Has there been any movement on Tiering up our Pets?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Great Architect, Jun 8, 2021.

  1. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Question, does the new system keep track of how many we did so far (I doubt it) or will it only start counting once it hits live?
  2. Great Architect Loyal Player

    It's irrelevant. That is all, My other comments are me, not you.
  3. Charon Lead Content Designer

    While it's not finalized, the current thought is the requirements keep track of your headlines earned to gauge whether or not you have done X amount of normal mode content and X amount of normal+elite mode content. If that works then it will be checking ones you already have and ones you need to yet to obtain.
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  4. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    This guy. Still working at this hour. Sheesh.
  5. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    INCONCEIVABLE! These are the lazy devs who could fix every problem and implement every quasi-decent idea by the end of the week if they could only be bothered to lift a finger that we’re talking about here. Must be a bot with programmed responses!

  6. spikeat Well-Known Player

    If you make the Tier 3 pets require elite mode completion, then only my main toon can buy those. Unless there is a way for my alts to unlock certain feats from my main to access them.

    I gave the construct bat to my main toon as it was the strongest pet back then, but I'm looking forward to getting one for my lantern alt to stay with the theme.
  7. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    A lot of these are from past content too so alts should be able to do them now. Also it seems that you may only need to do them for the higher tier pets.

    Currently my main had a tier 3 pet. My first alt has a tier 2, and my second alt has a tier 1. The difference between 1 and 3 isnt even that much so I’m ok with that. Lower alts just have whatever drops that doesn’t sell well lol
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  8. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

  9. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    The video contains all the information possible on the subject at the time. Is the tier vendor live? of course not and even Charon said it's not finalized and subject to change so any conversation on the topic is purely academic because it doesn't actually exist yet. How is what I said in the video any different from what Charon said here, there will still be a way to rank up old pets in the coming future just as I said, perhaps you want to check your comprehension on the subject.

    With respect to my celestial loadouts I am glad you were competent enough to clarify which ones out of the six or so loadouts I provided. You are entirely welcome, as I say to anyone in the game, to compare your loadout to mine and show the results :rolleyes:

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  10. spikeat Well-Known Player

    My main and a few alts are currently using the source eagle which I'm happy with. My lantern alt has low sp and arts, so it will be tough getting through PCE and DME.

    IIRC tier 1 and 3 has a 10% difference. I have a lot more than 3 alts, so they might all get an overhaul on pet trinket. I would still be happy with a tier 2 if I can't get the tier 3.
  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Other than the ones that already exist for 'drop' pets, do you intend on adding feats for 'leveling' a pet, at least any added feats on old content pets, like Seahorse or Motherbox?

    Obviously going forward DLCs might be different, but I'd hate to be 'forced' to run the old content to 'level' a pet I have no intention to use...and we all know, yes....adding feats is 'forcing' the issue vs making it optional.
  12. Charon Lead Content Designer

    Feats will only remain on those rare pets that are dropped. The store bought pets would not have feats. This is to retain the game play style and market of farming content and selling the items you farm for. The pets from the store cannot be placed on the Broker. That's the current design. The full design will be posted when this goes to PC Test.
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  13. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I’m planning on trying for tier 3, but honestly tier 2 is where the real goodies are (size increase and 50% bonus health).
  14. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    Is there something on the backend that distinguishes the current dropped or bought Mother/Father boxes or will they just all have to be T1? Based on the new tiering rules, the rare drops from Orion & Grail should be T2, but the vendor bought would be T1. In other words, will a future update auto-adjust ones we're using?
  15. The Multiverse New Player

    The videos you post are extremely helpful, when I come across players who want to take the game to the next level I often direct them to you before I have a conversation about what's best for them.
    I have been playing since launch and I still watch your videos if nothing more than to get a second view point from someone who understands the mechanics of the game from the inside out.

    I wouldn't let captain Edge lord get under your skin.
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  16. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    Will all the pets on the test server be available separately for tests as they are now? because ... hmmm ... it will be difficult to put together an entire raid group on a test server who wants to devote time to farming old content for the sake of testing all the pets ...

    I don't want to offend anyone ... but is it possible to replace the "heartbreaking cry of a seagull about a wasted life" with something more soft for the ear? at least for new pets?


    And the question about the AI of pets, I really like the beam attack ... but one very inconvenient thing is associated with it, if the target dies during the start of this attack ... then the pet will continue to attack the already dead body, until the attack does not end naturally, is it possible for the pet to switch the beam attack to another target if the first one is dead?
  17. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    I like this idea of leveling them by using them in their specific content. Things like this are a great step towards getting people back into the older stuff
  18. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    Right? I would love a fire breathing Phoenix for my fire toon
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  19. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

  20. Robotsidekick Active Player

    Can we please get some pets for ice/fire?
    It's not fair only SM sweats get to have ice items and there are no fire related pets at all.