GU39 Preview: League Management

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Zinbik, Jun 24, 2014.

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  1. evilmufasa Well-Known Player

    Looking forward to this gu :D
  2. Lacedog Loyal Player

    i can read just fine "bro." what you arent getting is either the guy getting griefed is either going to leave that crappy league, or he doesnt know his leaguemates are losers. eventually that person whould figure that out anyway and just leave.

    what i am not getting is how any of that effects these awesome changes coming to the game. its simple, dont play with bad players, find a good league with good people and actually enjoy these changes. if any of that crap was going on in the league im in, those losers would be kicked immediately and put on ignore. problem solved, back to having fun.
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  3. Lacedog Loyal Player

    maybe im just in an awesome league. in fact i know i am. but all of these problems people keep saying this update will cause are ridiculous.
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  4. Mick Nugget New Player

    Fine, and since you are so touchy about the word "bro" I will not use it when referring to you, Lacedog. Hope that does it for you.

    Meanwhile, your assertion that eventually that person would figure that out and just leave the league when otherwise he would not have had to makes my point for me so thanks for that. And yes, I am fairly certain that you have no idea whatsoever why that assertion you made makes my point exactly. Feel free to continue pestering me with questions that do nothing but bring the conversation down to the childish level you are currently operating on.

    I already covered the fact that not every league is a tight knit league where that "crap" (heh, see how childish that looks coming back?) would not be permitted, but then again you would have saved yourself some typing had you bothered to read that part.

    Please, do me a really huge favor, and talk to someone other than me.
  5. Lacedog Loyal Player

    haha ok. you point is all too clear. my point is for that poor fellow getting picked on to leave the immature league and join a better one.
    but continue to discuss issues that this update does not introduce, as these issues are already in game. sure it would be easier with the scenario you brought up, but these things happen now.

    all this update does is make for a more enjoyable experience for good leagues already in game, and good leagues in the future. but i guess you and others like you can continue to discuss what "issues" the amazing changes will bring in the future.

    good day.
  6. Mick Nugget New Player

    Sounds fair enough to me. Thx for not taking it too far.
  7. Lacedog Loyal Player

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  8. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    I like the discussion but at the same time you can already obtain all of the information you want by simply being social with the person you want it from (ie asking them). So opting to hide the information is no different than what would happen now to begin with and yet leagues continue to be active and stable even now.

    There also a lot of assumptions made about requests for privacy. These mostly are in regards to the players that want lying, worried about discrimination, etc. Based on these assumptions they say that you should leave the league you are in now and join/create a different league. Even if the player does do this it wouldn't change their request for privacy if they had reasons for requesting it. And that is my point.

    Every individual has their own reasoning to wanting privacy. Maybe they don't want to show a specific aspect of the information that could be shared. If they don't want their skill points being shown they should be able to hide if they choose to do so and maybe not the rest of the information. I would actually prefer a toggle for each aspect of the information that could be shared. I suggested a single toggle because it would probably be easier to implement.

    At the end of the day though no one else other than the individual player can tell them why they want privacy over some of their information. Just because you are a league leader shouldn't mean you get access to every little thing your members are doing, choose if they want to be ranked or even choose if they want to openly share their statistics. Now of course if they choose to do this than I have no problem with that but that is where the options come in to play.

    Part of leagues ultimately is about being social. If you can obtain information from league members now by being social; by simply asking them, then what is so hard about doing that after the update too? To relate the points against these options, do you (the reader) not trust what your league members say now? If you do than there should be no issue with giving them the option. If you don't then I would question the stability of your league's community honestly.

