Hard Light issue-Not "completely" damage related

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by MrHoiPolloi, Sep 21, 2015.

  1. MrHoiPolloi Well-Known Player

    So, I know HL is hitting like a wet noodle right now and this will be addressed sometime in the near or distant future give or take a year. However, the dismal damage output aside, I have a real issue with hard light, in PvE, sending enemies flying all over the damn place, in both controller and dps roles. This is frustrating to the team, especially the tank and likely the dps who want mobs bunched together for maximum effectiveness, and seems counterproductive.

    I would really like to see this addressed. Back when HL only had two means of throwing pot, claw and boxing glove, a HL troller would often have to turn away from the action, with no target lock, in order to avoid lunging into the danger zone. Or, as a more advanced method, interrupt claw with recharge. When Impact was turned into a ranged pot power it was a welcomed addition and I figured those days were over. Well, not so fast there. That big ol' train you see barreling through, yeah it is gonna send adds flying all over the room. So, that godsend of a ranged pot has a bit of the shine taken off of it. I find myself back to facing away from the group again to throw pot.

    When I am running as a DPS (which I rarely do considering how sad HL dps is) I run into the same issue.
    "You see that nicely clumped up group of adds over there? Well, watch me send 'em flying with my pretty green constructs!"
    "That wasn't enough? Well how about I throw chompers in there for good measure just to insure that they run off in opposite directions like a bunch of headless chickens?"

    I'm sure there are those that will argue in favor of this mechanic but I just can't see how it is conducive to effective team play. Not that this will do much good, but since HL will eventually have its turn being "scaled" and "mid-ranged", and since this "mechanic" can have a definite impact on damage potential, I thought I would bring it up.
  2. MrB Dedicated Player

    Never had adds fly away in dps role outside of solos and duos. As for trolling you just need to turn the other way when throwing pot as you say, better then the recharge not properly clipping and you ending you kissing Stompa. Chompers is kinda ***** to use, some use spike square since it does THE SAME EXACT DAMAGE AND THEY OVERRIDE, still.

    The only place impact is good is in NGN last boss and clearing away the adds.
  3. dr strangeonline Loyal Player

    All PoT powers apply some form of Crowd Control. Sticky Bomb for Gadgets applies the same control effects as Impact(SB also applies the dazing PI). Tachyon Burst will apply a stun that not even the Tank can pull through. Mental's Terror Tendrils will panic the enemies.

    Controllers are supposed to apply control effects. Bad Controllers don't know to wait for the adds to be grouped. If the tank groups the adds, they'll be aggro'd. The controller could then cast Impact which will knock back and stun the adds. They'll move about 3 - 6 M in game. A tanks aggro range is out to 12.5 M.

    The adds aren't getting away from the tank due to any controllers CC unless the controller starts to CC too early. It's the same thing for Panic. The adds are programmed to run within the tanks aggro zone.

    DPS don't have a high enough Dom stat to effect high level adds. They'll CC in solo's and duo's and shouldn't CC in other content(raids especially) so that shouldn't be an issue.

    I'll never get behind the idea of turning away and casting a power without the intent of damaging my target no matter the role. A stun is almost always beneficial. Most DPS powers have good size AoE's. If their good DPS being spread out to 8.5 M shouldn't make too much of a difference.

    The future changes with DPS powers needing to be used for highest damage level will of course have an added wrinkle to this but it should be totally manageable. Smart controllers will be able to CC without impeding DPS.

    I would concede to an old topic/thread that TheDark started a long while ago. The Dev's tweaked Vortex Canon to make it push enemies away less far. Making them go up more than back. This method could be used with both SB/IMP/Ram and then adjust other forms of CC to push less dramatically but still CC effectively. I just don't think it's as broken as some people make it out to be like controllers CC ruins run's. Not that that's what your saying...... I just don't believe that's the case. Bad players period of all roles can mess things up.
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