Test Discussion GU 58: Munitions Mid-range Adjustments

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Tunso, Feb 12, 2016.

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  1. Avian Dedicated Player

    Haven't been able to do a test yet because of the game crash bug there is right now.

    However on live I think the power return for Munition (as well as celestial) is really low compared to other powers. I don't know if the powers just have high power costs but when running solo/duo content my power bar drains really fast.
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  2. Pults Loyal Player

    On test the powerback is very good.

    As for other powersets I think fire might be the one with least effective powerback, before going into FB you're almost bellow 40% of your powerpool. Fire>Celestial>Rage>Munitions would be my countdown for the least functional powerback mechanics.
  3. Mr. Mettle New Player

    There is a bug that causes your attacks to stop short if you target a dead enemy or the enemy dies from one of your multiple hits. The ability then stops mid animation and does not continue with the remaining hits for that ability. It throws you off rhythm and losing the attack animations results in damage loss.

    Tunso, can you please look into this? I happens more frequently during 2 & 4 player content like Wasteland Wonderland.
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  4. Roomba Dedicated Player

    No word on Splosion? Is it really not worth using still?
  5. Harlequin Devoted Player

    I did not test any melee range stuff, especially since the numbers at mid-range are so high. I'm expecting some adjustments before I continue as the damage is borderline broken right now.
  6. Roomba Dedicated Player

    Very cool. I'm interested in the battle trolling, as I think munie has the potential to be the best battle troller of the bunch
  7. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Tunso, any chance of removing the hideous pulsing green halo that covers your characters head and just leaving the Headband? Now that's insulting but the truth :p
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  8. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    I sense a touch of Celestial in there too.
  9. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The lair issue has been resolved. Please resume testing!
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  10. AccOp Well-Known Player

    Wanted to test munitions but with the infinite cooldown thing it was impossible to do my rotation. Hope this gets fixed soon. Also not sure why people arent using spolsion when munitions is getting its 7m buff considering splosion is close range. My league mate (who i havent seen a single player out dps him in 7 months now) and me have used the same loadout for this power for last 7 months and do amazing dmg w/it.

    Loadout is rails,rockets, 50cal, biggun, splosion, KI. I just found it odd no1 has tested this and people have been saying dont use either power (splosion and 50cal). As soon as the infinite cooldown bug is fixed i will be posting multiple parses :)
  11. Harlequin Devoted Player

    From where we were told to stand in the testing tips thread, Splosion will not hit. I tried it. I was testing mid-range, not melee.
  12. LT Schmitt Dedicated Player

    I'm a little confused with the loadout people are testing would not Killer instinct to 50cal , rail gun, rocket, chain gun yield more damage?
  13. Quantom Boy Committed Player

    Splosion isn't even that close range. The range for it is pretty generous and all the loadouts i've been seeing so far seem pretty meh, no ones tested railgun,mini,rockets and splosion yet. Which before splosion got nerfed a while back was the best loadout for munitions. And i see no reason why it still wouldn't be now that munitions is getting a mid-range damage buff and splosion seems to be hitting the way it use to. 50cal is hitting harder but i'm pretty sure 5barrel mini gun can net more dps. Really hoping someone can test this out.
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  14. biggiedarkghost Active Player


    There are a few issues i have with munitions if you would please verify for me,

    1. It states in the PI description that: "While BULLET FRENZY is active this attack is a Block Breaker and enemies take heavy damage that is further enhanced when at close range"
    Now, my question is this, why am i getting the RANGED SYMBOL on my head when im not in bullet frenzy?
    Before when munitions first launched you wouldn't have that symbol, this symbol would of only activated when BULLET FRENZY was active, which would help the player to indicate that bullet frenzy was active, now it always popping up unintentionally i believe when BULLET FRENZY isn't active.

    2. In the DAMAGE ROLE description it states that: "Activates BULLET FRENZY when used following 4 seconds of performing this and two other abilities that can grant BULLET FRENZY" now here is the maths THIS = 1 & TWO OTHER ABILITIES = 2, which means 1 + 2 = 3 powers.
    Now, my question is, if you only need to rotate 3 powers for the AM BULLET FRENZY, then why are people testing loadout rotations without using the proper method in the description? (im not including EYE OF THE TIGER, Killer Instinct or Survival power)
    So Tunso,
    How do you want us to exactly test the munitions powers, using the PROPER method in description, or just any loadout we come up with? (Im only asking because from what im seeing been posted are all wrong loadout rotations, people are using 4 upto 5 powers in their rotations not the 3 it states in the description)

    3. I tried doing this rotation but im finding that the glory tree rotation [ Killer Instinct, Rail Guns, Particle Guns, Splosion] rotation is slowed down by the 3.5sec cooldown that was added to the munition powers. By the time i hit splosion to railguns, the railgun power is @75% red (on cool down)
    Rotation: KI -> RG -> PG -> Splosion ----> RG -> PG -> Splosion. then repeat...
    Now, my question is that, is this intended? or the cooldown needs adjusting?

    4. On LIVE atm i'm having troubles with blocking throughout the powers animations, now i have not had this problem so far on TEST, but i'm wanting to know or again for you to reiterate how the blocking out of using the power animation works please.
    I maybe mistaken but i think i remember in the munitions vid, that you guys made upon the release of the munition powerset that all powers were going to be so that you can block or jump out of the animations so we wouldn't be stuck in that one powers animation. Im finding on LIVE right now that you can't do this unless it's done as soon as you press you power button, when i believe you were allowed to do these moves jump or block at any point of the munition powers.

