Halls Of Power CR Requirements Too LOW!!!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MerkyMouse, Aug 11, 2014.

  1. FameYack Committed Player

    Sure there is, Get Better,

    Learn to make succesful groups and leading succesful runs,
    Besides that, you won't be needing anything else, until the next time you find something bothering you
  2. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    I did icw on day 1 with my 100 cr healer a 102 tank, a 101 troll and a 105 dps. It was a bit slow and we wiped once, but it's expected in a totally new top tier instance.

    I even did the same with my then 101 healer and NO tank. We died a few times on the first pick up the money bags part of icw since it takes a bit getting used to the high dmg, but once we got the 3 bags we went through the end with no wipes.

    I beat SB with my 101cr healer that same day and solo healed Necropolis raid at 102 the day after.

    As many others have said, the fact that you run with scrubs doesn't mean everyone should be punished just to give you a smoother experience.

    Besides, if you make your own groups you can be as elitists and "please carry me-ist" as you want. It's your choice to run with lowered geared players or not.

    All content, except perhaps lockdown is beatable at minimum cr , that's all that matters.
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  3. winter13 New Player

    I have no problem staying in an instance and telling others in the group what I know, if it is going to help us get through the instance. That's what any player in an instance should do, whether its a league run or pug. I've stayed in instances for hours because I thought the group could eventually get it done, and I'm sure other people have too. The problem isn't being willing to help other players learn the mechanics, the problem is in certain situations and boss fights it really does come down to survivability, and gear plays crucial part in that. Were we able to get done artifacts with the tank in 90 and 91 gear - yes. Would it have been easier if he were better geared - yes.
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  4. MetalMario Loyal Player

    Agreed with everything but this. Things shouldn't, at least in principle, always be beatable at minimum cr other than solos/duos. If we're going to have 2 more T6 DLCs with increasing gear levels they'll be a joke to current players if they can be done at cr 100 unless doing it at that minimum would require absolute unrealistic perfection.
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  5. Soulstiger New Player

    You're right I didn't, but CR and skill points =/= skill, just time. It is actually worse on him that he couldn't keep the tank healed because of his stats. Our 102 healer had no problem healing our 100 tank.
  6. Soulstiger New Player

    So, what you are saying is that you are wrong and the CR doesn't need to be raised whatsoever?
  7. randomkeyhits Dedicated Player

    Of course another thing to remember is CR by itself while not meaningless is not always a good measure.

    A player in full 94 gear and alpha mods will have a lower CR than someone in 90 gear with full V expert mods. Yet the 94 gear guy is going to have way better stats in every category.

    Right now my weakest toon is my rage tank. I'm keeping it at 93 CR so it gains better prestige from lower level content. I don't fancy making another toon yet. The thing is I've dropped all his mods to alpha and I'm almost at the point where adding another 90 piece will push me over to 94 CR. For 93 CR though..... stats are amazing.
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  8. Sir Arcanium New Player

    Honestly the biggest problem comes from not having role specific CR. 100 CR, with the proper gear for your role would be hard but work. Lack of SP and white mods could hurt but still. The real problem is people who come in with 100+ CR but are wearing as low as 62 level gear. All because they have some 90 troll gear in their bank or something.
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  9. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    For what exactly? Artifacts? Necro? ICW? or SB?
  10. Soulstiger New Player

    Necro and Artifacts.
  11. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    i didn't mean that that is how it should be in the future, I totally agree, future dlcs should be tuned for better, higher cr lvls than 100 so as to not make them irrelevant in difficulty like it happened with hand of fate and war of the light 1 coming at the end of their tiers.

    I meant that regarding the OPs complaint, if the min cr is enough to beat the content, it shouldn't matter to people what cr they are as long as they can queue and have a decent understanding of how their role works. So let me rephrase: Almost all content in THIS dlc is beatable at min cr and that's all that matters in this matter :p
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  12. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    And what would possess you to run Necro and Artifacts with a 102 solo healer and 100 tank? Wouldnt you do the 4 mans first get them some gear that would easily push their cr higher?
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  13. winter13 New Player

    You are terribly misinformed. The tank died one time during that run, and god himself couldn't have kept him alive in that situation. I'm not going to trade barbs with you. I let my healing speak for itself. Ask anyone on the forums that has ever run with me before about my abilities, before you start questioning peoples skill level. Have a good day.
  14. Soulstiger New Player

    Then, don't say you barely kept him on life support, you made it sound like you couldn't keep him healed whatsoever. The way you were posting made it sound like you couldn't keep him up, and couldn't beat the raid. The CR doesn't need raised, you proved that yourself. Not only did you beat it, but the tank only went down once. Easier with higher CR doesn't mean the minimal CR should be higher.
  15. Soulstiger New Player

    Was the first group I got into. It was an LFG group and my league wasn't on at the time.

    Edit: Not to mention we did fine.
  16. MetalMario Loyal Player

    I haven't run with you but this certainly does happen. A lot of tanks, especially ice, seem to not think they should block much or at all. It works fine for the alerts but not so much for raids. There are other possible problems for sure, but this is a big one. Another big problem I see is rage tanks not using rage mode, which is significantly worse than a fire tank that never blocks.
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  17. Ninja'd Dedicated Player

    Horrible, horrible idea. First of all, its still T6 gear so there shouldn't be a change of CR. And second of all, what's to stop me in from putting synthetic mods on my full T5 or amazon hoplite gear to reach the desired CR? And lastly, I ran both alerts as a full T5 and not once did my pug group of T6 players die once or run of power, they admitted that was one to the smoothest runs they had.
  18. winter13 New Player

    That is exactly what happened with the ice tank. He learned very quickly.
  19. The Owlman New Player

    The Owlman supports this thread.
  20. Piqued Pixie Active Player

    Coming from someone who is crying to have the CR raised to prevent all those lower CR players from joining the higher tier raids, I don't trust your assessment of what is going to get you through an instance. Doing this is never a waste of time, and while doing it once may not get you through that one, particular instance due to any number of factors, it will later get many more people through the instance.

    So maybe the next time you PUG, you're rolling with players that are better educated, even if they're not better geared.