Halls Of Power CR Requirements Too LOW!!!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MerkyMouse, Aug 11, 2014.

  1. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    There is a disturbing amount of logic being brought to bear in this thread.

    Stop it - please revert back to the "increase CR requirement" nonsense please. We all know that you have to be cr106+ to run the new content.
  2. Bast10n Committed Player

    I haven't read this thread in it's entirety. I apologize If this opinion that has already been shared.

    First off, I want to mention that I PUG a lot. I feel that PUGs create an atmosphere that always keeps you at the top of your game.

    I have noticeed a considerable difference this DLC in the typical PUG group. It bugged me for a while... Something I just couldn't out my finder on...generally people seemed to be less experienced and generally under geared...basically, everything seemed harder than it should be... Finally the realization hit me.

    This DLC did not have Legendary early access!

    I was used to learning the new mechanics with Legendary members. By the time the DLC went live we would have enough gear to carry any of the in efficiencies that PUG groups are plagued with.
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  3. Piqued Pixie Active Player

    He's just ******** because (being F2P), he won't have access to the new content (that he wouldn't have had access to anyway, since he didn't pay for DLC) if they raised the CR by 2. Everyone knows that 2 points of CR is the difference between magnificent life and death due to being a horrible burden to your teammates in this game.

    This is DCUO Sparta.
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  4. pghAMMER Active Player

    I'm seriously surprised that a healer (or even a controller) doesn't know their role by at least T3, let alone a tanker or damager. I have three characters that I play daily - tanker (CR 86), healer (CR 80) and controller (CR 66). Oddly enough, I practically NEVER play my controller character AS a controller on high-level raids; instead, I'll take the damage role. (My reasoning actually makes sense - it's not my PoT skills that are lacking, but my POWER that isn't up to snuff - if I had better power delivery, I'd play as a controller more often.)

    While most controllers start with Hand Blast as a weapon choice, who says that you have to stay there? (The same applies to all other roles, of course.) While I still have Hand Blast, I concentrated on buffing up DPS instead - like Hand Blast, DPS is ranged fire; however, unlike Hand Blast, DPS has better knockdown against enemies. All three of my higher-CR characters have DPS as an option - despite none of them (including the Healer) starting that way. Even my Tank has a DPS option - as well as dual-wield; that is despite starting as a brawler. (My Healer has DPS as primary, dual-wield as secondary - which was originally primary - and Staff as tertiary. My Healer also has a fourth option - rifle/artillery; all rifles have a grenade-launcher/artillery option.)

    Remember - unlike Powers, Skills have no real cap; while you can have no more than seventeen different Powers (including Iconic Powers - which count against the cap), you can stack Skills until Brainiac leaves in pieces. That means you can have multiple weapon capabilities - including multiple weapon masteries.

    Lastly, there are several lower-level raids that are useful to learn specific roles.

    DPS - Sunstone Matrix. (The why is simple - the Kryptonian Medic has a rather nasty red shield block - hit it and it deals massive damage to any of your party in the vicinity. A decided cure to the "spray and pray" school of DPSing.)

    Damage (including tanks) - Power Core. (This is easily THE nastiest 8-person raid prior to Prime Battleground in all of DCUO. A grizzly at the beginning, a polar bear in the middle, and a yeti at the end. Given a choice between Gates of Tartarus and Power Core, I'd choose Gates - that is despite Gates being a T4 raid.)

    Controllers - Brainiac Sub-Construct. (OMAC Batman at the beginning, and Brainy himself at the end - and wave upon wave of minions before and between. While not a major grind, it IS a grind - a controller that can deliver power steadily is a necessary.)

    Graduation Exercise - Gates of Tartarus. (It is quite possible to near-max this raid, as long as everyone knows their roles - it's actually EASIER than The Chasm on Novice. In addition to the Amazonian gear feat, there are three other feats and an investigation - you can actually get all except the gear feat in the first run.)

    Graduation - Prime Battleground. (Nobody should do this raid without completing Gates at least twice - if for no other reason than the gear drops from Gates. Three Prime Avatars - Meta, Magic, and Tech - followed by Brainiac himself. This is also the first raid with unattuned weapon drops - which makes this raid worth repeating.)
  5. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    That's very true, additionally - nobody could be carried through content to get those extra 2 points of CR. And any "scrubs" would gain an immeasurable amount of skill whilst gaining those extra CR points - enough skill to make them l33t DCUO players who can solo everything à la Deathmike.
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  6. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Power re-spec tokens.

