GU:79 Requests to PI

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Liightmare1, Jan 24, 2018.

  1. Liightmare1 Well-Known Player

    that would be pretty cool i know ionic drain at some point was a group move. maybe with the pi it could hit multiple targets. thats a great idea +1 for that
  2. krytine Loyal Player

    As i have said before I do believe all powers should have the same number of pi's. But I believe making them all 1 isn't the answer yes all powers could be used easier but you loose tactics. We should be moving forward with pi's where one is more for single target and the other for aoe or dots and burst styles thats what we were promised and what I am looking for
  3. Kestral Committed Player

    That sounds like terrible gameplay though. You'd be changing loadouts every time you switched from clearing out adds to starting boss fights which tend to be single target. Also, that's already the situation I have with Quantum where one loadout is better for group dmg and the other for single target...My Sorcery character is vastly more appealing to play as a DPS because i'm free to create a single loadout that works for both situations with full access to all of my abilities to choose from as they all interact with only 'Bad Karma'.
  4. krytine Loyal Player

    No it either makes you build a group with different dps types or you us3 armories
  5. krytine Loyal Player

    Let me just say the way the game originally was you had some powers that were great at boss fights some great with the adds this caused players to have diverse groups to work mother teamwork and all which when the am era came to be that was thrown away. I wish we would move more in that direction
  6. Liightmare1 Well-Known Player

    I completely agree. Another issue with doing what he’s suggesting is that it would take a lot of time to implement something like that correctly. That’s a revamp again. That’s to much to work on when we have a simple solution right now.
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  7. El Presidente Well-Known Player

    Unfortunately this very good idea didn't make it into GU79. I really hope that the DEVS give this some serious consideration for GU80. It would also be nice and interesting to hear their take on it.
  8. King Smoker Well-Known Player

    I feel like the end result to balance all the powersets will be making all powersets the same with different color animations. hope that doesn't happen. i like having certain powersets be single target while other being more aoe. variety is good but if we try to make all powersets play the same you will get bored.
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  9. Liightmare1 Well-Known Player

    Yea I like the variety in power sets. At the same time this would create more variety and better options while still keeping the power sets strength. Rage will still be melee electric will still be better on multiple ads, the only difference is we would have more options. it Would make it so you won’t see the same exact loadout for every power.
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  10. El Presidente Well-Known Player

    Disappointed that this is part of GU80.