Halls Of Power CR Requirements Too LOW!!!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MerkyMouse, Aug 11, 2014.

  1. YinChakra Dedicated Player

    Completely agree, main is 107 152sp DPS, I told a lfg group I'll go on my tank alt to tank necropolis, they assumed my alt had the same cr and sp but it didn't lol. My tank was CR 102 SP 71, and I tank'd the raid no wipes or deaths lol, I had T5 SoT gear / amazon 91 gear.
  2. Requake Dedicated Player

    CR Requirement is for pugs m8. I solo healed an Odyssey with elec (before revamp) at 2.5k resto. If you get the right group and the knowhow you barely need gear.
    Look there's someone in revolution who's severely undergeared (greens, vestiments of rage while everyone is 92-94), yet he gets close in DPS. Why? because he barely dies compared to other dpses and makes up for damage by staying alive. Next to that he also has great dps skills ofcourse. It all comes down to the group, if everyone knows what they're doing they can carry. So did my alt get carried as well in all honesty but well I guess my healing was decent for that as well idk xD
  3. vladspally Well-Known Player

    CR requirement is fine. There is plenty of players who can do well with entry level CR. I tanked the two new 4 mans at 100CR with half vestment and half 86 gear / no wipes / smooth runs the very first day. Didnt get any gear on those two runs... reading through all this, people would have kicked me the second day I ran those two 4 mans. I would have just laughed and continued to play with people I know. The entry level CR is perfect if someone knows what they are doing.
  4. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Sorry, what point are you trying to make? People who spent money on DLCs realize they had to spend a little money to progress because...get this...they spent a little money to buy the DLCs. I thought that was fairly obvious.
    Nope, I have been legendary long enough to garner close to 150 skill points. I've also paid quite a bit for the small transactions including armories, replay badges, repair bots, etc. Also, if I was free to play, I couldn't get past tier 4 since tier 5 and 6 require DLCs to access.
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  5. Requake Dedicated Player

    Offtopic much? j/s
  6. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Lol, the OP has blamed people who are free to play for why CR should be raised, then blamed premiums, and also blamed legendary players. I tried explaining that the "free to play your way" means that some people do just buy individual DLCs, and the DCUO team is trying to allow some DLCs to be skipped. As a result, DLC 9 and DLC 11 can be considered large group content DLCs, so DLC 11 should have at most a CR restriction of 103. The OP then said that since DLC skipping is possible, skipping modding should be possible too since farming exobits is the same as spending real money.

    There have been a comedy of errors iin this thread...
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  7. winter13 New Player

    There are exceptions to every rule. How many of those undergeared players are, in fact, being carried by great healers or players that are 106+cr? I'm not saying you are one of those players, but it is happening all the time in the new content. If a DPS can't burn down Barda to even 50% in 40 minutes and he is wearing all 90 gear with half completely unmodded - that is a problem. The minimum cr for this new content should be 104 in my opinion, at least for the 8-man raids and ops.
  8. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    You can best them all with hoplite gear w/ 5 exp mods.
    The ones in themy T6 alert

    You can beat do it with a full T6 tank w/ T6 mods.
    The healer,controller, & dps can be 100CR w/ 100 cr I do it w/ my friends & league mate we all have PS3.
  9. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    Well it's a problem for you & for people who dont have payshet that all.
    & That people are always in a rush to get there marks.
    They just want to help themself more then others.
  10. winter13 New Player

    If I didn't have patience I wouldn't have given him 45 minutes to get her half way down. It would have taken another 45 minutes for him to finish her, and I didn't have the time last night to wait it out. Any other day, it wouldnt have been a big deal. Some days i dont have 2+ hours to spend in an alert. I simply switched to DPS at the 45 minute mark and started burning her down. That's where having armories for your off role come in handy. The other dps died shortly after that. I'm not saying you need to be 106cr to do the new content, but in pug groups I think 100cr players are more often a hinderance/burden than they are a beneficial contributor (especially in the 8-man content). Again, I'm talking about pug runs here - not running with friends or leaguemates that play together all the time.
  11. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    Way you could have added another 45 mins then if you have alot of patience.

    The only way to do something to alont the 100cr to play is to nerf the new stuff.

    But if they do that all the peopel who are 106cr or higher would not like that & start making qq threads or threads to buff up the new missions.

    therefore it lose lose
  12. Requake Dedicated Player

    Easy raid with your league/friends, end off
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  13. Crn Well-Known Player

    Ok, fair enough. I think only way that would be possible is if the group
    Has a lot of skill points.
  14. MetalMario Loyal Player

    Your healer got carried for sure unless you think the run would have been a success with everybody at T4 stats. Anyway, you said the real solution to the thread's issue already:

    Problem solved. Or people can ask for some specific cr when forming a pug group.
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  15. Piqued Pixie Active Player

    I also question his reading comprehension. If you were F2P, you wouldn't have that huge "ALL ACCESS" badge plastered on your forum avatar.
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  16. Requake Dedicated Player

    Ofcourse, I did it with people who knew how to do the raid and did have the proper gear. No doubt we would have failed with 'bad' players or another 7 undergeared people.
  17. RapidRay Committed Player

    Leave it right where it is.

    Reason....it's outing all the CR crazy, low skill point players. All the replay badges and gear drops on earth aren't going to overcome having 56 SP and no clue how to properly play their roles in T6 instances.

    Congratulations to those players. You all wanted the gear, played ONLY high end content and never looked back on all the feats you bypassed. You rolled without tanks and healers for months for the sake of speed and turned a buff designed to aid in the forming of groups into the most manipulated and abused mechanic in the game.

    You are becoming known...
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  18. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    I run solo most of the time, so my skill point totals are always lower than they should be and lower than my CR. I'm always behind the curve in that respect.

    When I enter a new tier, I can finish the content with the bare minimum CR and lower-than-expected skill point totals. It's not always a flawless run, especially if I'm facing something new, but if I pay attention and don't make any stupid mistakes, I can finish and progress.

    Skill points, gear and CR help. But in the end, it comes down to ability.
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  19. Sbel Devoted Player

    Ah, but he might a previously F2P soon-to-be Premium! ;) And that's totally the same thing as F2P!!1!!1!one!! :D
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  20. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    Thank god I keep getting decent grps or usually play with friends to do these raids. But once I shouted for artifact and I normally don't say anything but almost every1 except the tank were in 91 green gears from the t6 duo!! We couldn't even get the first boss to half his life. I told every1 in grp that they shouldn't have skipped dlc or grinding for better gear and just go in these raids with w.e u have, and some1 said he beat it 5x already. I just laughed and excused myself