switches on the power batteries over and over and over. Me and the other random guy typed multiple times through group, shout, say chat not to hit all 3 switches, and if he insisted on doing it, only hit 2. Needless to say, he didn't listen so I iniated a kick, and got one of my league mates to replace him. Starting the boss fight again, his league mate started doing the same thing. Not putting up with it again, kicked him straight away, and ended up 3 manning it with the random guy and my league mate.

    The other time was in Sub-construct when a fully decked out T4 controller was belittling the other controller (from my league) coz his POT tick was low (he was gear appropriate, probably CR48 or something), yet the full T4 guy would never ever ever ever ever put POT up himself. After 2 minutes of his ********, we actually looked at the scorecard and our little T2 controller was double the power out of this T4 guy, and he was still complaining, so I started a vote to kick. People are just ********* sometimes, haha.
  17. Brit Loyal Player

    Tons. They have to meet all three of the following criteria.

    • The player is not performing their duty for the group.
    • The player's shortcomings cannot be overcome by other players and result in failure for everyone.
    • The player refuses to follow or acknowledge the advise that would allow them over to overcome their shortcomings.
    If somebody is new, undergeared, inexperienced, etc, and struggling with their gameplay, I do not become critical as long as we can still succeed. They fly off in some random direction to gather collections in Khandaq, and then get lost and will not return while we fight the boss, I still let them stay. Most of the time, no single player's contributions are the make-or-break of the group.

    I once tolerated a Controller in an Arkham Asylum alert who did not put Power Over Time on his bar and refused to use it because he did not like the lunge attached to it as a Lantern. He seemed to understand the mechanic of Power Over Time, but just refused to use it. When I attempted to politely explain to him that this would assist the group greatly, and guarunteed that I would heal him of any damage he recieved as a result of his lunge (and even explained to him how to avoid lunging altogether), he still refused. He was very vocal in stating "I'm not a battery. I don't have to give you power. I'm a Controller and I'm only going to do Crowd Control." We were successful until Villainy United, though it was much more tedious, but for the final fight we wiped 3 consecutive times. After that, I politely explained to him that, if he would not use Power Over Time, then we would not be able to complete the instance. As the problem could be conscribed entirely to the shortcomings he was inflicting upon the group, removing him would allow 3 other players to be able to complete what they had already started, so only one of us would have to miss out on the final battle, rather than all of us. He insisted that it wasn't his job to activate PoT. We kicked him. We pulled in a replacement. We were then successful.

    /Votekick is a majority opinion of the group. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. This week's Black Dawn, my Healer did more DPS than one of the DPS, and I am far from studly in the damage department. This guy fell in at 7th at the end of the Operation. But you know what? We completed it. We had one wipe on Tala, and that was the only hiccup. Yes, his contributions were minimal, and yes it puts more of a strain on the other players to have somewhere there who is entirely underperforming. But none of us mentioned the idea of kicking him because we were still able to move forward regardless. In the end, he even got his Operations Handblasters to help him in the future. o_O (I'd wager the Handblasters DPS was one of many contributing factors to a Black Dawn where he only totaled 5 digit DPS)

    I never kick over loot; the devs said if you can roll Need then you can roll Need. I never kick over attitude; I've got coworkers who I don't like at the prison as well, but so long as they do their job, I can ignore their personalities and maintain a professional relationship. I never kick over poor gear or inexperience; if they are high enough to queue, then they're high enough to come, and experience can be taught to anyone willing to listen.

    But if it's a question between one person fails or everybody fails, then it's nothing personal, but you gots to go.
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  18. Savage Mind Committed Player

    My favorite thing to do when I vote to kick a friend is say "Anyone else get disconnected?" then switching to group chat to hear them rage. I recommend that you all try this at least once.
  19. EP Ice Loyal Player

    I wish everyone had your philosophy!! The game would be a lot more fun to play!!
  20. Capeo75 New Player

    Sure. And usually always for the same reason: the player is just not playing. I understand, things come up. Phone calls, kids, whatever. But after a few minutes I'll usually vote to kick.

    I've only initiated a vote for reasons other than that twice. Once in an alert the DPS kept trying to kick the healer for no discernible reason. Myself and the other player kept voting no. Finally after about the fifth time I voted to kick him and it went right through. The other time was when this kid couldn't say a single sentence without punctuating it with a homophobic slur. He was a good DPS too. We got about half way through Arkham before someone typed "dude, tone it down a bit please" to which he responded by saying that person must be said slur. I initiated the kick right then and it went right through.
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