Hard-Light Shield vs Redirected Rage (Rage Tank)

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by lYamiChan, May 24, 2014.

  1. lYamiChan New Player

    I just want to know which one I should go with I have a good loadout Outrage, W.Mercy < (Without Mercy), Remorseless Recovery, Severe Punishment, Ire and Vindictive. My CR is 79. I want to use a shield many people say the shields are very useless for Rage Tank people say to go with Dom/Def/Restoration and Precision(For Remorseless Recovery) But I noticed when running T4 Raid Operations, Alerts etc. I die very fast about 2 or 4 hits my health is at 9 - 13% and when I use Severe Punishment I get knocked down and can't use Outrage, Breakout nor Ire (Because its on cooldown) and my Rage Crush so I want to use a Shield to block out some damage and let it ignore my Rage Crush but I heard that Hard-Light Shield and Redirected Rage are useless please help. QAQ
  2. MetalMario Loyal Player

    They're both garbage for rage tanking. Eliminating the rage crash completely is optimal but not necessary if you build your health up enough. Try to use violence, galling eruption, remorseless recovery, and/or bloodlust in case you mess up and don't cancel it. These will actually help you, unlike those shields. You can crash all you want and use remorseless recovery while in your rage state to bring your health back up even if you have no healer (assuming you do decent precision damage).
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  3. lYamiChan New Player

    So what is my loadout useless? And what tactical mods should I use for Rage Tank?
  4. lYamiChan New Player

    Also does Redirected Rage work similar to Reflect?
  5. Biester New Player

    I posted this on another thread for you but I'll post it here as well. With this loadout you will be able to ignore the rage crash 99% of the time (wierd things can happen with the breakout powers sometimes). The required powers are ire, ferocity, a rage crash ignorer (preferrably one with a construct such as outrage or e-chain), and severe punishment.

    The rotation goes like this: start out with severe punishment to activate rage mode. Watch the cooldown on the SP power and treat it like a clock. At about 7 o'clock use ire IMMEDIATELY followed with outrage to cancel the crash. Block until SP is off of cooldown. Activate SP again. At about 7 o'clock use ferocity this time IMMEDIATELY followed with outrage. Rinse and repeat.

    The cooldowns on ire and ferocity will time perfectly so either one or the other can be used every time SP is active so you will always have the immunity from them to use the rage ignorer. This loadout should get you through all content fairly easily. When you get better gear and more skill points you can start using loadouts combing damage using bloodlust, ferocity, without mercy, etc with remorseless recovery that can completely remove the need for SP although I still use this loadout for certain instances just to assure I stay alive.
  6. lYamiChan New Player

    Wait, Ire ignores Rage Crush? Oh and I already know about the Clock thing I seen it on youtube.
  7. Biester New Player

    No, ire is used to grant immunity from all control effects so you can always cast your rage crash ignorer without having to be worried about being stunned or controlled while ignoring the crash. Ferocity works the same way which is why you need both of them in your loadout. If you happen to be on USPS server just add Biester and I can show you how it works.