Hardlight Supercharge Animation Time

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Prindacerk, Feb 5, 2023.

  1. Prindacerk Committed Player

    Is it me or the Ballistic Assault SC animation takes a long time before it starts doing damage? By the time you trigger it to when it starts attacking, the target moved out of the way and you can't redirect them or even move because you're stuck in that pose.
    I don't think it could be jump cancelled since it's a SC.
    I've noticed this happening quite a lot lately. Especially during tense battles and you are casting the SC standing there and boss moved away and you get one shotted (no protection while casting).

    Anyone know how to handle this? Am I supposed to use a different SC instead of this to avoid this problem?
  2. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    In general ballistic assault is a bad SC. It’s that delay in attack that causes it to have slower dps. It’s a 4.4 second channel including the starting delay which is roughly 1.5 seconds (can’t remember the exact amount of the top of my head). Since it’s a channel it means you can’t use other abilities while using BA. Your natural dps plus another SC is normally better than using BA.

    I recommend using WoP instead. If you MUST stay max range then your only option is neo venom boost.
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  3. Tolly Committed Player

    This should be reviewed by the way, it is the only SC that suffers such an inconvenience, it is unfair!
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  4. Prindacerk Committed Player

    NVM is a weapon boost right? So a Might DPS won't benefit much? I don't use my weapon as much when playing Light DPS as I channel through my power rotations mostly. Plus what other SC would fit a Hardlight character?

    I completely agree.
  5. Prindacerk Committed Player

    Just saw in YT by ObsidionChill that BA takes about 12 seconds to complete. Too bloody long. He says it does high damage but I haven't seen that kind of damage because as I said, the boss moves/teleports away by the time it starts attacking and you can't redirect your attack.
  6. ClowninAround Well-Known Player

    It buffs all damage by 40% (maybe 45%). Not just weapon damage. All might attacks are boosted.
  7. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    You’re confusing Neo Venom Boost SC with Venom Wrist Dispenser artifact. The NVM boost sc is a damage buffing SC. It buffs your damage stealth (from both might and prec) by 40% for 15 seconds with a 45 second cooldown.

    Word of Power is another iconic SC that deals a burst of damage while also give yourself and group members a 10% critical ability damage buff and 8% critical ability chance for 10.25 seconds. The .25 seconds is there to also buff the initial burst damage of WoP. It has a cooldown of 12 seconds.

    Overall WoP is your best SC option unless you can must stay max range.

    BA does not take 12 seconds to complete. It takes 4.4 seconds. It has a 25.4 second cooldown. You may have confused his information (thou I can’t confirm since I don’t watch his videos). I recommend going with WoP and getting used to how to use it. WoPs burst damage is a mid range attacks
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  8. TheEnquirer Active Player

    Hi. DeitySupreme stated many great points! Every second is important in content, unfortunately HL's SC's don't put out enough. I just use NVB as well. It's a problem with overall supercharge design and DCUO has decided balance is not important in that sense. Will we ever see change? Who knows.
  9. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    To be fair, true balance is unfortunately impossible. Powers work very differently which is why there can never be true balance. However, this is the closest powers have been to being balanced. Unfortunate to some players preferences, because of artifacts and iconics. NVB offers a stronger buff to compete with powers with better SCs while WoP allows all powers to compete with those that have short CD SCs ot powers that can utilize multiple SCs without giving anything up. Artifacts allow all powers to find different builds to help powers play pretty evenly.

    These days the biggest determining factor is the players skill level. HL is actually one of my favorite powers. I’ve had a HL toon since before gu36.
  10. Sghoul Well-Known Player

    Sadly Venom is the way to go. Almost none of the damage SC's are worth doing. Especially when you add in targets moving out of the way, animation times, etc. I wish it wasn't so. But it is.
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  11. xXlNesTlXx Well-Known Player

    I guess Ballistic Assault is the Apache construct...that SC have a pretty cool animation, but is a terrible SC, low damage, weird aim and you can't move...so I switched to the jets, because is a way better SC
  12. Prindacerk Committed Player

    Exactly. The Jet is 10k SC and doesn't do much dmg to be honest.