Test Discussion GU 58: Munitions Mid-range Adjustments

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Tunso, Feb 12, 2016.

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  1. Flight Avails Well-Known Player




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  2. It'sEPIC New Player

    Why is that whenever I use 'Splosion and clip with the Killer Instinct, the damage sometimes randomly drops? My might is 11987 and my DPS for Melee-range as Munitions is 18k-19k?
  3. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    GU58 has been removed from test temporarily while we wrap up 57.
  4. It'sEPIC New Player

    Oh, ok. I thought I was doing something wrong. Thanks, Mepps.
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  5. Ully Committed Player

    So, when is this GU58 dropping? I'm becoming impatient for this Munie buff.
  6. Roocck Committed Player

    Mepps could you please give us an idea on when it will be released.
  7. VioletSorceress Committed Player

    How available exactly is AM in troller role?
    For example, can u keep AM damage going with 3 different controller debuffs ?
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  8. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    I hope so.
  9. Harlequin Devoted Player

    There are two Bullet Frenzy activators that are debuffs - Rocket Launcher and 5 Barrel Minigun. After the update, that will be enough to activate BF and get AM damage. You'd still need the damage debuff (probably Flak Cannon) and whatever else you want. I'd use CGL for POT, APS (group shield) and then mess around with either Survival to activate Eye of the Tiger (if the power return works in troll role?) or Reload.

    Yes, you can build a loadout that has all three debuffs + AM damage but I'm not sure how viable it would be. It is definitely worth messing around with.
  10. VioletSorceress Committed Player

    Ill write those down and check the ranges of these abilities when I have time.
    I doubt you will get power return from abilities in troller role. You can do 1-2 rotations before you or tank go out of power. :D

    Battle trolling is hardly sustainable in long term anyway, that will continue to be the case unless tanks become more power independent. The way tanks regen power and gain Supercharge should be looked at after these series of updates. Tanks are basically useless without troller in any content.
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  11. Roomba Dedicated Player

    This is my plan exactly. I'm gonna try to find the sweet spot of vit and might... I can't imagine you'd need much vit at all.
  12. SkullGang Devoted Player

  13. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Battle trolling can be done with an atomic tank, as most atomic tanks only need POT. Otherwise you have to do power dumps.

    If you are lucky and get a Nature Healer and an Atomic tank, Battle troll away. Munitions battle trolling sounds like fun to me. It is sad that battle trolling burns through power.

    I would like to see all support roles get some power regen when using the AM, maybe not as high as a DPS but enough so the support player can sustain the AM and damage for an extended time.
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  14. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    i agree with you a little bit, but i think all support roles should just have power regeneration when doing, there support.
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  15. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    but hey guy's lets make this a seperate thread that way munitions dps can do their testing, without any problems thank you.
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