    I'll be doing damage rotation testing but i cant atm, because i need an answer at least from the top 2 questions above as this is an important information towards putting loadouts together.
    Because i'm following the proper ways for DPS DAMAGE testing but after reading posts, i'm not quite sure that people are doing it properly, but i could be wrong or i'm doing something wrong, this is why i need Tunso to say it is exactly what it is.

    I have got this setup so far;

    126 box/gear/mods
    Base mods, Blast Adapter, Escalating Might, Penetrating Strikes, Max Damage
    League Hall mods have all.

    Might 10,362
    Precision 3,424
    Skill Points 144

    I tried to get as close as i could to Tunso stats, which was the reason why i didn't use the 160.
    Might Tester
    Might: 10423
    Precision: 3380
    Wpn: 5806
    TotalWpn: 9186

    Thanks in advance!
  15. SultanO Active Player

    The reason why people are saying don't use both is becuase using both 50cal and splosion tends to be a dps lose, before all you needed was splosion. But splosion got nerfed a while back, making it pretty useless, 50cal got buffed slightly but the charge time wasn't worth it for the damage it was putting out. So it became better to just use channeling powers and if you wanted you could replace 50cal with splosion.
  16. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Again, Splosion does not hit from the range I am testing from. That is why it is not in my rotation.
    You need to rotate 3 powers that activate Bullet Frenzy. Killer Instinct is our buff and I've been starting my rotations with a PI applicator so the first few hits before Bullet Frenzy becomes active are buffed a little.

    That rotation is too fast. Add another ability.

    We do not use Blast Adapter for testing.
  17. SultanO Active Player

    I'm pretty sure that the cooldown thing is a bug and you really should be using 3 powers before splosion not 2. And for the power description thing, it use to be u needed to use 3 powers before bullet frenzy activated but they changed it with this game update, they just haven't changed the description on the powers yet to accommodate that i'm guessing. Also block cancel for munitions has always been tricky, you kind of have to jump, roll and block really quickly. And the didn't happen all the time, sometimes you'd stay in the animation while you jumped and tried to roll. Munitions has always been this way.
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  18. SultanO Active Player

    The range you should testing munitions on should be the range splosion can hit, which is pretty much mid range. If you're unable to hit splosion, you're doing munitions wrong, it's not a power meant for range.
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  19. p3rf3ctxxxdark Well-Known Player

    Yea i dont believe splosion was meant to hit from further than 5m out
  20. Harlequin Devoted Player

    The infinite CD bug on 5 Barrel is no longer plaguing me so I ran a few more tests. I have screens of the parser but to save space I will summarize. If anyone wants them posted, just ask.

    Live Spec as detailed in my first post.

    Mid Range Test 3

    Loadout 8: 5 Barrel Minigun,Rocket Launcher, Railguns, Chain Grenade Launcher, Killer Instinct
    Rotation: Clip CGL with KI to start then rotate the three Bullet Frenzy abilities, refreshing KI every other rotation.
    300 seconds - 38395 dps
    low parse: 33378 dps
    high parse: 44475 dps

    Loadout 9: 5 Barrel Minigun, Railguns, 50 Cal, Chain Grenade Launcher, Killer Instinct
    Rotation: Clip CGL with KI to start then rotate the three Bullet Frenzy abilities, refreshing KI every other rotation, taking care to not clip 50 Cal too fast.
    300 seconds - 39228.53 dps
    low parse: 33457 dps
    high parse: 44891 dps

    Loadout 10: 5 Barrel Minigun, Chain Gun, 50 Cal, Chain Grenade Launcher, Killer Instinct
    Rotation: Clip CGL with KI to start then rotate the three Bullet Frenzy abilities, refreshing KI every other rotation, taking care to not clip 50 Cal too fast.
    300 seconds - 37844.73 dps
    low parse: 31516 dps
    high parse: 43661 dps

    Loadout 11: Railguns, Rocket Launcher, 50 Cal, Chain Grenade Launcher, Killer Instinct
    Rotation: Clip CGL with KI to start then rotate the three Bullet Frenzy abilities, refreshing KI every other rotation, taking care to not clip 50 Cal too fast.
    300 seconds - 40085.6 dps
    low parse: 32779 dps
    high parse: 48289 dps

    Loadout 12: 5 Barrel Minigun, Rocket Launcher, 50 Cal, Chain Grenade Launcher, Killer Instinct
    Rotation: Clip CGL with KI to start then rotate the three Bullet Frenzy abilities, refreshing KI every other rotation, taking care to not clip 50 Cal too fast.
    300 seconds - 39691.73 dps
    low parse: 33632 dps
    high parse: 45763 dps

    Loadout 13: Railguns, Particle Gun, 50 Cal, Laser Net Launcher, Killer Instinct
    Rotation: Clip Laser Net with KI then rotate the three Bullet Frenzy abilities, refreshing KI (clipping Laser Net each time) every other rotation, taking care to not clip 50 Cal too fast.
    300 seconds - 38898.33 dps
    low parse: 32510
    high parse: 50857 dps (!!!!)

    There are a few other combos that I could try, mainly swapping the other two second channels for 50 Cal, but the bottom line is that Munitions hits like a truck at mid-range no matter what rotation you use. 50 Cal is worth it if it crits and hits like a spit wad if it doesn't. I'm going back in to check out some melee range stuff but I'm pretty sure it's going to be pretty OP right now.
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