Dev Discussion GU95: Survival Mode Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Millbarge, May 29, 2019.

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  1. Perdition Committed Player

    Question about ultimate soldier R9 to avoid him from healing, was it not hit the green shield? Because we tried that and he still healed up. Could it be that its because of the pet artifact, that it still procs his healing? He also had all 3 debuffs up.
  2. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Just fell through the floor during the Johnny Quick fight. Was kinda grateful for it this time because my dinner was going cold but still :p

    I think you should probably add tells to Luthor’s airstrikes and lasers - Without them he honestly feels more difficult than Shark and Savage combined, which makes for a weird difficulty curve. Just a thought.
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  3. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    I made a point to taunt him continuously and maybe we just got silly lucky. I know I did not die a single time on the R18 attempt and I thought my group members didn't either but I will get with Ules who was recording and ask him to triple check the video for me.
  4. RunfromDanger Man Dedicated Player

    Good so far. Frustrating, wish there was an easy mode so I could get those decoration items quicker. lol
    But so far it is pretty good.
  5. Snick New Player

    Is there any possibility of sm season 1 being longer than a month? If not, no biggie. It just feels a bit short to me with the amount of rewards that are available
  6. Luke© Well-Known Player

    Another bug:
    When johnny quick splits up, you're safe when staying very close to the wall
  7. Heywiar Committed Player

    Bug Report: No checkpoint for round 27.
  8. Elusian Crowd Control

    They know but sadly couldnt push it to live before weekend. Same for Round 29 checkpoint btw.
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  9. xLION O New Player

    Why can't I get in SM and I'm 270cr but every1 wants a precision dps this is crap all because I'm might based and reason why?
  10. Luke© Well-Known Player

    The later rounds of Survival Mode are based on luck with this bug... countering is only possible when you very close to the boss.

    As you can see in the video, when you're far away, you can not interrupt the enemy (the same issue for bosses).
    Especially in the vampire lord fight, where he does his 1shot strike on the tank, and he has to counter him... but doesnt work because of this bug. Had like 1000 wipes because of this bug.
  11. Heywiar Committed Player

    Oh, okay! Thanks for the update!
  12. Luke© Well-Known Player

    Not true... i said its same problem for bosses. Vampire Lord's laser doesnt only take 1sec (unlike the weapon combo the guy used). You can try yourself, keep some distance, and then hold meele when he does his 1shot laser.
    PLUS if the other part of the group is focused on the shadow adds, they cant counter for me...
  13. Memphis Rainz Well-Known Player

    True. But some people not even trying counter attack bosses to helping tank, they just stand and spam dw flurry till the death.
  14. Badname392023 Well-Known Player

    .... i warned yall

    just join the club and get yourself a flurry shot weapon and go precision. Best advice i can give you or play support role for sm. This prec dual wield bug hasnt been fixed so knock yourself out and have a ball
  15. Luke© Well-Known Player

    As i told before, the target was still red. Test it yourself. You'll notice this at several bosses, in the case of ultimate soldier it's even worse, because in case he does range attacks, and i try to counter him with "hold melee", i get countered instead. When i'm in the mood i can show you some videos... :p
    Sure a healer could also try to interrupt, but some healers like celestial are maybe in a combo, and don't have time for that. Now we could talk all day about "anyone else can interrupt for you..." but that doesnt fix that bug.
  16. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    About half the times the ice breath/heat vision mechanic happens, at least one player is not getting frozen when Ultraman does his freeze breath. They're not getting frozen and breaking out. They're not behind anything. They're not out of range. The frosty breath cloud passes right over the player and, as Yoda would say, an ice block they are not. With four fewer iceblocks available to hide behind (which isn't guaranteed to work anyway) and the arena being too small to hightail it out of there, that means the best option is usually to run around him. Not only is that a somewhat difficult and risky maneuver to perform anyway, but Ultraman will often melee one-shot someone doing that.

    Also, it seems a little unfair that the heat vision beam has a longer range than the ice breath.
  17. Luke© Well-Known Player

    Just found out this bug is only for "shield" weapon... GG Daybreak
    You owe me another weapon... :p
  18. CraccaGeneral Active Player

    My group was on round 16 (Black Manta) last night. When he was at a little less than half health the DPS fell through the floor. Luckily, we had a battle troll so we kept going. Shortly after the last bomb phase, Black Manta started taking no damage with the evade notifications. Then he reset and it raised him back to full health.
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  19. AV Loyal Player

    SM is the only content in ages wherein I enjoy tanking and would rather tank than DPS. If more content gave tanks the responsibilities, control, and ability to shine that SM does, I'd tank way more often. The roles, in SM, feel exactly the way they should.
  20. Arkenra Well-Known Player

    We had the same problem, i was falling through the floor wich caused a wipe at 30% on boss’s health
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