Hard Light a better DPS?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by JaeRemedy, May 20, 2013.

  1. JaeRemedy New Player

    just trying to get feedback! thanks.. loadouts, tips.. anything! Electric wasnt that good for DPS people were saying..
  2. IKILLU2014 New Player

    Hardlight was quite a good dps for a long time. Once you get the clipping down it is quitenexcellent. They have messed up some stuff recently but it is still one of the games top dps powers. My loadout always was ram ,snap trap, claws, robot sidekick, personal shield and the airstrike (cant remember the names off hand.)
  3. Lokkii Committed Player

    Electric is very good for DPS, any powrset once mastered is beast. But tbh yea HL is a beast power set and is very easy to use and takes little "mastering" to put up good numbers. Who cares about numbers tho?!
  4. Lokkii Committed Player

    robot sidekick
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  5. Breedin Bull New Player

    It's good, but your fingers are going to feel it after.
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  6. DrewCheech New Player

    Read Omaar's HL guide to DPS, and you'll see that the robot sidekick doesn't qualify for a facepalm.
    He breaks the numbers down and it's actually quite effective believe it or not.
  7. IKILLU2014 New Player

    That thing goes hard. Dont knock it til you try it.
  8. Lokkii Committed Player

    LMAO dang, pass me the cookie cutter
  9. DrewCheech New Player

    Lol, I was surprised myself
  10. IKILLU2014 New Player

    I didnt use the guide. I just tried it and it went hard ao I kept it
  11. Lokkii Committed Player

    Its weak and a waste of a power, unless you are concerend with the extra few hundred damage on the scorecard, which would be pathetic

    to each his own....o wait, i guess its more like - whatever the guides say
  12. BatDubb New Player

    I use it because it does a bit of extra damage and takes up a power spot that I don't have any other use for, anyway. Also, it's not such a waste of power since you just have to pop it once and it stays up the entire raid.
  13. JaeRemedy New Player

    your the only one who said electric is good lol.. i have it now but people say its the lowest DPS rank out of them all..
  14. IKILLU2014 New Player

    The little robot hits for deceht numbers in a fight and has enough health that you wont get hit by aoes as hard becquse it splits damage
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  15. PerfectLegend Dedicated Player

    I'm going to have to assume you haven't DPSed with Hard Light. You're left over with 2 slots you can fill with whatever you'd like. The overall best choices were the shield and sidekick robot (for additional free damage). For the record, I only started using the sidekick robot after whirling dervish was nerfed.

    Few hundred damage? You really need to brush up on your math. Go read the guide and see how much damage it does within a specific time frame, and stop drinking the haterade.

    Edit: There are other options as well, such as Chainsaw/Grasping and etc., if you are looking for other builds.

    Check out the Hard Light guide.
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  16. JaeRemedy New Player

    what loadout are u using?
  17. PerfectLegend Dedicated Player

    Ram, SnapTrap, Claws, Strafing run. The other two are up to you. Go check out the Hard Light guide in Oracle's database to see what other possible fillers you can use, since someone giving you a loadout isn't going to help you master it. It takes a lot of practice, but it's fun and worth it :). For a visual idea on how to DPS with Hard Light you can view my YouTube videos. Fair warning though, I'm not super "beast." The guide on these forums will give you a great idea on combo's you may use and in what situations.
  18. Lokkii Committed Player

    Trust me im not the only person that is good with electric, there are many great electric players. It is most def not the lowest ranking powerset, whatever that means
  19. Lokkii Committed Player

    i have used HL, and i also am not limited to what the guides say i should use, you guys are sad smh
  20. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    Dot+burst > burst for T5 content.
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