Test Discussion GU 58: Munitions Mid-range Adjustments

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Tunso, Feb 12, 2016.

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  1. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Holy Crap!
  2. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Here's something neat. Did a melee rotation that only used 2 channels and Bullet Frenzy never fell off.

    Loadout: 5 Barrel Minigun, Railguns, Splosion, Chain Grenade Launcher, Killer Instinct
    Rotation: CGL clipped with KI - 5 Barrel - Rails - Splosion - repeat, refreshing KI every other rotation. The timing works perfectly on this. Opening with an unbuffed Splosion may increase the first 10 secs a bit but not much.
    300 seconds: 44590dps with a couple of oopsies
  3. Absolix Loyal Player

    Would I be right in assuming this is a typo and that you meant Might instead of Precision?
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  4. Rokyn Dedicated Player

    Yeah typo. Meant to say might. I just copied over my HL template.

    EDIT: Re-did my far range test just to check my eyes and make sure I'm not dreaming or drunk and yeah Munitions is bugged.

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  5. p3rf3ctxxxdark Well-Known Player

    So 50calcis the better option over splosion
  6. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Replace Railguns with any other ability and the damage falls to around 30k. The bug is with Railguns.

    It does make you giggle a little when you get that 56k segment, though. :D
  7. Harlequin Devoted Player

    This parse was from long range.
  8. p3rf3ctxxxdark Well-Known Player

    Which of the 2 hits harder in mid range on test splosion or 50cal?
  9. Quantom Boy Committed Player

    Dps is not about what hits harder its about the damage you can do over a period of time and the powers that can allow you to do that. And splosions quick burst damage that you can also clip with killer instinct, allows you to go straight into your channeling powers. You'll pull more dps with splosion than with 50cal if you're using the right loadout
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  10. p3rf3ctxxxdark Well-Known Player

    It does matter though because ur am activation is at 1.5 secs now so if 50 cal hits harder u can get more off in a rotation because now its 1 2 big hit
  11. Quantom Boy Committed Player

    Dps is damage over time, doesn't matter if you get a big initial hit, you can still over take that damage over time. I know what i'm talking about, but hey you do you man.
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  12. Harlequin Devoted Player

    The question isn't which of those hits harder, it's if 50 Cal does more dps than the other Bullet Frenzy channels. Splosion is almost free dps if you are in range for it to hit because it's an instant cast. 50Cal is an activator like Rocket Launcher and Railguns. Those types of powers are what you should be comparing it to.
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  13. Quantom Boy Committed Player

    You'll find that the other channeling powers do more dps than 50cal, i'm 100% sure.
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  14. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Right now, it's a toss up. The highest parsing rotations so far include 50 Cal but it's pure crap if it doesn't crit. I'm leaning towards the reliable multiple hits of the other channels.
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  15. Quantom Boy Committed Player

    Yup that's what i meant. When 50cal doesn't crit you'll get around 20K+ but with channeling powers non crit you'll still net over 40K+ with the multiple hits total. If 50cal crits you'll get around 70k+ but if the channeling powers crit depending on which ones you're using, you could match that number and even pass it, i saw a video of on youtube of rockets multiple clusters hitting around 30k+ 3 times and 20k+ once, so thats about 110+k damage, the damage will get tuned down before it makes live obviously. But they will still be more reliable and consistent. if one shots doesn't crit the other 3 might, same can't be said for 50cal, and that's not even to mention how easy it is to be get interrupted with 50cal
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  16. Quantom Boy Committed Player

  17. Quantom Boy Committed Player

    Also not to mention the inconsistency rates of crits and getting interrupted. The only time you should be using 50cal is if you're going for a range loadout and you're not using splosion and even then something else would probably be more suitable
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  18. SultanO Active Player

    You're getting hung up on big number m8. I use to too but you have to realise that the other powers accumulate to way more damage than 50cal. And splosion is so fast, it's basically free damage, which increase your dps. You don't need 50cal, the only way i can see 50cal being very useful if was the dots did huge damage. But they don't. Best for you to replace 50cal with something else and add splosion. That's how you'll net that high dps.
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  19. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Link those videos because I'm not seeing hits nearly that big using the Tunso test. I'm guessing they are like max CR at the dummies instead of CR 126?
  20. Quantom Boy Committed Player

    Yup, the damage will be quite inflated due to the cr difference. But here's the vid
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