Hard Light messed up with update

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by x_MAVE_x, May 11, 2015.

  1. x_MAVE_x New Player

    Been hard light since it launched and I have never had this much trouble with combos not executing properly. More specifically the ranged combos keep going into standard weapon attacks. Is this due to the combat responsiveness update? I have had no issues with the melee combos just the ranged. Anyone else having this issue?
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  2. BlackSuperGirl Committed Player

    Since Launched RLY !! hahahahaha
    Hard Light was nerfed acpt it ... it deserves ! it was so overpowered and after GU47 still keep a little bit overpowered
    i play in Hard Light since launched, when dont had Mastery Weapon combos when T4 was top pvp gear, WHEN THIS GAME HAVE GOT SOME BALANCE AROUND ... now all fails
    watch my pvp video show and u will see how Hard Light gameplay changed
  3. Sbel Devoted Player

    I've been missing the combos a bit too. It reminds me to the Handblaster WM change that when in a couple of updates ago. The timing is probably a little different now, we just have to relearn it.
  4. Delta795 New Player

    I'm pretty sure the OP never said anything about nerf.
    They said the combos are messing up and going into weapon attacks.

    Next time maybe read the post before blathering on?
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  5. HazelWarriorPrincess New Player

    HL was never OP. It took a lot of skill and practice. Clipping, phase dodging, JC, phantom grenades, timing, and dexterity. Sure you could RSF but that did not come anywhere close to the top numbers. OP is cast your loadout in order first and you win.
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  6. Sionn Committed Player

    There have been a few times that this happened to me, but not a lot.

    The AM combo system is doing less damage than before the update though.

    The devs have a dps meter now. They should make use of it soon.

    I couldn't care less about what the pvp people think about the power. That has no bearing on the lack of the more important pve damage.
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  7. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    I have noticed this as well....

    The damage has gone down after the update!

  8. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    Munitions buff is not shared and most definitely doesn't share its headband with anyone.
  9. Crimson Jonni New Player

    How about we try and actually read the entire post instead of the first sentence next time, K? The OP stated that the combos are dropping or executing improperly which has absolutely nothing to do with sub par youtube videos. :s
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  10. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    HL was ridiculously OP for a very long time. Not I mention every two or three updates the fan targeting/target switch glitch made is obscene.

    In Nexus Paradox days you had to be HL to DPS and groups carried thee trolls to power one with a rifle.

    This is of course leaving out the light weight/telekensis exploit and the pre GU47 PVP stun CC ability that HL users used to wreck people.

    Yeah HL was ridiculous for a long time.
  11. HazelWarriorPrincess New Player

    Sorry yes fan was OP. Hitting 3 times and target switching. Forgot about that.

    Old HL was nothing like how quantum is is now. No particular skills required.

    I think the term OP is thrown around too much. Being powerful and being OP are two different things. HL took skill and practice or atleast a lot of. Quantum little or a lot less. I was HL. I get how good it was. I used to bring my controller to work so I could practice and obtain the muscle memory for the combo's. That's not OP. That's practice and skill. Can you say that about quantum? Anyways.. everyone will have thier own definition and so be it.
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  12. Sionn Committed Player

    Some of us didn't use the exploits, nor did we require 3 controllers to keep us going. I topped the scoreboard most of the time at range back then, and had the least power in. Because I worked my fingers off doing things how they were supposed to be done. Unlike now. Now it's just slow, and simple.
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  13. Delta795 New Player

    A bandolier is not the headband. And I also dislike it...
    You ran with some bad DPS then. Most HL were like a hoover vacuum with power, but man oh man did stuff melt in front of us
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  14. JReel New Player

    This explains why these so called "beast" PvPers are no longer walking around with a bright yellow spark around their finger. Simply because the combat responsiveness was fixed and as a result, Hard Light became ineffective.

    Two weeks ago everyone and their mother was Hard Light. Now you couldn't spot a Hard Light user within a mile radius.
  15. SigmaAtom Committed Player

    This is my problem right now..the clipping drops to melee/range, and you look like a doofus in front of everyone even though it wasn't your fault.
  16. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    yea OP it happens to me alot as celestial I'll be doing combo's and out of no where I'll do a melee or range weapon attack screwing up my combo chains. Therefor losing out on damage and the dmg buff that comes with celestial comboing.

    never happen til GU47, but dont really care tbh, I havent really played DCUO since the GU so...
  17. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    Sometimes my combos won't work , fan then I can't go to impact
  18. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    Wish if there was a dislike button .....
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  19. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    ikr its like they only want us to like what ppl say lol
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  20. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    Lmao true !