Test Discussion GU97: Catalyst Consolidation

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Mepps, Aug 23, 2019.

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  1. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I take back everything I said about you guys not listening (well almost everything);)

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  2. Jadzea Dax Well-Known Player

    Thank you Mepps, and Devs!

    It feels good to win one!!
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  3. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    Thank you Mepps :)
  4. Ambush New Player

    Thank god for making them tradeable. Thanks Mepps.
  5. Gambo323 Level 30

    You missed my argument entirely... what I meant by (flooded) is over inflated. If there only goin to be 3 catalyst for breakthroughs then the market for those catalyst will sky rocket meaning only (whales) would be able to afford them. Forcing ppl to actually play the game to get better makes the game all around more enjoyable. It’s ridiculous for a player to play the game master mechanics grind to get better and let some piss wipe scrub come along with their moms credit card that buys EGpal cash and just buys what they need off the broker and have no clue wtf their doing. No if you wanna be better play the damn game. No one cares about makin money in the game except whales
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  6. CrescentMoon Well-Known Player

    That's not how inflation works. Rising prices comes from devalue'ing of money because the amount of money in the economy is flooded, not the produce being purchased.
  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    You know that they will be putting the post change cats back in the MP, right? if the whales want to buy them with Mom's CC, they can buy cats there too. Having a flood of cats in the broker does not help the whales....it helps the little guy, either by allowing trading between users for non cash items, or allowing them to be purchased in the Broker...yeah, the whales can buy them all up, but the little guy now has OPTIONS outside of the MP or additional grind. Options are always better, you can choose not to exercise them. If the whales want to keep scooping them up (not sure why they would after this last weekend....we'll be done with Nth and cats for a while as the 160-200 grind starts now), fine....I'll make some quick cash as they keep buying them at 1.7 mil apiece.

  8. hotsizz1e03 Committed Player

    Thank you for listening MEPPS! You will still get your sales via MP..

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