Halls Of Power CR Requirements Too LOW!!!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MerkyMouse, Aug 11, 2014.

  1. winter13 New Player

    No tank should be running the new raids with 90 and 91 gear. I solo healed artifacts yesterday and the tank took an insane amount of damage in that first room. I wasn't actually healing him, I was barely keeping him on life support (and I have 6284 resto).
  2. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    Please say that again, but 1st look at my sig and say it again. With enough effort, the healers had MORE than enough time to get their gear. I was fully t6 geared well before this last dlc. A decent league, some "No Tank" runs or learn to dps your healer and you had tons of time to get fully t6 geared.

    If a 102 Tank can get the job done in a pug in ICW I see no reason to up the CR requirement I'm not the best tank in the world and I warn people that I'm only 102 but it doesnt wipe the group. It all depends on the players. 100's a bit low but with friends help you'll go up fast.
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  3. winter13 New Player

    The minimum cr for the new 8-man content should be 104 or 105. 100 is way too low.
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  4. Piqued Pixie Active Player

    Threads like these make me feel like I should have a CV prepared any time I enter a group.

    CR 103 Healer, accomplishments include defeating Bane at level 10 without getting KO'D, which prepared me for important life skills, such as beating other bosses without getting KO'D! If you choose to hire me to complete your raid....

    I have to wonder how much time other players spent scrutinizing me and my gear upon entering a group or raid when I was repairing and getting ready to play. Seems like if you're having to bust out the calculator to determine if your group members are elite enough to keep up with you that the game has automatically become work, rather than fun.
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  5. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    cr does not = skill....
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  6. Soulstiger New Player

    Then you are just a bad healer. We ran it day one with a CR100 tank, the only times we wiped were when we were feeling out the mechanics.
  7. winter13 New Player

    You are correct, it equals survivability
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  8. winter13 New Player

    Try again there champ. I'm not one of those guys that claims to be an elitist, but I can solo heal anything in this game - including lockdown.
  9. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    To an extent, CR helps survivability. Skill also help survivability, though. CR still does not equal skill, whether it's by the numbers or avoiding KOs.
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  10. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    Although I dont agree with you, I wouldnt take a 100 cr anything into a pug without warning the rest of the group. At 102 however I dont see a problem. Still I would test it out on my league mates first.
  11. Soulstiger New Player

    Then why couldn't you keep the Tank maxed out? Because it wasn't his gear. Either he was simply bad, or you are bad. Or both. Considering you want the minimum CR raised, I'm pretty sure you are just bad. No one in our run was even over 103, Highest gear was half vestements half 91.
  12. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Incorrect, having a CR 103 and have done these raids, I havent caused issues for my group. The CR is fine how the Devs implemented it. It depends on the player and the group dynamic.
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  13. winter13 New Player

    You have no idea what you are talking about. We're done here.
  14. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    You didnt look at his sig first by chance right? If that information is correct, then there's a damned good chance his point of view is from experience and he may actually know how to heal. (I still dont agree with ya winter :p)
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  15. Crimson Jonni New Player

    Im not sure how many times we've tried beating this dead horse into people.
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  16. MetalMario Loyal Player

    Just don't run with bad players. Honestly, it's easy to work around lower geared tank/heal/troll toons than it is DPS, but it's a good thing that DPS is the most common role by a huge margin. Full 90/91 item level gear is totally fine for everyone in group for the run to be done in around a half hour.

    edit. This just applies to the alerts.
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  17. Piqued Pixie Active Player

    You know what else helps survivability? Experience. Not the number kind, but the "I have done this zone before and know what this boss does," kind. Knowing where to stand, when to move, what powers to use .... all are vastly more important than CR, which can be purchased or picked up from a drop.

    What I never ever ever ever see are people in PUG raids checking to make sure everyone's done content before. Or after a wipe, someone saying "Hey, this boss makes a big jump, so when he does, move to the left so you don't die!"

    As skilled or as geared as a player is, everyone has to do something for the first time. If everyone mutters "stuoopid noob," and leaves the zone every time someone doesn't know what to do, then that person never learns what needs to be done to survive. Then you end up with hundreds of clueless players, throwing themselves at raids over and over again, trying to figure out what to do. This is not the fault of the players lacking the knowledge - EVERYONE starts out lacking knowledge. There's no shame in that.

    It's the fault of the players who are familiar with the mechanics, but instead of taking the time to educate a bunch of players on how something can be done successfully, they scope out the players gear, get all riled up about how such low players would dare defile the sanctity of their elite zones, abandon everyone, then take to the forums to complain about how the CR levels are too high.
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  18. The dark knight New Player

    Usually you can see pretty quickly if the troll is up to your usual spamrate or not. If they are not up to it, it is your responsibility to manage your mana wisely. If you mercilessly force the troll to empty his own power bar equally mercilessly, then it is (in most cases) actually YOUR fault if the group wipes.
    I play all roles on high T6 CRs and that's my point of view.
    Also, power never completely runs out as long as the troll is still alive. If power is short, you still have a soder and (hopefully) supply drop to give the troll time to catch their breath, and maybe even an SC, which doesn't require power. Also if you are wise, you go very close to the troll (or if possible to more group members) before you activate your supply drop. Of course, if you are a tank, you can't stay there. If you are a tank and occasionally using a power to hold aggro & keep yourself alive but otherwise block, you will need less mana, and if you see the troll has problems, just jump close to them for a second, activate supply drop and go back to where you were tanking.
    And btw: it is not a general matter of CR. If I made a new troll and purchased all my SP from my main, I could probably even troll the new alerts at cr95 with no problems. Point of this is not to bragg, but to depict that by raising the CR requirement of the instances, you could exclude players who have all the stats they need through their SP despite their "low" gear.
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  19. kraptastic Well-Known Player

    Let me get this straight...in order to complete the content you have to be above the cr requirement for everyone?
    NOONE is able to complete at cr 100 you say? We know that not to be true.
    The problem is that the game up to endgame is too easy and fasttracked. Its not the cr requirement thats the problem its the playerbase lack of skill due to bad design and not needing the skill up to that point. If they needed the skill to get to endgame them this wouldnt occur. Dont blame the players for lack of skill or knowledge blame the devs for lack of real explainations and tutorials up to that point.
    Case in point...my 8 yr old is at t3. He picks powers due to look and loves the game. He only does solos and legends. Occasionslly duos. Yet he is one cr from t4.
  20. Ogat New Player

    Aww ain't this cute, the vault should be 108+ only too, damn kids in vestments and hoplite gear...
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