Test Discussion GU 58: Munitions Mid-range Adjustments

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Tunso, Feb 12, 2016.

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  1. Tunso Committed Player

    Please use this thread to discuss Munitions mid-range adjustments. Preliminary update notes are below:

    • Increased the instant and Power Interaction damage caused by:
      • Flak Cannon
      • Laser Net Launcher
      • Multi-Net Launcher
      • Particle Gun, Railguns
      • Smoke Grenade Launcher
      • 'Splosion
      • Chain Gun
      • Shrapnel Grenade Launcher
      • Rocket Launcher
      • Rocket Jump
      • Pump Action Shotgun
    • Bullet Frenzy Advanced Mechanic
      • The damage caused by the Bullet Frenzy advanced mechanic increases based on how close you are to your target. You cause the most damage at short range which is inside of 7m, medium damage between 7 and 13m and the least damage at long range which is beyond 13m.
      • Bullet Frenzy no longer silently fails if you accidentally use an ability too early (this could happen with certain rotations if you were fast). Instead, all Bullet Frenzy abilities now have a standard cooldown of 3.5 seconds. When Bullet Frenzy becomes active, any ability that can take advantage of Bullet Frenzy may be used.
      • While in Combat Bullet Frenzy becomes active after 1.5 seconds instead of four seconds.
      • Increased the duration of Bullet Frenzy slightly, allowing a brief moment to recover before the effect fades.
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  2. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Five-Barrel Minigun is missing from that list. Intentional? Updating test right now!
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  3. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    i am glad i got my level 30 munitions ready. time to do some testing when test comes back up :D
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  4. Cyro Committed Player

    might 10327
  5. Shifty Committed Player

    Yes, why is that? Also 50 cal is missing, is that a mistake as well?
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  6. Lt Skymaster Dedicated Player

    Bug report:

    Five barrel minigun sometimes gets stuck on cooldown and doesnt come off coldown until like a minute later ( I confirmed it's not lag because the other powers would work normaly, sadly I don't have repro-steps.)

    As for the damage I believe at <7m it's doing too much damage.

    Here is my results:

    Live spec:
    CR 126
    Might 9487

    Loadout: Killer instics, Splosion, Rocket Launcher, Five Barrell Minigun, 50 cal .

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  7. Quantom Boy Committed Player

    Yo m8, could you test out this loadout pls. Using this rotation. Splosion into killer instinct, minigun, rails, rocket, splosion, rince and repeat basically. And clip a weapon between powers if you could. Could you also tell what splosion is hitting on average. I stopped playing dcuo a while back when splosion got ninja nerfed and i heard munitions was getting a buff so i want to see if it's worth my time coming back to dcuo becuase it's the only power i enjoyed after gu36 . Thanks in advance if you're able to test this out.
  8. Kuroki Honoo Committed Player

    i just hit the burning pi and killer instincts and hit 5barrel and it went on infinite cooldown on the first try xD
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  9. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Other AMs had their finishers update damage scaled, will Small Package be getting this?
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  10. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Live Spec
    CR 126
    Might 10376
    Core Strength, Max Damage, Escalating Might, League Hall buffs, Mainframe mods

    Mid-Range (standing 2 squares behind Skymaster's toon in his screenshot above) test 1:

    Loadout 1: Chain Gun, Rocket Launcher, Railguns, Chain Grenade Launcher, Killer Instinct

    Rotation: CGL c/ KI - CG - RL - RG - CG - RL - RG - repeat. I did stop clipping CGL in there because it reduced the parse a bit. Starting with the burning PI is worth it, though, IMO

    Loadout 2: Chain Gun, Rocket Launcher, 50 Cal, Chain Grenade Launcher, Killer Instinct

    Rotation: CGL c/ KI - CG - RL - 50 Cal - CG - RL - 50 Cal - KI - CG - RL - 50 Cal - etc. I only clipped in CGL at the start.

    Loadout 3: Chain Gun, Rocket Launcher, Particle Gun, Chain Grenade Launcher, Killer Instinct
    Rotation: CGL c/ KI - CG - RL - PG - CG - RL - PG - KI - etc
    A little lower. However, Particle Gun performed better than I expected so I did this one.

    Loadout 4: Chain Gun, PArticle Gun, 50 Cal, Chain Grenade Launcher, Killer Instinct
    Rotation: should be obvious by now
    There's a couple of big numbers in there! I'm pretty tired and I messed up the timing a couple of times but this one hits pretty hard.

