Gunny admits it.

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Gunny, Feb 24, 2015.

  1. dngnb8 Devoted Player

    So you posted in a public area environment designed to get attention. That makes sense.....
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  2. Gunny New Player

    Yes dngnb8.

    This was posted publicly because the charade I pulled earlier was also done publicly. Countless people viewed it, and it was more than a reasonable assumption that I was trying to claim innocent in the matter.

    Therefore, if the apology had any chance of being appropriate, it had to be done on the same scale.
  3. dngnb8 Devoted Player

    I can see your reasoning. Maybe it is because I just dont take this stuff so seriously that I really dont care. For the most part, it is just pixels. I see most "apology posts" pity party's waiting to happen.
  4. OWLMANjr New Player

    The peoples bad guy admires your courage. Hope your fate is server and cruel. Cheating is not acceptable at all. Unless you are a villain then I can see it happening. Death to all hero's.
  5. Dcon34DCUO Loyal Player

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  6. TrueArchon Dedicated Player

    He didn't have to come clean. He chose it. He chose it knowing full well the shame that he would bear for a long time to come. He chose it, and made public the fact that he not only willfully participated in the glitch exploit, but then publicly exposed his own lie in an effort to right a wrong in the only way that he could: publicly state the truth. And he knew when he wrote his apology, that it would be at the cost of everything he was known for here. It was a sacrifice he made to set the record straight.
    I have worn those shoes. I have walked those miles. And i can tell you that it was pure hell that endured for years as i tried to live down being known for "telling tall tales". Eventually, friends...they remembered that I had chosen to come clean. But that took a VERY long time.
    So you can call him out all you want. Rub his nose in it like everyone else who feels entitled to "cast the first stone". Belittle, berate, and scorn him. Go ahead. You're the epitome of a truthful saint.
    But let me tell you this much: The truthful saint is the LEAST qualified to put down a guy who tried to make amends for a lie or many lies. Because that saint cannot even pretend to have walked in those footsteps.
    Gunny, if you read this...stand stoic. Be steadfast. Never waver. You were strong enough to post that confession. You are strong enough to weather what follows and stay the course. I meant what i said. I respect you for that.
  7. dngnb8 Devoted Player

    Shame? This guy isnt ARod
  8. Flightboy New Player

    I don't appreciate being personally lied to. It's pretty pathetic. That is all.
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  9. hudapak Well-Known Player

    Gunny, thank you for your courage to come clean. It takes a real man to admit his mistakes and right the wrongs he made. I salute you for that. I just wish more people have the decency to own up to their mistakes. My league decided not to run thrones until we are geared. We finally tried it last night and although we ended up empty handed, we left it with admiration to the pugs we ran it with and for the learning experience we got from that run. I hope people would follow suit instead of taking advantage of a glitch.
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  10. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

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  11. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

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  12. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    Can we call you GlitchingtheShow now?
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  13. bareheiny 10000 Post Club



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  14. Scarlet Mysty Loyal Player

    Sorry for word stealing:oops:
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  15. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    You should steal Amanda's line...."Sorry, not sorry" :D
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  16. Rhinosus13 Loyal Player

    I'm sorry but to me it sounds like your sorry you got caught
    My question, was it worth it? all the lying etc just for gear that doesn't really exist besides in a game where it will be redundant in about 2 months
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  17. KillTheSilence New Player

    Regardless of the circumstance, he came clean. There are still a lot more players in denial about glitching ToD(E) and those players will probably never confess.

    People make mistakes. Forgive and move on.
  18. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

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  19. Mad9 New Player

    I think you should perhaps read this thread:

    He goes on balls deep to deny cheating, demands proof and then when his own leaguemates call him out as a glitcher (who apparently admitted the same at the first instance), he goes a step further to discredit them.

    First off, I don't pretend to be anything, a saint or a sinner. Secondly, if you know him from the forums and how had been all preachy all these years, you will not open your arms with acceptance.
    Thirdly, it's a game and if this is your behavior, I imagine you being no better in real life.
    Some people are beyond amends e.g. a serial killer can't be reformed. Looking at his previous history of posts, numerous ones talked about glitches he discovered and reported and I am sure he abused them enough before reporting them. Earlier, he could not be caught because census data was unavailable and just yesterday morning, he was preaching how this census data is being misused.

    Respect him, cherish him and love him, I really don't care. He can't come clean after having been proved a glitcher which fact he fought tooth and nail to protect and made numerous accusations against everybody as if he were this saintly figure you talk about.

    After being made out, this admission has no meaning.
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  20. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    It's a difference between being sorry, or sorry for being caught but at the end of the day it's only a game. I have glitched before, not raids (except Kahndaq), but that's just me
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