Has there been any movement on Tiering up our Pets?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Great Architect, Jun 8, 2021.

  1. Great Architect Loyal Player


    I'm just interested, not screaming for it.
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  2. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I would also like to know. Makes me sad seeing pretty much everyone using Nightmare Bat and Source Lightning Eagle right now.
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  3. Charon Lead Content Designer

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  4. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Care to be more specific? :p
  5. Charon Lead Content Designer

    Yes, there has been movement on Tiering up Pets? :p

    Icons have changed, a new NPC vendor that sells the different pets and their tiers is being made, the initial pass at pricing and what one must do to get higher tier pets is in process. Even adding a couple more than don't exist yet plus all the pets from Seahorse and up.

    There will be no system in using catalysts, XP, etc. where you can fail breakthroughs, have to buy seals, etc. It's a very simple system - buy a pet you like the look of and the tier that you qualify for. Want a Tier 3 Seahorse? Save your source marks and do X amount of content in the Atlantis DLC. Want a Tier 3 Snake Turret then save your source marks and do the appropriate amount of content in Metal 1 - where that particular Turret was introduced.

    More details will be available when things move to PC Test and feedback can be heard and considered. It's an on going project since it's a pet project of mine where I'm learning how to make stores, categories, etc. It's usually it's a System Designer type of gig but we're branching out more here with cross discipline training.
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  6. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Oh yeah, that’s the good stuff. Thank you. :D
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  7. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Mate, you definitely need to add your sig as "Hold My Beer". I'm not even sure Batuba was this much on things regarding feedback and changes.

    If I'm not mistaken, this will also make older content relevant? In which case, GREAT job.
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  8. Proxystar #Perception

    I like the sound of that and it sounds like a good way to get people to run older content, look forward to it.
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  9. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Tres bien. I can dig it. I unliked that so I could like that twice.
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  10. The Multiverse New Player

    Please tell me the Eagle pet will be in the Vender!
  11. Charon Lead Content Designer

    That is a goal of mine for this system. Engage in older content, provide something of a Source Mark sink, allow people to find their favorite pet skin at a Tier they qualify for and want, etc.

    An actual plain eagle - no. Source Lightning Eagle is a Survival Mode pet so that is only on the SM Vendors. There is another eagle/bird pet I'm adding that you can get with Source Marks and running older content that is a bit more fantastical than just a plain eagle.
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  12. The Multiverse New Player

    Hope someday in the future we can get a non fantastical Eagle.

    Thank you for the response!
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  13. Proxystar #Perception

    Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it superman? Or was that just a typo :D
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  14. Charon Lead Content Designer

    We'll go with typo. Good thing I'm not the official Narrative Designer.
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  15. The Multiverse New Player

    I think the only way to recover from the typo is add a plane ol' Eagle pet. :)
  16. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

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  17. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

  18. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    As long as we din’t have to have the FGSe no death feat to get a Tier 3 Motherbox, that works for me! :)
  19. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Yes. I know. Kudos for supposition, but no actual information.

    It's now been made clear that you cannot Tier-up your Pets. Which is largely what I was asking.

    In fact your video states that you expect that you CAN upgrade, and that's completely wrong. Well done, sir.

    Also, your Celestial Loadout still sucks :D.
  20. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Ok I don’t personally like the guy. But I put personal feelings aside. While I don’t always agree with his loadouts, his information on base numbers and other information is actually very useful. As for his celestial loadout, I haven’t seen it and probably won’t. But even if he doesn’t have the top loadouts possible his loadouts are actually very good. There’s a good chance some of his loadout are better than mine and there’s a chance that some of my loadouts are better than his. Either way he has competitive loadouts.

    And as for him posting his pet video here, while I agree that it doesn’t really have much relevancy in what was said in the thread, him posting it doesn’t affect me or you. So why bring the toxicity?
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