    T6 Tank becomes a healer in seconds. Possibly for the first time.

    One could reasonably expect that they know about healing in a theoretical sense....but it's a whole new power-set. And I doubt that anybody who has been running T6 content is keen to start at the beginning again. Nevermind that even if they did, they'd entirely out-gear lower teir content.

    Apologies - I'm reasonably sure this isn't the scenario you were thinking off...but I'm feeling cantankerous, fickle and facetious this morning.
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  7. pghAMMER Active Player

    Like DLC is pricey. Each DLC pack is no WORSE than $10USD - and there is almost ALWAYS a sale of some sort on. (The two DLCs I bought - Lightning Strikes and Battle for Earth - I bought on sale for less than $7USD each, or less than $14USD for the pair.)

    And there is even LESS excuse since you can now use Station Cash cards to purchase either DLC or even AllAccess memberships - in addition to the debit/credit card option that has been there from the beginning.

    AllAccess replaced Legendary, and covers most of SOE's MMOs and the DLCs thereof - not just DCUO. You can buy monthly, three-month, six-month, or annual AA memberships. When it expires, if you don't renew, you drop back to where you were (in my case, back to Premium).
  8. ChillCat Loyal Player

    I'll agree with previous comments (some not originally in this thread but stated in posts past) that cr is inadequate as the sole factor in unlocking new content. I have 12 toons representing all power types except yellow HL. Having played them all to at least T3 I can say without question that a speed path to high cr makes for a poor player. It really takes a combo of fighting skill (impossible to measure consistently), cr (easy enough as a factor of gear), sp level (much easier to do now with multiple toons using feat unlock), and experience (impossible to measure currently).

    If you really want to have players enter new/more difficult content with a good foundation, new content should ONLY be unlocked with a combination of cr level, overall sp level, plus [here's where it gets tricky] specific pre-cursor feats that can't be unlocked. What this wards against is the scenario I've seen myself and also been guilty of is a cr100+ toon that only has 50-75 skill points with most of the sp coming from purchased feats.

    Take the HoP DLC as an example..under this system you could have cr100+ based on gear but you couldn't get to GUS unless you had 100+ skill points to give an adequate stat boost AND you had completed (not feat unlocked via purchase) the "I Got This" feat in the T6 solo challenge. Yes, it makes the entry point to get to the content more challenging for the individual, but it ensures that the player has adequate gear, stats and skills to work the new team content.

    From the devs' PoV, I don't see this as being a major challenge since it simply makes the unlock filter dependent on 3 different points instead of just the one. Not a major hurdle programmatically and it should force the players that want to move on to improve.

    Just thought I'd restate what's been said previously as an endorsement for a solid update.
  9. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    All Access and Station Cash cards are PC specific.

    Not everybody has a spare $5 to $10. And if they did, people want the biggest bang for their buck. I've got $10 spare....do I buy the DLC that's nigh on two years old, or the latest DLC that every man and his dog is running?
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  10. pghAMMER Active Player

    Given the amount of characters even a Premium player gets (and to qualify, you merely have to buy one DLC package), why re-spec?

    I'm a Premium player, and I have seven characters - and there is decided overlap; I may well scotch one or two and rebuild.

    (Only one of my characters is a controller, and he is also the only villain.)

    If I ever go AllAccess Annual, the issue would actually be WORSE, not better - because the character limit goes up, and I have more possibilities due to newly-available power mixes. (For example, I can't create a character based on the hard-light power set due to lack of either Fight for the Light or War of the Light Part I.)

    However, a character CAN leverage powers that are seemingly "wrong" - there is a decided bias (among players, not in the game) against electricity-based healers (sorcery or nature are preferred); however, my CR 80 Healer is electrical-based, and on purpose. (Even more "wrong", he has Batman as a mentor.) Wrong power set, and wrong mentor - yet it works, and works well.
  11. Piqued Pixie Active Player

    People keep talking about purchasing feats. The only way I know how to do this is via replay badges, right? Doesn't that mean that the player has to have at least accomplished the feat at some point to purchase it on another character?

    I would also question the validity of grinding feats being better than purchasing them via replay badge. I mean, am I going to gain a vast amount of experience killing 2000 more Paradox reapers on this character than I did the last 2000 I killed with my alt? I mean, I'm banging my head on my desk at having to kill the same mob over and over again to get a stupid skill point in the first place. Should I really have to repeat it with my other alts in order to be able to play more content?

