GU47 problems and your main concerns

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Derio, May 6, 2015.

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  1. Ruru New Player

    I'd say pvp is the worst for healers right now. People die so fast all you can do is power spam until you join them. One update took all of the skill out of pvp, even though DevDirt worked so hard on combat responsiveness, how does that many any sense?
  2. ChuckLess New Player

    This changed? There's no T6A & T6B anymore?
  3. Shifty Committed Player

    My main concern is PVE going completely dead..time to start pvping again :p
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  4. ILike2Vape Well-Known Player

    Devs listened and fixed it. That's the way it should have been from the start. No problems here.
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  5. LeagueOfV Dedicated Player

    I haven't had time to try anything else, but the solo is completely different. I have a rage alt I leveled up to 112, and I'm a complete nood at rage dps. I would take my time in Patrol Catastrophe to only fight 1-2 enemies at a time, and use my sidekick for the 3 thug fight by the power switch and 2 bosses. Now everything dies with 1 dreadful blast WM combo. I'll try to solo FOS3 and Trigon's Prison to see how much they changed. I'm pretty sure TP will not be possible now.
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  6. SorjanTor New Player

    Thus far it seems to be a great update...our league ran all the tiers and had no real issues, some aspects of the the new CR based system gave challenges. HOH for example was smooth, slight hiccup in the forge but when we got to Cerberus that was something else as the CR rating being lowered by the special items seemed to nerf the group considerably when fighting the 115CR pouch from hades!

    Overall the update has been very positive and after the initial shock and rants from people; things are getting back to normal...I would like to say great work to the dev community as they seem to be very interactive with us players this time around.

    This game keeps getting better and better....Play, learn, adapt and overcome!

    P.S. Mepps, keep the watchtower invasions coming they are a real hoot!
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  7. generalzod Committed Player

    Also the solo and the alerts are way to easy its way 2 easy ! 4 of my friends took there alts at cr 105 they got in patrol Catastrophe ad burnt threw there in about an hour to level to 112 ! they said it was super easy ! and ACT OF DEFIANCE was no fun ! just melter adds and bosses ! So just needed to note not just the RAIDS !
  8. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    I ran Necro and got Marks...I think live vs. test they made changes for the better good....
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  9. ChuckLess New Player

    I remember trying Trigon's on Test. Died in the 1st hallway. I was able to get through it the 2nd time, but didn't bother with the rest of the alert.

    I used to enjoy doing that alone on live when no one was on, or I just felt like doing something casual. Even if it was still that easy, I have lost that. No Marks means it is useless. This game is about progression. Even the smallest reward is still a reward. It's the feeling of reward more than the reward itself.

    The game has taken a MAJOR hit in playability. Anyone at end game has lost a great deal here. And guess what? We at end game are who pay a good majority of the bills here. This is a disaster any way you look at it.
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  10. ChuckLess New Player

    If that's true, (and not a bug) they really should tell us. I mean :confused:
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  11. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    Yeah...about that "bug" which actually increases the chance you might actually get gear you can fing use..example you get 2 gloves..make one DPS the other your role..THAT "bug"...all I can say is...ABOUT FING TIME!!!
  12. Spytle Executive Creative Director

    If that is true, then you should be pleased with the rewards you do in fact get for running the content. I have a feeling you don't actually mean what you are saying here.
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  13. SYNDICOR2525 Dedicated Player

    And here I thought that the drop rate had been improved intentionally :confused:
  14. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We are investigating and looking into every bug-related issue posted in this thread above this post. Thanks for the reports.
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  15. Rigidity New Player

    I have played this game since 2013 and have been a continual financial supporter of anything to make my playing experience prettier. For the first time ever after an update my worth to DCUO has been clearly set lower than it was the day prior to the update. Before update every time I played for 6 hours I was given a lockbox with a piece of tat in it and some Marks of Triumph, somewhere over 600 as my CR is mid 70's. So every 6 hours DCUO made my time a little more pleasant by rewarding my loyal gameplay. After the update I now receive a single Mark of Victory for my 6 hours of loyal gameplay. So a few days ago my time was worth a piece of armour from the Reverse set and now it is only worth a low level generator mod from Cheetah. SO according to DCUO my time and loyalty is now worth less to them that it did a few days ago. I dont remember them complaining when i went on an aura box fetish or when i decided to buy everything in the marketplace after having an arguement with the wife ( great day ) but apparently all of a sudden they dont think I am worth so much. I have to say DCUO I dont believe that this part of the update is either fair or gives a reasonable reward for my 6 hours of gameplay. I know nothing will change on your part but rest assured this months entertainment money will be going Rockstars way this month and will continue to do so until I feel worth more as a paying customer.
  16. Ichiro Loyal Player

    How are you getting 2 MoV out of the solo's? I have only been getting one and I think they removed the occasional extra mark that used to drop as I didn't see any of those yesterday.
  17. sillhouette Well-Known Player

    Without MoT, how is a new character expected to ever earn the 25000 Merit feat? Run the seasonals 10000 times?

    Shouldn't they have scaled down this feat to align with the new MoV numbers?
  18. ChuckLess New Player

    Did I miss something? At CR 114, what reward am I getting from Trigon's Prison? I hope you're not referring Simple and Complex materials. I literally have hundreds of both.

    If I'm not missing something, then I very much do mean what I said. I'm not sure you guys really understand. It isn't the fraction of a MoV that is truly lost here. It's that sense of reward (no matter how small).

    The majority of people that play these (MMO's) games, do so for that sense of progression. We are not spending time running Trigon's, for the 200th time, just for fun! There is fun in it to be sure but, without anything at the end, it's just redundant.

    I really hope you have something interesting to say in response.
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  19. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    Not getting marks for older content is silly. That's my concern.

    I should get marks that go to something in every run. At the very least exobytes
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  20. CdnAtheist Well-Known Player

    Throne Elite: While in combat 2 of us could not be seen by the other players. On their screens we appeared to still be in the 1st/waiting/rallying room. We left group and rejoined, we tried relogging but the problem persisted.
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