Halls Of Power CR Requirements Too LOW!!!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MerkyMouse, Aug 11, 2014.

  1. MerkyMouse Well-Known Player

    I HAVE !!! Ive Run with Group after group after group, atleast been in lockdown 30-50 times in the week since its been out...the people who are always holding everyone back always get inspected after and SURE ENOUGH!!!! hoplite gear, every single time! full of syn mods... sometimes not even syn V's alot have syn 3's.

    so yes ive run it enough to say that 9 out of 10 undergeared players cannot and will not cut it.

    just because someone in your league oron your friends list doesnt mean the average player can, and in most raid groups you get the average player, not that 1 in 1000

    ex. i formed a group yesterday... "Need 106plus Roles For Lockdown" everyone got inspected before going in, everyone played their part beautifully!
  2. MerkyMouse Well-Known Player

    hardly, beacuse your saying that a group entirely geared with hoplite and syn mods can complete these raids.
  3. MerkyMouse Well-Known Player

    i was soloing t5 duos and sub avatar, in traces....your point?
  4. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Wait, you're saying that girls aren't naturally crazy?

    Well....that changes everything.
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  5. MerkyMouse Well-Known Player

    I disagree, if skill points weren't extremely necessary, the devs wouldnt expand the weapon tree's with every new teir. the average player these days, doesnt even know that the marks of merits feats even exist. im not saying the average player should have 150plus, but to get all your critical inates, you need 121 sp for every role besides tank.
  6. MerkyMouse Well-Known Player

    everyone giving these concrete examples are either active members or well-known members... most likely they have ran with a skilled league or are sitting on 150plus sp. get logical because right now you are purely ignorant.
  7. Piqued Pixie Active Player

    Well, okay. In general, girls are insane. But paradox reapers only make the situation worse.
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  8. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Forum status does not necessarily equate to in-game skill.

    I'm "well known", but would barely be an average player in-game. I may, or may not, be in a skilled league...and I sure as hell don't have close to 150sps.
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  9. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Hmmm.....I think I'll keep Mrs Heiny away from DCUO then. I want her crazy enough to stay married to me, and not a bit more!
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  10. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Nope. I won't run the new content until I'm happy with my gear, SPs and group. I've never been intentionally carried (nobody can truely avoid being carried....especially running T1 gear appropriate in a group with at least one T6 player).

    But in the end, what I want is for people to be able to play the way they want to.

    I must admit, that falling back on insults doesn't help your argument, but then there wasn't much too it anyway.
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  11. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    omg you made me spit my drink out when i read this! I laughed so hard! the funniest/best post in this entire thread. :D :D
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  12. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    I disagree. A lack of skill points can, in some cases, be mitigated or even overcome with ability (a little luck doesn't hurt either). Ability and luck won't help overcome a heavy damage attack nearly as much as gear will, nor do skill points provide the stats necessary to overcome or survive such attacks.

    Gear's the better choice. It can be earned and it doesn't depend on random factors that might prevent you from getting a feat. There are still people chasing particular styles in various parts of the game (and the feat points that go with it) due to unusual loot table behavior, and one wrong move or piece of timing in an instance (even a seasonal instance) can keep you from getting a feat (stupid spore clouds in the Spring event lol).
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  13. ChillCat Loyal Player

    I hear you and I agree that a lack of sp can be overcome but my point isn't about favoring sp over gear or any one other factor. You say "Gear's the better choice" but I'm saying it doesn't need to be a choice between gear, sp or feats..use all three. Really my goal is to suggest a method where players can be better prepared to meet the challenges of new content, especially in group play. Rather than raising the cr requirements as the thread subject implies, change the requirements to unlock the more challenging content. My point is sp, gear and specific skill-based feats should all be combined as part of the req for unlocking content. Not favoring only gear and relying on luck or being carried to make it through. That's not fun for anybody in group play.
  14. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Your asinine argument gets raised every time a new DLC is released. With that in mind, I don't actually need to have run the latest instances to know how ridiculous your argument is....I've seen it before. And unfortunately, I'll probably be around to see it again.

    Additionally we're not actually discussing "issues with the content", as you are complaining that people with specific gear are causing wipes. Nothing is stopping me from entering the latest content...I'm reasonably well geared, not far off your suggested CR minimums. I just chose not to for the reasons I stated. Well, those reasons and time restrictions.

    Sadly logic and common sense appear to be somewhat lacking on your behalf, and your apparent inability to form a cohesive argument for increasing the CR minimum results in your resorting to repetitive statements and insults.
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  15. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Just pointing out that those can be done under circumstances that most would classify as under-playing a character or being under-geared. I also happen to think they're decent examples of how stats like CR or skill point totals aren't quite as important as some might think. Finally, to be completely honest, it's nice to boast about it. Those were things I was able to do on my own in the game while testing myself to see if it could be done under the under-played/under-geared circumstances. Even if I don't get feat or skill points for it in the game, I'm proud of those accomplishments, regardless of what others may think.

    If you're min/maxing, then yes you might need that many points. Funny thing, though, I do well enough with what I have. Never really been an issue for me. I don't make claims to being a beast at any role I play, and in this thread and others I fully acknowledge that having more skill points available and spent would be helpful. But if I can under-play my characters in terms of skill point totals and still finish the content I'm running without serious issue, for me it calls into question all the assertions people make about how important skill points are and especially how important people think skill points should be in the overall scheme of things.
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  16. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    When did we run together? I'd love to have your in-game name so I can put you on my list. :-}
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  17. McGhee Well-Known Player

    "Why don't you lower players get it? Only people with the highest CR and SP should get to play the newest content. Only we can appreciate it. We love challenges. That is why must be as OP as possible to do it. For the Challenge!" - end sarcasm
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  18. MerkyMouse Well-Known Player

    MerkyMouse Hero Healer all day son
  19. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Okay dad.

    BTW - you don't exist on pc, so I'd have to assume we've never run any content together. Guess you know my skill set since you're my dad. :-}
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  20. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    There's just too much randomness and a potential for abuse to use the other two factors, though. I won't go through the randomness again, but knowing how parts of this community can act, there would be instances of players being denied entry into content needed for extra achievements/skill-based feats just for the sake of griefing, never mind actual vendettas that some players may harbor.

    Earning gear doesn't require you to run particular pieces of content that some might deny you entry for whatever reason, nor does it depend on the randomness of the loot table. You have multiple avenues to pursue in earning that gear in case someone does try and deny you access to content. It may have flaws, but it is the most fair and equitable system to use in terms of character progression and content gating.
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