Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by starline, Jan 2, 2016.

  1. starline Level 30

    Hola ,

    Quisiera saber en qué instancia de Élite se pueden conseguir los guantes Omnipotentes. Gracias!
  2. Zlohsac Committed Player

    In english please.
  3. TestReporter Loyal Player

    The demon's plan, if we are talking about the same thing :p.
  4. starline Level 30

  5. starline Level 30

    omnipotent gloves have high scores in both defense and domain strength precision restoration vitalization
  6. starline Level 30

    omnipotent gloves have high scores in both defense and domain strength precision restoration vitalization
  7. Aan Well-Known Player

    "In english please", ja ja ja, si quieren que no los molestemos con nuestro idioma seria buena idea que reintegren la parte del foro donde hablabamos en español

    Starline no les hagas caso, solo son unos resentidos