Test Discussion GU 58: Munitions Mid-range Adjustments

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Tunso, Feb 12, 2016.

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  1. Roomba Dedicated Player

    Lord knows I made my mathematical mistakes in my (never-intended-to-be-a) Munitions guide, but when someone corrects you... especially with 1st grader's scales... you need to accept the mistake and go on.
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  2. Rokyn Dedicated Player

    Agreed. As far as it looks, Munitions is on par with the other powersets in terms of straight boss or heavy health enemies. On adds, you can get a head start to the AM by clipping in Splosion and KI to start the timer early. Sad to say but it won't beat Earth, Sorcery, or Ice on adds GOING INTO COMBAT but it will beat them against a boss. Plus there's the handy Big Gun super that can totally nullify that and pat your stats ahead of the other powers on the scorecard.

    I think the super + the sustain DPS of the powerset + bursty 50 Cal and Splosion, make it one of the most balanced powers in the game. Do not underestimate the power of that SC in damage chasing against trash mobs. It's the real deal.
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  3. Roomba Dedicated Player

    I wish the thread closed immediately after that post XD. Well said.

    That line in particular is why I'm scratching my head so hard at this thread. This AM has the most OPTION available of ANY AM I can think of... save maybe Nature. The changes are honestly having me consider bringing up an alt. If I didn't love battle tanking w Atomic so much, I'd probably switch back.
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  4. Ully Committed Player

    I respect everyone's input on here, however...this GU is still on test lol. I'm going to wait until it hits live before I sound off with 100% certainty.
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  5. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    Can we change the name of 'Splosion to "Love Tap"?
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  6. SultanO Active Player

    When they nerfed splosion they buff all the other powers yes but it was fruitless becuase it made munitions worse not the same becuase a quick heavy burst will always do better than sustained damage, the way you played munitions made splosion a staple. And who's asking for splosion so we can cheese ads? No one, we're asking for a splosion buff to compete with the other powers, in all categories of fights in a raid.

    And why should a PVE player give two craps about PVP? DCUO has been out for 5-6 years now and the devs have yet to learn how to nerf powers in PVP without affecting PVE, that's bloody disgraceful if you ask me. Seeing that it was nerfed because of PVP not PVE, it was fine just the way it is.

    And you're balance analogy is based of munitions it self, which is quite stupid becuase to find balance you have to balance munitions with the other powers, you don't balance a power with itself. And even if you did weight munitions against other powers, even then the analogy will still weak in this scenario because DCUO is an mmo and it's hard to get true balance becuase most of the powers work differently and can reach their potential dps higher than others, then you have to factoring buffs, etc, one of the scales will always be getting heavier than the other. And that's what i'm saying about munitions, i'm pretty sure if you were to weight munitions against other powers, some would come out heavy than munitions, so you need to compensate for that extra weight by either buffing splosion becuase that's the best way to do it or either nerfing the powers bringing them to munitions level.

    And no one is turning munitions into a 1,2,3,4,burst power, using splosion will be an option, not a necessity. And munitions is already a 1,2,3,4 power seeing that the majority of people who play munitions including my self set their powers in order in which they use them in. So it's rails,mini,rocket,splosion, rinse and repeat, seems like a 1,2,3,4 power to me. And dcuo is already pretty generic, i want whats best for the power. And you're atomic not munitions so i really could give a crap what you think about it tbh.
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  7. Pults Loyal Player

    No we need another EMP pulse.
  8. SSeid Committed Player

    No, what you propose is that Splosion and 50cal become fixed powers on all loadouts for Munitions. What people are saying that it is boring, unnecessary and completely unproductive.

    Currently Munitions does compete with all other powers, so there is really no logic behind your argument. Furthermore a proper use of Munitions will give the same results as Ice. Meaning very fast passed dmg which as we "all" know is never at a losing end.

    You want to buff Splosion, then I suppose you are ready to nerf the channels by the same amount. So a 50-50 exchange would be acceptable to you. However that will make Munitions in a slow version of Gadgets/Mental, hardly a good update or productive one for that matter.

    But since you want to compare Munitions to other powers: Lets take a look between Ice and Munitions.

    Munitions has fast passed channel dmg, quick setup time, a clippable burst and 1-shoting SC all this while being mobile.
    Ice has fast passed dmg, a slightly quicker setup time and a SC that increases the rate of killing ( with a considerable risk ) all this while being mobile.
    Munitions channels are making slightly better dmg than what AG and Ava are doing.

    So we have a power that can move while making dmg, 1shot adds, do great base dmg, have a burst option, have several possible loadouts, have a recovery period that allows the AM to remain active after interruptions and have a stat buff. All this while following the parameters set by the devs and will go live with their blessing and full knowledge of its unmatched potential in all situations.

    While other powers have constant bickering about their SCs ( Sorcery and Ice ) or whining over their optimal way of making dmg (Earth and Sorcery with 1H weapon).

    What more do you want?

