Test Discussion GU 58: Munitions Mid-range Adjustments

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Tunso, Feb 12, 2016.

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  1. Roocck Committed Player

    Sseid I bet by the way you are trying to implement that Munitions is Op you are Ice. Again than explain to me how a 156cr 150sp Ice can out dps any other power with 156cr 230+sp by almost 3mil, is that not considered Op? Than Elemenatl loadouts and Artic Gust damage should also be decreased from n damage.
  2. TestReporter Loyal Player

    This is not the right topic for this, also, any other power that have midrange balance (maybe not quantum in adds) can do the same damage as ice, you just have to know how to use it.
    Get back on topic please, i really want munitions to be balanced, and i don't want to see this topic closed.
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  3. warpaxio Well-Known Player

    u have 1,6k diference in overall dps and powers dps, so i assume that's the dmg that comes form your wepon, and im just curious what item lvl is your wepon?
  4. Xibo Loyal Player

    What about Rails, 5BM, SGL, Splosion?
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  5. Harlequin Devoted Player

  6. Harlequin Devoted Player

    I assume you are adding up the dps of the individual abilities to get that number but that doesn't work. I do not clip ranged taps in my parses because they add almost nothing and require you to use a specific weapon. IMO, balancing based on having a specific weapon or movement mode is wrong. My gear comes from the CR126 gear box on test.
  7. Roomba Dedicated Player

    Man. I was looking forward to actually testing munitions today, and I guess we can't get in league halls or something? Cool.
  8. Ully Committed Player

    I'll say this before moving on, Munitions Biggun should have absolutely no effect on Munitions current midrange pass. Let's compare respective channeled powers, please. As mentioned earlier, Biggunin' adds on live will only increase the gap for a short period but our advantage waivers quickly to the might of top burst powers ; Earth, Sorc and Ice. Biggun should be left as the creators intended. Don't like it? Tough. My two cents.
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  9. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    This^ and buff splosion back to where it was at the powers launch.
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  10. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Splosion does not need a buff. Melee damage is just fine where it is.
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  11. Roomba Dedicated Player

    People are having a really hard time keeping in mind that munitions is sustained dps and will never have those huge hits like Mental.

    Atomic combo dps can top charts without ever critting over 30k... but people just want that lump sum.
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  12. Harlequin Devoted Player

    The sustained DPS is what makes it so good. Once it hits live with the 3 second grace from kds/interruptions and the 1.5 sec Bullet Frenzy activation in combat, people will be quite happy with the performance. IMO, Munitions is already very good on live and the changes here will make it even better.
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  13. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    Don't you have a toon that needs dress- up? Lol.
  14. biggiedarkghost Active Player

    It was said that SUPERCHARGES are not concluded whilst fixing powers with the new RANGED system.

    people are just being stupid and acting like spoilt little brats because of the way biggun operates, like i would prefer to have the SC from sorcery instead of biggun, but if i want that then i go sorcery, not whinge and whine like some others here are doing like baby's.
  15. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

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  16. Quantom Boy Committed Player

    No ones asking for 100k hits but 20k average for splosion a power that's meant to be melee range is too low. it should be in the 40k ranges
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  17. SultanO Active Player

    Lol already very good on live? lol, it's very average on live right now compared to gadgets, mental, sorcery, ice, atomic and that's only thanks to biggun. Nothing is going to change with munitions if splosion doesn't receive a buff. Like it was mentioned before, we aren't asking for emp type hits, we very much know what sustained damage means and why powers like mental, atomic and gadgets hit the way they do. But 20K+ average crit for splosion is too low buff it up a little then munitions will be good as the powers i mentioned previously. And the early bullet frenzy isn't going to make much of a difference, seeing that most munitions dps always activate bullet frenzy before they go into combat. But that helps a little i guess.
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  18. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    This is correct.
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  19. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

  20. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    Please buff splosion. It hits too low for melee damage.
    • Like x 2
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