Test Discussion GU 57: Light Mid-range Adjustments

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Tunso, Jan 26, 2016.

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  1. Sir Freeze Active Player

    they are doing Hl even worst than it is in live....
  2. Sir Freeze Active Player

    it should be te oposite less time should be for the AM to kicks in
  3. zCaution Well-Known Player

    Ikr :/
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  4. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    It's happening all over again

    Remember last HL update ? We told the devs HL is lacking LACKING BIG TIME , they didn't respond and at the end they published it broken , and now it's ganna happen all over again


    Don't get me wrong , am truly thankful for the devs for changing HL but please these changes are not making HL good at all , I hope they are taking our suggestions under consideration
  5. Sir Freeze Active Player

    1000+ replys and devs didnt listen to the mutiple issues that HL have
  6. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    If they are smart they won't do that because we will be right back here, AGAIN!!!

    Once again dealing with another balancing act.

    Also reading some of the responses from players begging over and over to allow clipping again, with Tunso and mepps clearly stating over and over they will not do that, those players are completely shooting themselves in the foot by not helping to improve what we do have vs what they wish we had.

    So if it gets released broken again, blame it on the ones that let this thread go rampant with requests the devs have denied over and over instead of working on the status-quo.

    Earlier in this thread I said" if people want it, why not give it to them?"

    Mepps responded, reminding me that we are trying to achieve balance, not imbalance.

    So these players need to give up with the idea clipping. its not happening.
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  7. Rokyn Dedicated Player

    After today's hot fix, here's the parses generated afterwards. With the fix, I needed to fully let the Light Blast and Minigun animations play out to maximize damage similar to my first parse test on page 2. Parse test on page 52 involved combo'ing quickly into Ram/Impact. The hotfix probably addressed the fact that the rotation was exceeding +-5% threshold as stated by the testing objectives. Under normal parsing testing targets, it still meets the baseline. Mileage may vary among players. Still cannot test in combat due to my CPU issues.

    Live Test:

    Power = Light
    CR = 126
    Precision = 4887 (with Relentless Precision)
    Enemies = the 3 Sparring Dummies (League Hall)
    Time = 180 seconds (18 samples of 10 second parses)
    Damage goals = 35500 / 30000 / 25500 : melee / mid-range / long-range

    Mid range
    Rotation: Ram > Fan > Impact > Light Blast > Minigun > back to Ram
    Mid range average: 30,708.6


    Rotation: Ram > Fan > Impact > Light Blast > Minigun > back to Ram
    Range average: 25,637.2

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  8. Kuroki Honoo Committed Player

    I was going to type out a long response to this but I'm going to keep it short. There are numerous ways to balance a game. They're balancing the game around what they want, instead of balancing it around what we want.
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  9. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    I understand. I'd much rather them balance it to how we want.

    But they're not going to, unfortunately
  10. Kuroki Honoo Committed Player

    similar to what i got, I just don't like how he's changing it for the worse technically when it was already weak. Tuning it to meet standards is needed but to me that's done after you finish balancing and tweaking the mechanics so you don't have to go back and redo damage testing again after every tweak. he could've just did a nerf to ram/impact if he wanted to lower the numbers but now we're limited in how we even go through the infinite combo to having to let the animations ride out. To me this update was just a clear statement of "you're going to do the infinite combo only and do it our way". We lost preference and damage.
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  11. Sir Freeze Active Player

    the excuse for "Balance" the powers is actually a joke, if they release the update like these we dont even get a chance to compete we top tier powers...
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  12. Kuroki Honoo Committed Player

    lost money for them i guess. I have a HL friend that mains it about to quit after i told him about the last few changes. He was happy as hell and had me testing different rotations back when clipping and keeping AM was allowed. Complete 180.
  13. Kuroki Honoo Committed Player

  14. Sir Freeze Active Player

    i spect the same fate for rage and other lower powers
  15. Tsavorentless Dedicated Player

    Ive been gone for 2.5 yrs cuz light suked. I came back and its been a week n this is disappointing. 2.5 yrs Ive been gone and you still have this horrible. Overall I find it funny. Keep up the good work.

    Yes my description is almost 3 yrs old. Thats when i quit. Lol
  16. p3rf3ctxxxdark Well-Known Player

    Been waiting almost 2yrs for a hL update was excited with what i saw and ofcourse with probably about 1week left b4 live it gets nerfed !!!! For once can u let it go live and see how it preforms in real content and then make adjustments based on the preformance vs gadgets ice earth sorc mental this would be the smart thing to do but i guess thats to much 2 ask 4 or atleast buff fan or Snaptrap if ur going to nerf the ticks btwn combos.
  17. SixSigma Well-Known Player

    Okay, it looks like at 3 targets the damage from the popular combo ranges where as my combo is closer to consistent within the first 30 secs. Mind you this was after about 6 cold start runs each. So to keep things on the up and up I ran the combos through the next 30 secs as to keep the AM active past the warm up and into straight AM damage.

    Fan > Impact > Lightblast > Minigun > Ram > Fan (No Holds) ...

    0-30 sec – 32,835/s – 985,055 total – 186 hits – 18,879 max – 61 crits
    31-60 sec – 32322/s – 969,645 total – 156 hits – 17474 max – 42 crits

    Ram > Snaptrap > Lightblast (3-4 sec hold) > Minigun (3-4 sec hold) > Ram ...
    0-30 sec – 31,907/s – 957,207 total – 208 hits – 28,692 max – 65 crits
    31-60 sec – 33,967/s – 1,019,010 total – 181 hits – 25380 max – 58 crits

    It seems that the longer a player maintains the current popular combo they lose damage the longer they run their combo where-as the longer my combo is run it gains damage. Though the initial 30 sec of damage from the top combo ranges anywhere as low as ~916,000 to as high as ~985,000 I wouldn't be surprised if tested more that it would balance out to ~960,000. It still has lost damage from 31-60 sec every time. My combo runs consistently ~950,000 the first 30 secs and increases from then out. Again, I know that other factors come into play on a full raid but I still feel that my combo does better overall and will just continue to get better with the changes to HL coming out.
  18. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    If I am not wrong, the time for AM damage to kick in has been reduced. But now there are other issues.
  19. SixSigma Well-Known Player

    Pretty sure this would only apply to those who are already bad at using HL... Once you know how to use the AM and stop trying to clip or speed through the combos, the AM outperforms the old clipping ways of HL. Learn to adapt and you'll do fine. I know once this update comes out I'll be out dpsing most players with whatever powers they use.
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  20. DC Reaper Well-Known Player

    Number 2 on your list is practically like celestial, don't expect that to change
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