    I only used these rotations for now due to the aforementioned 5-Barrel Minigun bug (it goes on infinite CD, confirmed) and because I was too lazy to respec this toon from when I was testing it before Munitions launched. I will definitely get back to this tomorrow.
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  11. Xibo Loyal Player

    I also confirm: Five-Barrel Minigun have a infinite cooldown.
  12. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Live Test
    same as above
    To get the dps figure, I added 30 10 second slices together then divided by 30. Most of these sessions were 350-380 seconds long in total but the screens only show the first 32 slices. All screens start with the CGL c/KI rotation. In the 50 Cal parses, I threw out the couple of slices where I clipped 50 Cal too early and used slices that may not be in the screens. On the others, I tossed the 2 lowest numbers in the screen, leaving 30 slices to average.

    Mid-Range test 2

    Loadout 5: Chain Gun, Shrapnel Grenade Launcher, Particle Gun, Chain Grenade Launcher, Killer Instinct
    Rotation: Clip CGL with KI to start then rotate the three Bullet Frenzy powers refreshing KI every other rotation
    36071.53 dps (low 31399, high 41160)

    Loadout 6:Chain Gun, Shrapnel Grenade Launcher, 50 Cal, Chain Grenade Launcher, Killer Instinct
    Rotation: clip CGL with KI then rotate the three Bullet Frenzy powers, refreshing KI every other rotation. Be careful not to cut 50 Cal short or the damage will not register. You can see several oopsies in the screenshot.
    37518.37 dps (low 32386, high 45890)

    Loadout 7: Rocket Launcher, Shrapnel Grenade Launcher, 50 Cal, Chain Grenade Launcher, Killer Instinct
    Rotation: clip CGL with KI then rotate the three Bullet Frenzy powers, refreshing KI every other rotation. See note above about 50 Cal.
    37692.07 dps (low 32026, high 43277)

    That's it for now until 5-Barrel Minigun is fixed. It is the staple of the longer duration abilities and I really don't want to parse the other loadouts without it.

    For giggles, I did an Ice parse using Ice Elemental as a comparison. I pulled a 33042.38 dps average over 32 slices once I got the hang of using IE. I don't use it on live but I wanted to see what all the hubbub was about. When it was active, 10 second slices jumped from 28-30k to 45-60k. O_O It just might be worth using after all, even with the delay from the transformation/cancellation. Still feels cheap, though.
  13. Proto1118 Committed Player

    Chain Gun is also affected by the increased cooldown bug. Happened only a couple of times and it was right after Killer Instinct.

    Test server keeps crashing on me. I was telelporting to my base to renew my base mods and the game crashed. Now every time I try to log in, the game crashes. Also, game configuration is getting a framework error.
  14. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    This looks good. Please add 5 Barrel Minigun to the first bullet point above por favor.
  15. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    Yes please. As is 'cricket' is as useful as **** on a bull.
  16. Ully Committed Player

    Finally! Our day is here. #MuniGoon
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  17. Biggdaddycane Dedicated Player

    Implement the AM in Controller Role if possible.

    Thank You.
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  18. p3rf3ctxxxdark Well-Known Player

    Yes i would like to see 5 barrel and 50cal as part of this mid range update are these not being included a mistake or intentional? ??
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  19. Mr. Mettle New Player

    So does this mean that you no longer need to use your Bullet Frenzy abilities for 4 seconds before big damage kicks in!!???? If so then I no longer need to ask for a short cut via Survival clip w/ Killer Instincts. Now Munitions is no longer at a disadvantage vs Ice, Earth, Sorcery, Gadgets & now Mental.

    Also, Tunso, Munitions is not capable of doing AM damage in Troll role because Bullet Frenzy does not activate. Having no power back I understand but because of how the AM functions I don't see how this can happen without either having 8 pieces of elite gear in order to have the automatic PoT function from the affinity bonus and sacrificing your shield and supercharge to create a viable loadout. PoT on ability usage should be an innate ability while in troll role and not limited to having 8 pieces of elite gear to activate the power strategist affinity bonus. But that's for another thread.

    Then, the only Bullet Frenzy abilities that have debuffs are Rocket Launcher (Healing debuff) and 5 Barrel Minigun (Defense debuff) . There is no Attack debuff. None of the Bullet Frenzy abilities that have PI set ups have built in debuffs so if you want PI additional damage you have to use non BF abilities. Which forces you to use another slot on your tray.

    To alleviate these problems on the troll side can you allow BF to kick in during troll role, reduce power consumption while BF is active, give 50 Cal an attack debuff in addition to the burning PI set up and take it off Mini Nuke.
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  20. Mr. Mettle New Player

    Tunso, what happened to Small Package, 50 Cal and 5 barrel minigun getting the damage and mid range adjustments?
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