Halls Of Power CR Requirements Too LOW!!!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MerkyMouse, Aug 11, 2014.

  1. pghAMMER Active Player

    So you can learn your character better?

    Think - why would a member of the Society, and ESPECIALLY Lex Luthor, ride to Superman's rescue - three times?

    While there are raids with subtle differences between them on JLA and Society sides, the entire Fortress of Solitude series basically differs not a whit between JLA and Society sides. (No; I'm NOT kidding - I've played the entire raid series as both hero AND villain; except for minor speech differences - all from Lex - there are literally no differences at all.)

    Further, you can take your character to places that not even DC dreamed up.

    Lex Luthor with *heat vision*? A Lex Luthor that is just as likely to shoot you as taser you?

    Batman that can shock a baddie into next year, yet can nearly raise the dead with healing skillz.

    A Superman that is far LESS vulnerable to either magic OR kryptonite - but is quite capable of using swords and even firearms?

    You have the entire DC toolbox to play with - however, you can go in directions they never considered. New powers and capabilities require a learning curve - even superheroes and supervillains need that. (Hie thyself to the DC Wikia and read Lex Luthor's backstory, for example.)
  2. Piqued Pixie Active Player


    For the most part, I agree with you. Though I would pick another feat to use for your example. Simply because you will always play Wonder Woman in that feat, no matter what your original character power is. Mastering that feat only proves you've mastered WW.
  3. Piqued Pixie Active Player

    You can't tell me that I will learn anything of significance grinding 2000 paradox reapers with a new alt that I wouldn't learn killing 800 of them through normal gameplay, regardless if I'd played the content before.
  4. 139 Masks Dedicated Player

    There is no reason to raise the CR to block out even more players from playing the content.
    If you don't want to play with lower CR characters then play with your friends or make your own group.

    Players shouldn't be forced out of content simply because you don't want to game with them.
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  5. ChillCat Loyal Player

    Point taken and on second thought, you're right. Bad example as the "I Got This" feat uses a legendary skin. Maybe something skill-based that's worked into something solo in the Gotham Wastelands, or could be a new feat to enact this model like completing the JLA headquarters challenge or old STAR Labs solo within the Dying of the Light, Part 1 version of Metropolis. In general, it should be a solo feat(s) that can't be purchased that is required to unlock new content.
  6. light FX Steadfast Player

    U could get gear as a healer. U learn to dps like alot of people do. How people are in end game content and dont have armories idk. I dpsed with my healer and bought my gear with no problems. U choose not to then thats on u. And if u want to run the t6 alerts as a healer then i suggest do what people have been saying for 4 months now.....FORM YOUR OWN GROUP.
  7. light FX Steadfast Player

    Thats not forcing players out of content, its making players have to run the content b4 it and geat the gear so they are not undergeared in the new content. Its called common sense. I would never run lockdown with and undergeared player. Now some lower geared guys know what to do and can pull it off, most cant. I dont want to spend hrs in a raid and wipe over and over because other people dont want to gear up and would rather be carried. This is a ginormous problem in the dcuo community.
  8. Sbel Devoted Player

    Wait, you can what?!?! Since when?!
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  9. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    I can solo run the Gotham Wasteland duos on characters whose highest gear is 2 pieces of Scion gear and their weapon of preference from the same vendor, all on characters that have just under/less than 80 skill points. No Weapon Mastery used. I also figured out a method of taking down two of the three Sub Avatars by myself (a bit of a necessity when that content wasn't being run much by folks) and can do so on relatively fresh level 30 characters that aren't even eligible for receiving loot drops from them because their CR is too low.

    There's no doubt that having more skill points would help my efforts. But I do fine without them, and I wouldn't be surprised if others are finding the same results. That's why I think they'd be a poor choice for use as a gating mechanism for content. They are helpful to have but not having them maxed out doesn't hinder your character.
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  10. Sbel Devoted Player

    I know this is off topic, but you can group up for the paradox reaper feats. Makes them go a lot faster. I did the first 2200 solo, looked at the 5000 feat and said "no way." So I joined a group of 8 to get it done.
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  11. ChillCat Loyal Player

    I can see your point but I would suspect you're in the very small minority when it comes to playing skill. I'm not suggesting that the unlock require a max on all skill points but at least reach some minimum level. A suggested rule of thumb is having your sp roughly equal to your cr. The exact math is open to debate. Point is, sp SHOULD factor in rather than cr alone.
  12. Piqued Pixie Active Player

    Have you run a statistical analysis of players that you deem to be "undergeared" then? You've had enough interactions with "undergeared" players in the week this new content has been out to be able to judge that most of these players just can't cut it? No, those two times you were in a group that wiped does not count.

    In before you claim you've been spending replay badges and/or have been running in groups HUNDREDS of times in lower tier zones where you've never been able to get through content due to other players: Have you considered that the common denominator in these scenarios is you?

    In any given situation where you find yourself failing over and over again, you don't turn around and say "What are these players doing that's wrong?!" You turn around and ask yourself "What am -I- doing wrong?"

    Apologies beforehand, since yes, yes, we all know you're the perfect player and have loads of CR and SP, been playing this game for years and you are sooper awesome, yadda yadda.
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  13. Piqued Pixie Active Player

    Yeah, thanks. We did group up to do these feats and after twenty minutes everyone was bored. We've turned it into the daily 20 minutes of grumbling about reapers. Maybe 20 minutes is the limit of how much time we can sit around doing the same thing with each other without getting annoyed by the sound of each others' voices.

    More likely, Paradox Reapers makes a girl craaazy.
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  14. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    Ok, so here's the thing.

    They will not, repeat will NOT change the current cr requirements. Why? simple, because it's already live, because there are already cr 100 players playing the content and earning gear.

    They will not suddendly block access to players who already had access to it. They risk an even greater negative response than a single forum thread. They risk people threatening with bait and switch lawsuits ( wether it's a valid point or not that's another discussion) and way larger backlash.

    How do you justify cutting off people who actually paid for the content? "I'm sorry, some kid on the forums doesn't want to play with you anymore so we're bocking access to content you paid for and have had fun with for days"

    Would love to hear the response to that one! Not only the few players who have had the misfortune of grouping up with the OP would be mad, also everyone else who has alts they're trying to level or people who left the game for a while and came back just for this dlc or people who are not selfish and want to help others gear up even if it means an extra 5 minutes in an alert.

    They're not gonna risk p--ing a large number of people off just because a few players don't know how to make their own groups.

    It's not gonna happen.

    Besides, they've already said dlc 12 will have a 106 cr requirement so this won't be a recurring issue.

    Again, it's not going to happen
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  15. MerkyMouse Well-Known Player

    you were told wrong lmao
  16. MerkyMouse Well-Known Player

    but they can prepare for next dlc issues
  17. MerkyMouse Well-Known Player

    THANK YOU! You and winter are obviously the only people on this thread with half a brain.
  18. Piqued Pixie Active Player

    So, basically what you're saying is that you made an entire thread to tell DCUO that they needed to be prepared to raise the CR in the next DLC to a level they had previously announced they were already prepared to raise it?
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  19. Piqued Pixie Active Player

    And yes, the rest of us have an ENTIRE brain.
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  20. realTREDD New Player

    yeah their is no way a 100cr group is going to beat the raids, maybe maybe necro but i doubt it, this just makes it so under geared players get carried through content,,which is why walkins got abolished. my opinion raids min. cr 105
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