    Before anyone whines about skipping content, by the time I passed out of Central City content at the slow pace I moved (because I didn't know any better), I still had only killed 800 of those jerks.

    TL;DR I hate paradox reapers.
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  12. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    when will people learn skill>gear I don't ask people cr or inspect, I let their playing style determine the player. I've ran the new alerts all in 90/91 gear without a hitch, no problem. So far not once someone asked me what gear I have or been kicked on the gear I'm wearing. When it comes to trolling and healing, I'm comfortable with it. Trolling not so much and so far I haven't been kicked and i have a little less then 2800 vit.

    I will agree better gear means better chance of surviving but people keep mistaken cr for skill.
  13. pghAMMER Active Player

    Agreed - it's why I suggested specific raids (not all are behind DLC walls) as warm-ups.

    However, part of the problem there is that two of my suggested raids (Gates of Tartarus and Prime Battleground) ARE behind a DLC wall (Battle for Earth), and for reasons of their drops make sense as preparation for the T5, if not T6, raids and alerts. (Battle for Earth itself has no T5 or above content.)
  14. MerkyMouse Well-Known Player

    you said that the reason for the cr 100 is because some people did not buy the amazon fury dlc. so the people who didnt buy the amazon fury dlc are to be given the same rewards and opportunities as the ones who bought af1 dlc? thats not right, raise the cr and make them buy the dlc
  15. MerkyMouse Well-Known Player

    i get that skill is better than gear but you cant just walk in a raid group and say... derp i got skill, its cool everyone!... so the next best thing is make sure they have gear!
  16. MerkyMouse Well-Known Player

    long enough to garner ALMOST 150 sp? oh so not very long at all... no wonder you think cr aint a problem, get your sp up and get back to me.
  17. pghAMMER Active Player

    If the alt has a different skill set than the character you originally earned the feat with, then going to the grind again actually DOES make sense, because you'll be using a different skill on the alt. (When I DID use replay badges on my alts, it was to obtain a feat that could NOT have gotten with that particular alt (wrong mentor, etc.); my three high-level characters have three different mentors - one is also a villain. There is absolutely zero overlap that way. They also have different power sets AND different roles - again, no overlap that way. The two hero characters (due to different mentors) have a decided lack of overlap - while feats available to heroic characters overlap, some feats are also mentor-specific - the Regal Hotel feat series applies only to Batman-mentored characters, for example. That is why I will ONLY use a replay badge where a character would NOT normally be able to do the feat.)
  18. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    I like my main character. So much so, that she's cycled through HL to quantum, back to HL, then gadgets and is currently earth.

    I've spent a significant amount of time on her....every so often I'll create a new character and play with them for a bit, but eventually I go crawling back to her.

    How is it not right? Why should I be forced to purchase DLCs that contain stories and instances that I despise in order to get access to content that I enjoy?

    Well, that's possibly a stupid question....it has been stated / indicated that you will need at least one of the previous two or three DLCs in order to access the newest DLC. But that's still better than being forced to get them all.
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  19. ChillCat Loyal Player

    Pixie, I agree with you and to clarify my point about making the unlock available with non-purchased feats is it should not be based on any grinding feat. I have no desire to repeat the toyman dailies or the 5,000 reaper feats as neither, or any like them, are a measure of player skill. The T6 "I Got This feat" has nothing to do with grinding but your ability to deal damage and beat the boss when your support NPCs are down and out. It's a skill-based feat, not a grinding feat. What I'm advocating is making skill-based feats (only the more advanced ones in your highest tier and just a select few...not all of them) required for your toon before that toon can move on. Shows you know how to work that toon with skill.

    Personally, I'm very happy with the new feat purchases as it saves me a lot of time bringing newer toons up to snuff. My main issue is that sp level AND skill-based feats completed should play a part in unlocking new content.
  20. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    So now you're telling SOE how to do marketing. If you really want to change that, the forums are not the place to do so. Try help.soe.com instead. :-}
    I've been playing for 16 months and have been told I am one of the best at each role I have played (whether I agree with those assessments is irrelevant; I'm realistic enough to know I have plenty to learn as does any player who plays this game). If you have a problem with that, the source of your problems is beyond the scope of raising CR requirements; this site won't help you with that source.
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