GU33 - 2 New Bugs - MOV Lair Trinkets

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by RogerDC, Jan 8, 2014.

  1. Morich Well-Known Player

    I've experienced the same thing since gu33. My generator is fully charged, all trinkets are not set to expire for another four days.
    Sidekick is the most basic version when summoned. Only one supply drop ball comes down.
    This is in both pve and pvp gear.
  2. JustaWolf New Player

    Same Supply Drop and side kick bugged. i relogged and got supply drop working but side kick is still t1 ( can tell by his clothes). relogging didnt fix this.
  3. Malik Asmodeus New Player

    relogging fixed my sidekick and my supply drop but not my orbital strike
  4. isamunore New Player

    US PS3, I have lv4 everything home turf, all my mods are greyed out, my supply drop drops 1 bubble, little healing and no power, sidekick, isn't level 4, no healing and no power back. I've relogged several times , unequipped my gears, replaced everything still nothing.
  5. TrueOlympus New Player

    i am barely getting any MoV as well
  6. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    40 MoV per win is for PVP CR 89 and above, not 87.
  7. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    And also this is not a PS problem, the same thing was happening with Sidekicks and Supply Drops to me and I'm on USPC.
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  8. Malik Asmodeus New Player

    My supply drop bugged again when i left my base...
  9. kidd94kidd New Player

    so today im running trigon and in need of some power, decide to use my supply drop which is fully upgraded, and it only droped one of those balls, gave no power/health. just would like to know if this has happened with anyone else out there
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  10. kidd94kidd New Player

    also has happened with 2 other of my league members
  11. Waterfall Well-Known Player

    happening to me to, also backup is now 2 instead of 4
  12. DamsonX New Player

    Happening to me too first i thought it was everyone but then in 1v1 i saw some people with all 4
  13. TheVoiceOfReason Well-Known Player

    shortly after I logged in after gu33 all of level 4 home turf mods stopped working nad greyed out and all of my home turf trinkets have reverted back to level 1 status even though I have purchased upgrade 2 an both boosts on all of them and none have expired ad all have at least a week left until they expire. I don't know if it has happened to anyone else but can you please look into this an fix it. I tried reclogging and it didn't fix the problem.
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  14. Liongale Dedicated Player

    Sidekick works. Back-up, Orbital Strike, and Supply Drop all respond as if they are normal level one, even at Upgrade II, with batteries in generator in place.
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  15. RogerDC New Player

  16. Photonaxon Well-Known Player

    Base Mods are inactive soon as toon is logged in. It reactivates if you move to another zone/map. Annoying especially if you don't need to move to another zone/map.
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  17. Star-D New Player

    The same thing. All bugs are on the test.
    all problems which date several weeks!
    You test serious!?

    OH ! General bug ! Go work !
  18. savageprime New Player

    Is anyone else having an issue dropping supply drops where only one support ball comes down? All bills paid at base and everything. I'm thinking its something due to the update of course with it happening it pvp. Just wanting to see of it's something noted by development.
  19. Caseyyeah Committed Player

    Have you guys tried deleting the mods and trinkets you have equipped and replacing them from your dispenser? I did this with my tactical mods and they no longer greyed out like they were. It might work with the trinkets as well.
  20. H.. Committed Player

    I JUST un-equip- then re-equip my turf mods and they went back to active!
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