Test Discussion GU 58: Munitions Mid-range Adjustments

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Tunso, Feb 12, 2016.

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  1. Quantom Boy Committed Player

    And what numbers are you seeing? Specially splosion, give me averages
  2. Quantom Boy Committed Player

    Yup, the damage will be quite inflated and it wasn't 30ks it was like 28ks. But here's the vid
  3. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Look at my melee parse above. The max hits there are Splosion crits at CR 126 on the group of three dummies in the league hall.

    Please keep in mind these tests are not intended to show huge numbers that get YouTube likes. We are using a controlled spec in controlled circumstances in order to establish baseline damage potential from the three established ranges.
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  4. Quantom Boy Committed Player

    It's hitting just 20k+ for cirts, that's exactly the same amount it was hitting after the nerf. But then again the damage should increase when your max cr, against over max cr enemies, i hope. That just left a bad taste in my mouth. Splosion is risky power, it needs a bigger pay off.
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  5. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Well, for reference, Munitions as a whole (even without that hilariously OP long range Railguns bug) is hitting well above the damage goals set for this test. Again, the numbers you will see in this thread are not what you will see on live with your max CR toon against a dummy.
  6. Quantom Boy Committed Player

    I know, that's what makes it some what upsetting. The damage is going to get tuned down and splosion is going to do even less damage. I don't know, i guess i'll just have to wait an see what happens. They should really just revert munitions back to the way it was before the nerf, it was perfect, no complaints. But they had to go touch it for some reason, even though no one was ******** about it.
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  7. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    I know you been testing...once Munition is fixed can you test this loadout / rotation for me? I deleted test off my daughter PC.

    Loadout: Rail Guns, Rocket Launcher, Splosion, BigGun, Flak Cannon, and Killer Instinct

    Rotation: Flak Cannon, clip KI, RG, RL, Sp, etc...until KI gets off cool down - rinse and repeat.

    That was my old loadout and rarely was I beat with it. I used this when Quantum was OP and when I started doing 25% more damage than some Quantum players some switched powers during HoH or LAB.
  8. Tunso Committed Player

    Nope, that's an oversight. We'll get the note added, thanks!
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  9. Tunso Committed Player

    The base damage of 50 Cal wasn't increased, so that's intentional.
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  10. Tunso Committed Player

    Small Package is so small I missed it! Yeah we'll update this one too like the others.
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  11. Tunso Committed Player

    The mechanics should function in controller role. I'll make sure the note is added.
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  12. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Awesome! :D
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  13. Tunso Committed Player

    Yeah it looks like the first time you use a channeled ability it can get stuck on. I shall alert the authorities on such matters! That damage does look high, I'll take a look at what happened. Thanks!
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  14. m4a_X Active Player

    Tunso when the new characters are level 30 at start? Yesterday he say today after restart?
  15. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Ok well I hate to be that guy and i know some people are gonna be hating on me but just tested a few things with munitions and i only got through the basic loadout at mid range just using rail, rocket, 50 cal and Ki and man its definitely way over the target numbers. I was getting about a 39k average. Also the last parse is 37 cause i stopped early and i know i should have opened the window more to show the rest but I assure you its 38-40k all day.

    I'm sure if midrange is so over par that melee is to, i'll post some better stuff later when i have more time but you can clearly see this needs to be toned down some.

    This is just a small sample shot but you can do this all day and my might is even a bit low from the live spec standards.


    My stats
  16. spack2k Steadfast Player

    Tunso test:

    126cr with 10531 might

    melee range on 3 dummies : 43k dps average


    a bit over the top...
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  17. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Munitions is super 'OP" holy heck...and think of in actual content using big gun...oh my lol
  18. zCaution Well-Known Player

    Oh boy, don't start saying the whole power is OP, please explain what part is OP before the whole power gets nerfed
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  19. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Like i said i only had time to test the basic loadout rail, rocket and 50cal at midrange but as you can see they are putting up numbers way over par.

    When i get more time i'll really dissect it but for now those 3 powers should be looked over cause 1 if not 2 of them are a bit much.

    Edit: actually a few combos of powers are over the top but i only spent a few minutes with other things so i won't speak of them yet.
  20. Harlequin Devoted Player

    The thing is that every combo I tested at mid-range is well over the target. All of them. All 13 loadouts I tested are in this thread. There are a few combos I haven't tried but they'll all be 37k-40k, too.

    Tunso, how about that Railguns damage at max range? It is insanely OP. It almost looks like it is double hitting or something.
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