    Again those that openly share their information without being asked now will be ones that enable the option. Those that prefer to share when appropriate and after being asked will not enable the option. If you operate fine now you should operate fine after the update with the options included as well. It doesn't really change the makeup of your league by including options.
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  9. TrueOlympus New Player

    Brilliant idea. Have permissions that can be given out to those that a leader should have that type of information.
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  10. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Privacy isn't something that can be decided for you so no leaders should not be the ones deciding an individuals privacy, the individual should.
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  11. TrueOlympus New Player

    Compromise is my objective here. I'd rather the info not be given at all
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  12. DjBlackHippy New Player

    That is very true. They show ur psn gamertag as of right now. That info is way more private than cr/sp
  13. DjBlackHippy New Player

    I concur
  14. BumblingB I got better.

    I agree with you on that, but they already put this into the UI, I doubt they would scrap this. A middle ground would be to disable it's visibility from lower ranks. I feel if they say, okay, we will put a disable view option in, we first get 3 months of people seeing it, then finally they update the setting tab for gameplay and allow us to turn it off. (Like counter icons, perfect group queueing, and what not.)
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  15. The Kid Blurr Well-Known Player

    I'm not fully understanding what these Bank Vaults are, can someone explain?
  16. BumblingB I got better.

    Think your shared bank, where your tradeable stuff can be sent over to your alt. You get 7 slots. This will be like that and you will be able to add more.
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  17. SilverBullet Dedicated Player

    1 feature I think would be really cool. Add a feature to where any gear can be traded. The way it should work is all gear above 42. That gets traded has to go in a machine it wipes out the armor value and, makes it just a style.
  18. SuperiorMouse New Player

    the post you quoted here is not my first reply in this thread. i have been extremely clear in all of my posts. there is no need to reply to me to start an argument over something i wrote, which you clearly misunderstood.
    if you "understood exactly what i was saying", you would have quoted the above reply instead of replying to what you did... or simply not replied at all since there is no need for us to have an exchange at all over this.

    in the future, if you're unsure of what someone is trying to communicate, just ask them.

    i agree with the sentiment and understand your point, however, i do think you're looking at it from a slightly victim mentality unfortunately because it sounds like you're at the mercy of those people in your examples (or any you could propose on this issue). it is true that some leagues are really essentially not leagues and function as more of a compartmentalized LFG, but that's the choice a player makes joining a league like that. and it's not difficult to argue that they'd be better off leaving leagues like that if someone discovered their leaguemates were abusing the system as you describe.

    again, you have the power to decide the type of people you surround yourself with. even ingame. if you discover that people in your league are using the system to harass you, you leave that league or report it to your league leader to have the person in question booted. it's that simple. getting into a situation where we start making accommodations for everything you can imagine is just a never ending job and not realistic.
  19. light FX Steadfast Player

    Yea obviously some leagues do things the right way imo and others do not. If their any discriminating w/in a league or players acting rude to each other or refusing to run with certain people or knowing some1s cr and sp and somehow they make that a negative thing it all ultimately falls on the league leader and officers.

    Like ive said a few times if u want to hide your cr and sp to league m8s i would think that person is lying about something. Thats just my opinion. I dont have a league that looks down on people if they have lower sp. If we know some1 does we try and help them achieve more feats. Imo it sounds like alot of the problems people say this will cause is because how the players in the league or leagues view certain things and the way they act. I would immediately kick those people but thats me.

    If your in a league its for a reason. Imo its to be a team and help each other progress and learn and ofc also have fun. U should be able to trust your league m8s and rely on them ingame. I have run things locked many times, gave out bits/bytes, craft for league m8s, give em $ and basically anything that some1 may need. And because im lead it trickles down to all members. And thats why i think any of the problems people are describing with this are ridiculous. Like u said lacedog maybe we are just in leagues that do things right. Not saying others dont, just cant see these issues being a big deal if u have trust.
  20. light FX Steadfast Player

    You also said leagues m8s knowing your cr/sp could make things a competition but league halls will have statues that pretty much promote competition yet i didnt see u in that thread saying anything about it. And like i said u can already find out a players cr and power on live. The difference is sp and somehow thats an issue for u. I dont see it. Imo theres 1 reason why some1 would have an issue w/it and i wont say what that is. Think most could figure it out.
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