Halls Of Power CR Requirements Too LOW!!!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MerkyMouse, Aug 11, 2014.

  1. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    Now now Pixie, Winter's allowed his opinion no matter how twisted or demented it may be.
  2. Piqued Pixie Active Player

    Everyone is allowed their opinion, but I don't have to drink his up as it falls like precious jewels from his lips and proclaim it to be the nectar of the gods.

    Edit: At least, not last I checked. Is this a new level requirement of the DLC? Maybe that's why some people are having trouble getting through the zones and/or swallowing this.
  3. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    Winter doesnt mind if you disagree if you come up with valid reasons why you dont agree with his opin. I disagree with him but I try to argue it contructively and politely tell him I think he's nuts.

    As to the OP I wanted to clarify. Are you talking about all the dlc content or just the raids?
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  4. winter13 New Player

    Piqued -
    I'm not sure who is "crying" here, but it certainly is not me. I think you are missing the point. In certain situations, you can explain things til you are blue in the face, that doesn't mean that you will succeed and complete the instance. I always offer advise in a run if it is warranted. I don't presume to tell people how to play their ole, but if we are having difficulties, I have no problem offering suggestions. For example, in breach yesterday before we entered the rom where you have to complete the cycle of 4 computers 3 times in order to bring the boss up, I explained over mic and through group text how the room works and what we needed to do. We go in, the tank starts tanking the adds, the dps is burning, and the troll is throwing pot and doing his weapon mastery. I thought the troll was going to do the switches/panels on one side of the room, while I took care of the others so that we could complete the sequence. He wouldn't do it. I again mentioned it over voice, and even took the time to throw another group message up ,and he just wouldn't stop dpsing. After a while of no progress, I decided to do all the switches myself, so we could get out of that room. Explaining how something works, doesn't always get you results. Just an FYI
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  5. Archangel Rafael New Player

    this thread's only usefulness is to accentuate how player reliance on CR is wrong on so many levels.
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  6. Crackin New Player

    From a consistency stand point they are to low. T5 iconics cr is 80 while duos , alerts , and raids all start at 84+. I support raising cr just to stay consistent with the t5 formula. Not sure why they did Not same with t6 honestly. 103-104 would be reasonable.
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  7. Crn Well-Known Player

    I have to agree with this, I think 104CR is reasonably and easily achievable.

    And as a personal opinion I don't think anyone should be just solely a healer, troll, tank or DPS. I think you should be able to do both roles.
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  8. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    Back to my question, for the entire dlc or just for the raids?
  9. Waatu Well-Known Player

    Totally agree. At the end of the day, it's only a game. Find more friends to play the game with or go play outside.
  10. MerkyMouse Well-Known Player

    my point when i started this thread
  11. MerkyMouse Well-Known Player

    well then maybe i should have said do away with synthetic mods unless you meet a cr requirement, more players would rather farm gear then exobits
  12. MerkyMouse Well-Known Player

    raids should be much higher than duos and alerts, when you reach level 30 you cant even do a raid till your level 40, requiring you to do duos and alerts to progress.....actually teaching you how to use your role.
  13. Crn Well-Known Player

    For the entire DLC.
  14. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    Ok I can see your point there

    I'm on USPC villain side. We've a shortage of both Trolls and Tank. The pug I was in this morning with my Tank was happy to have a tank. Upping the cr minimum limit would hurt the server I think.

    Edit: Cant you just request it if your making a pug that the players be =>104 ? You dont feel leagues should have the ability to carry people in their leagues that just hit 100 and get them the gear they need to participate in the end game content?
  15. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    And how would they reach CR 104 from DLC 9? Remember, DLC 10 is small group and DLC 11 is large group like DLC 9. Also keep in mind that VI plans do not drop in DLC 9, so VI mods should not be used as your CR 104 argument. The highest CR achievable from the most recent large group DLC is 103.
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  16. Piqued Pixie Active Player

    Are you Winter's spokesperson? Should I be replying to you instead?
    I don't have to provide "valid reasons" up to someone's standards as a prerequisite to disagreeing with them. I, like everyone else, am also entitled to my opinion. If he chooses to dismiss my opinion based on his preconceived notion of validity (which is also an opinion), then such is his prerogative.

    However, concerning my very valid point, that [INSERT PLAYER's NAME HERE] feels that a certain CR is a requirement to beat a specific raid, despite all evidence to the contrary. Ergo, I don't trust [INSERT PLAYER's NAME HERE]'s assessment of which times an instance can be completed and which they can safely be abandoned, because [PLAYERNAME] bases his assessments on the CR of the people in the zone.

    Politely, I think he's doing the game a disservice with these assessments, and since many people seem to share this method, a lot of newer players are falling through the cracks.
  17. MerkyMouse Well-Known Player

    solos and duos get marks and buy the gear like everyone else did
  18. winter13 New Player

    Tazz isn't my spokesperson. He and I often disagree on the forums - that is the point he is trying to make. Neither of us resorts to name calling or telling the other they are "crying" because they feel that something in the game should be changed.

    I don't recall ever making an assessment. I write assessments for a living, so I know what I'm talking about. I offered an opinion Piqued, just as you are. By the way, just for clarification, I have inspected anyone before an instance started since I started playing this game. I don't look at anyone's gear unless the group starts having problems, and I'm often the one to be willing to give them another chance, whether they re geared for the instance or not. This is a discussion topic on a game forum, no more no less. You seem to be getting defensive and taking my opinion that CR for the 8-player content in HOP1 personally. No one in this discussion has completed an "assessment" and no one is doing a "disservice" to the game or its players. This is a discussion, pure and simple. And to your last point, "newer players" have ample opportunity to gear up and gain experience in the T6 duos, iconic solos, and 4-player alerts/ops before attempting to tackle the most difficult raids/ops in the game. No one is falling through the cracks here.
  19. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    I've done the raids and alerts a few times and most of the time the people I have to spend time picking up are the under geared people running around in Ion/Rage gear with if there lucky expert 5 mods. I'm not asking for people to be running around in full t6 insect armor but at the very least run the alerts a few times before you try the raids so you can have some gear.
  20. Piqued Pixie Active Player

    I can tell when my sarcasm flies right over someone's head. Making an assessment has a far broader definition than those things you write for a living. By definition, entering a zone, checking out someone's gear, and deciding if you all will be able to make it to the end is very literally making an assessment of the situation, regardless of what you choose to do moving forward.

    I'm aware that this is a discussion on a topic on a game forum, which is AWESOME, because that means that I've been participating in the RIGHT THING! I would hate to find out that this entire time, I've been participating in a discussion on a medical forum. But thank you for reaffirming why we're here and what we're doing.

    If newer players are having such a grand time of it, and there's no problem here, why the need to up the CR of the zones? If everyone is fine and nobody is having problems, then things are good as they are.