Happy 10th Anniversary!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 11, 2021.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Happy 10th Anniversary!

    Another big year has come and gone. We started the year with the best-team-ever in Birds of Prey, took on bigger battles than ever before in Wonderverse, and blasted into the 31st Century with Long Live The Legion.
    If you are looking for news about what's next in 2021, read our anniversary producer's letter.

    If you are looking for FREE GIFTS, keep reading! As always, your support through the years is why we are here and why the game thrives. Thank you, from all of us.



    Everyone gets to celebrate the anniversary with one FREE Character Advance to CR290! With your starter items, you will also receive a gear suit with the new Restored Shim'Tar Regalia style. Log in to automatically receive your free advance, then use it at character select or in character creation.
    All players will also receive as gifts:
    • The Paradox Gazer combat pet
    • Two new celebratory fireworks trinkets
    • Two new 10th anniversary emblems
    To claim your free Character Advance and gifts, you must log in between now and January 31, 2021. Once you have logged in, you may use the advance right away or save it for a later time. One per account.


    We have an additional, special thank you gift for our Members. Your ongoing support means the multiverse to us.
    Log in to claim your special Member Appreciation Gift Box. Inside you will find:
    • The Anti Matter Neon Chroma Pack
    • Nth Metal totaling 220,000 Artifact XP
    • 1 Artifact Cache (your choice of Artifact)
    • 1 set of Artifact Catalysts
    • 1 Nth Metal Detector
    • 4 Seals of Preservation
    To claim your free Member Appreciation Gift, you must be a member and then log in between now and January 31, 2021. Players can upgrade to membership and then log in to receive the Member Appreciation Gift. One per account.Items are account bound.




    The member discount in the marketplace will also be increased from 10% to 20% while these gifts are available, from January 11, 2021 to January 31, 2021. That's an extra 10% off of anything and everything you might want this anniversary!

    Not yet a Member? Join now and start reaping the rewards.

    Happy 10th Anniversary, and we'll see you in-game!

    • Like x 24
  2. Heywiar Committed Player

    These are fantastic gifts! My alt can finally get better artifacts. Thanks so much and happy anniversary!
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  3. SteHyatt Well-Known Player

    Thanks for the gifts. Just an issue with the golden exobytes for cr290 skip. Can't use them on EUPS4 or PC.
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  4. Jaelia Committed Player

    Yay thank you guys so much the gifts are awesome ! :)
  5. Aren Sul Committed Player

    While I'm (of course!) excited by the gifts, the best part of this announcement are the quick stats. I want more! lol
  6. Charon Lead Content Designer

    We're looking into this and will get a fix out ASAP.
    • Like x 4
  7. SteHyatt Well-Known Player

    Thank you :)
  8. Captain1Dynamo Committed Player

    NO MEMBERSHIP SALE???? Disappointing.
  9. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    most excellent. thank you, so much. 10 years, 'ey? well, who'da thunk it? you guys could probably do with a lie down. go on. take the day off. if Mepps says anything, tell him Irvynnge said it was ok, he'll be alright. give yourself a big ol' pat on the back & a happy 10th to the lot of youse! thankyou for the gifts, & a lot of great fun & memories over the years. here's to another 10!
    • Like x 2
  10. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Happy 10th Anniversary!!!

    I started in 2012, and I still don't know how I missed that 1st year. No other game has held my attention for this long, and the fact that this will continue for who knows how long is exciting. Looking forward to what 2021 will bring us and beyond.
    • Like x 6
  11. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    Excellent, thank you so much
  12. inferno Loyal Player

    Happy 10th to us all. Thank you for the gifts. I didn't think to ask earlier but it would really have been great if one of the gifts was a special emblems package of the main heroes and villains.
  13. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

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  14. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Happy Anniversary and thank you for all of the gifts! 5 years for me but 10 for others. I'm hoping to see the game grow more and enjoy it for a decade myself! :)
    • Like x 5
  15. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    This is suppose to be a decade of DCUO but why are the emblems, fire work trinket, and aura are 1 per account? I remember the fire fire work trinket was 1 for every character, the 1 year cape, for every character, and other anniversary gifts for all characters. Thought this was a huge milestone.
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  16. Bigmoo New Player

    Congratulations guys, I don’t think I was there quite at the start, and have dipped in and out since, but enjoying the game and the community the Devs create so much
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  17. Cajaritotutututu Well-Known Player

    I was not expecting 2x75k nth metals + 5x12.5k metals.
    Nice and thanks.

    And please for the future use the new event elite raid as a blueprint, is just amazing plus the memories of the countless hours triyng to beat paradox, is was so beautiful <3.

    Hopefully we can get another 10 more years of dcuo, and congrats on keeping the party going for a decade.
    • Like x 3
  18. Cozminot Level 30

    Are there any specials this year for those who do a year membership?
  19. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Happy 10th DC. I've got a Love-Hate relationship with the game, but I'd admit (reluctantly) that it's 80% love and 10% hate. The other 10% is probably just wanting to avoid hanging pictures or something around the house.

    Congrats and here's to another 10!

    Sure wouldn't have sneezed at a re-issue of Tom Bot vs the Fireworks though....missed out on that one 1st go-round.
    • Like x 1
  20. BadBadDaddy New Player

    only received one firework trinket the 10 one and golden exos not working