    By the way I get the feeling from the red stuff that you are not aware that power tokens exist.. Which is very interesting.
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  9. Roomba Dedicated Player

    No... it won't. I explained the opposite in the very first part of the post you just quoted. Please, try to outburst me in my sustained dps atomic combos. Burst will do better in one scenario: weak trash. If you want to burst and scoreboard chase, you and I play for different reasons. I play to compete and also to complete. If you're doing any sort of meaningful content where the bosses live awhile, high sustained dps will pull ahead so significantly. I have given so many examples of this. You seem to care about meaningless stuff like duos or easy alerts, which are the only areas where you'd be able to burst your way through everything. I don't. That's ridiculous and you should play another power if that is your priority.

    Munitions as it stands on test competes with other powers. It is THE SAME DPS AS ICE. Why is this not enough in your minds? So my balance analogy does stand. 35k is the goal for all powersets. Is this what you're not understanding?

    The rest of your post is nonsense. I'm not at all surprised Quantum like it, you guys seem like the same brand of History-channel-watching crazy.

    No, my main is not Munitions. I did help test munitions. I did start a guide on the power. My main was Munitions for more than 6 months. Oh and my alt that I raid with is Munitions so wait that means yes I'm totally allowed to have an opinion. Especially when mine is backed up by math, and yours is backed up by...?
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  10. SultanO Active Player

    That's not even comparing the powers properly. You're simply just stating what they can do. I'm talking about the numeric damage they can dish out and from what i seeing most powers can dish out more damage than munitions faster. You seem way too fixated on SC. And wtf are you about the red stuff?
  11. SultanO Active Player

    Mine is backed up my experience and how crappy munitions performs on live. Like i said before you can judge if a power is balanced by basing it on it self. You have to test it against other powers and they'll perform better than it in a raid situation. And your analogy doesn't stand, all powers are different and will perform differently, will reach their full potential at different speeds and have higher potential different speeds, your analogy is weak. Ice and munitions might be mobile but one can deal way more damage than the other, that being ice. Ice and munitions my share glaring similarities but they are different, one just buffs, apply dots and spam one power that does a ton of damage, while the other is buff, use different powers (that do okay damage) to stop your buff from falling off. Same goes with sorc, earth and any other power, they all act differently. The way munition performs on live is going to be the same it's going to perform if splosion doesn't get buffed.

    I'm also bored of this conversation. You're clearly too busy looking at paper and have no proper experience to go on about how it actually performs against other powers and how they work differently and how various factors can affect the damage, regardless of what it was on paper. Munitions is going to continue to be mediocre because of guys. I don't care anymore.
  12. SSeid Committed Player

    No I am sorry but this is like trying to explain gravity to a chicken!
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  13. Roomba Dedicated Player

    We're not talking about Live. I'm not even going to read anything else.
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  14. TestReporter Loyal Player

    I'm sorry, but munitions is not crappy on live, if you know how to play you can beat any other power.
    Numbers are really better now, i don't understand, but looks like you all want splosion to be overpowered making munitions be better than any other power, its not how the power works, munitions is about channeled powers. Splosion and 50-cal are just a bonus to your damage now, and with the time to recover, you won't need a big hit at the end to do damage, you are just looking at splosion doing less damage but you forgot about the other aspects.
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  15. Roocck Committed Player

    I too am tired of all these non Munitions players trying to ruin this update because its not for their powers, they are not interesting in trying to make it in par with the top powers. Where were they when Ice, Earth, Sorcery etc... got their updates..... Cant wait for this forum to close and let the devs do what's right for Rage and Munitions...
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  16. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    I've beaten ice many a times on my munitions toon, During live.

    if you ask me, it will all come down to the player.

    Also: You can't say a power is balanced because your running it on Live, This thread is for munitions on test.

    If your bored of this conversation, then how about actually go post something meaningful? I dunno like some parses?

    Or some videos and comparisons to ice and munitions?
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  17. Roocck Committed Player

  18. ChillCat Loyal Player


    My main is Ice which has practically no burst powers at all in the AM. Are you saying Ice is no good?
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  19. CAPn Active Player

    I don't understand any of this. I'm extremely competitive with every other power on live with my munitions toon as it is right now. Are you sure your not playing on an electric toon?
  20. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    I don't even know how a few people can argue that munitions is still going to suck. First of all if you guys were such good muni players you would know that its actually pretty good on live and this update is making it even better. The power hits or even exceeded the target numbers in some cases, just cause its not super "OP" like it was when it first hit test does not mean that it sucks now.

    And whats with this buff splosion stuff? The melee build puts up perfectly fine numbers and with the mobility muni has you can move in and out of mid and melee range and use it almost all the time so you can put up great numbers in many situations. Others have said it but i'll say it again cause some people just don't get it. If you buff splosion you would have to nerf all the channeled powers to adjust everything and what sense does that make, just cause a few people want to see a bigger number lets mess with all the powers lol. And people who say muni will stink cause splosion needs to hit harder and channeled powers are slower dps...tell me how much ice sucks. They have no burst just a channeled power and do just fine.

    Munitions has such a great mix of burst and sustained damage it could possibly be one of the best scoreboard chasing powers out there when it hits live.
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