Hardcore Vehicles

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Netherith, Apr 18, 2014.

  1. Netherith Well-Known Player

    So I'm having trouble working out who would win in a match between the current DCUO medium-sized aerial vehicles.

    We have:

    the Batwing (although it was last seen decimated by the OMAC batcave infiltration)
    the F-15 Jets (seen at Ferris Aircraft)
    the HIVE Light Aircraft (seen in the Moon alert)
    the Brainiac Strikecruisers (seen hovering over Gotham and Metropolis)
    the LexCorp Heavy Assault Ship (seen at various areas in Little Bohemia (hospital, university))
    the STAR Labs Heavy Gyrodyne Aircraft (prominently crashed in Centennial Park)
    the Amazonian Warships (seen flying above Gotham Under Siege)

    Personally, I would say the LexCorp and STAR Labs vehicles would be shot down quickly. Followed by the HIVE and F-15 aircraft. Leaving the Amazonian and Brainiac ships duking each other out as the Batwing flits around until it gets hit by a stray shot.
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  2. JRsoFLY_123 Committed Player

    I say F-15 first, Then star and lex corp, then hive, then Amazonian Ships with Strikecruisers and batwing won't get hit it won't even be in the fight because it can't destroy anything and nothing can hit it if batman in the seat :p!