Test Discussion GU 57: Light Mid-range Adjustments

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Tunso, Jan 26, 2016.

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  1. ErnieB Loyal Player

    Community interaction is why live streams don't really give out any information other than what we see, instead of asking real questions it's all "I want water powers" "I want marks back" "Mepps fix the game". And really how much of the community still uses Light to begin with?. Have the people that do and know the power test it first, then open it to others that aren't very familiar with it. My intent is to not have the score chasers, and FOTM users test the power for the people that just want it to work and not be OP.
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  2. Kuroki Honoo Committed Player

    What part of the annoying questions don't matter did you miss? There are hundred of streams with thousands of viewers that have random messages that don't deal with that current stream. If you ask for simple response such as "type 1 for keeping clipping and type 2 for removing clipping" that chat is going to be flooded by 1's and 2's, not "where is water" -_- And it doesn't matter how much of the community still uses light, light was one of the most popular powers back in the day, the only reason people switched to begin with was because it became a bad dps. Those people still love that power type and know how they wish for it to be played. Just because you played a power when it sucked doesn't give you a higher valued opinion. And your intent isn't what this is about. This isn't about getting detailed feedback, this is about clearly solving different opinions inside of the thread by putting it to a vote. And those score chasers and fotm users are the people who have the most knowledge of every power type and if a power is tuned for a casual player, it'll be broken because some exploit will have been overlooked. You don't understand the purpose of the stream at all.
  3. ErnieB Loyal Player

    you know what i give up talking to you, you really think it will go so smooth good luck if you ever do it, yiu will need it.
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  4. Kuroki Honoo Committed Player

    Already been done, look at chat during a giveaway, nuff said >.>
  5. SixSigma Well-Known Player

    Currently it does make a difference by the end of a full raid. Though a lot of factors come into play when your working with 7 other people it does show a difference as opposed to working with one other person.
  6. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    The initial quote I was referring to super clipping. Why create the inifinte combo when all we are going to do is cancel them. Removing that super clip or ability clip was a good move IMO.

    I know Light will not get the Range AM to produce melee damage when in Melee range. I'm fine with that. Since Light melee damage requires a player to be at zero range, allow Light Barrier and Triage to not cancel the AM. Also, the SC should also be that way to balance it out to match other power potential. This request IMO is reasonable.

    I'm fine with melee staying but if it does, when I use Light Barrier, it should not cancel my AM boosted damage if I go in for that big hit.
  7. Jupiter Ross Well-Known Player

    I support the idea of Inspiration lasting the duration of the Infinite combo/hit counter...if your allowed to keep that 15% prec and 10% crit buff active until you stop or are countered it would make a big difference in HL ability to keep up w/ other powers...this would also balance light with other powers who are allowed to have an atj buff part of the AM
  8. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    I love clipping man are u kidding me ? It's the best thing ever , at least it won't make u sleepy while ur in a raid , but these days people want 1234 ...
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  9. Harlequin Devoted Player

    No, we don't. Even Ice guys (my main has been ice since before HT, I'm not a fotm chaser) were hoping and praying some of the changes they were talking about in the mid-range thread would allow a PI/clipping style of play to compete with the BORING gust spam we have now but nope. Some of us also tried to get a second AM implemented like Atomic that used PIs to boost damage on the non-MFA abilities to get some variety but we were shot down by Tunso because it would be "too hard because Atomic was designed from the ground-up to use 2 AMs." I would settle for WM to be viable again. I'd settle for ANYTHING that's not a pet AM to remove our reliance on gust spam. I hate gust spam but you do what you have to do to remain competitive.

    I'm following this thread because I have a Light alt that's sitting smack dab in the middle of T6 waiting for the power to be viable and fun again so I can play it. While the numbers were off the charts, Kuro's playstyle shone a ray of hope into the darkness that, maybe, Light would be fun again. Of course, we can't have anything fun so that playstyle was killed with prejudice. Here's hoping Tunso reconsiders the changes that disallowed clipping from the tray and tunes some numbers instead so that varied playstyle can live again.

    Back to lurking...
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  10. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    Tunso said it millions of times , clipping won't happen for HL so Insted of wishing for so thing won't happen , let's focus on HL damage atm and it's bad on test comparing to other powers

    Tunso would be ok if u can buff it just a little bit man?
  11. Fies Committed Player

    If they would go by the forums clipping would be a thing already. Where do people state they want everything dumbed down? Its quite the opposite tbh. AMs alltogether dont seem that popular among most forum posters. Rightfully so imo. DCUO doesnt use any complex rotations and skill/power-interactions at all. 6! abillities. The only thing it really has(d) going for it in that regard always has(d) been fast paced combat that was somewhat "mechanical" challenging in the past. With the implementation of AMs theres barely anything left which again is a mistake in my book. Thats why AMs should have been an OPTIONAL playstyle from the start- for those who probaly are the biggest yet least vocal group of all- casual players looking for DC-brand and !casual! gameplay. Data and $ probably are the deciding feedback here. Not forums or PC or whatever.
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  12. kingxkhaos Well-Known Player

    I've missed a few pages. Let me get this straight, now clipping combo's inside of combo's resets AM as well? So you have to let the full animation play out? If this is the case, hardlight is to become the worst and most boring power in the game. I can see the headline now, "Thousands of players quit DCUO." I don't understand why OPTIONAL is so hard for the devs to understand. I honestly feel like they just hate hardlight, and nerfed it into the ground, made it the most boring power in the game, all over some gripe they had with it. It seems likeep they are lashing out at the power due to pure hatred and just don't want to make it useful or fun anymore. I think I'm done with this thread and any hope for HL.
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  13. VioletSorceress Committed Player

    Damage is right where it needs to be, considering we wont be able to use harmful supplemental powers or SC along with AM.
    Tunso already said they are working on a way to make clip with beneficial powers not breaking AM. That means using LightBarrier, Triage and Inspiration will not break AM for dps and using Recharge wont break AM for trollers.

    I think this would be enough for this update.

    Tunso probably wont have time to look into Power points' allocation for this update.
    In case he does:
    - best appoach would be to move all non combo abilities at the bottom of their current trees, so we can spec as much combos as possible first.
    - swapping Inspiration and Chompers would be welcomed as well, since Chompers plays no vital role for AM, while Inspiration still has value. (Id also be ok with Inspiration swapping positions with GraspingHand but others may not agree with that.)
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  14. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

  15. Ion GL New Player

    If I am reading this right, As a result of the most recent change, if I restart a combo even when remaining "in combat", the AM resets to 4s? That has to be unintended or I am not comprehending, right? I hope that is not true because that would be terrible news. As a HL player through the lean times, I can recommend a fix. When the unfortunate incident arises that requires my HL to DPS, I pretend all the damage out from FOTM, Pet Powers, and Ice DPSs are coming from my HL. (Just don't look at the scoreboard)
  16. ErnieB Loyal Player

    This is what i mean about people just posting their desire for super clipping, and not actual facts. You can clip attacks while in the combo as long as it is in the combo rotation, like LB clipped with MG clipped with ram. What you cant do is clip the combo by using a tray power, which is like going LB clipped with ram, since that would mean breaking the combo. You can still clip, but not outside the rotation, if you don't like it well idk, change powers or leave the game, the way i see it devs are finally doing something to Light that inst a total nerf, unlike the last 2 updates.
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  17. ErnieB Loyal Player

    if you get interrupted you have 3 seconds to start the combo again, if you stop attacking but remain in combat you have 1.5 seconds (i could be and probably are wrong about this one) to attack again, you can use anything to keep you in combat and never loose the AM, what you cant do is break the combo while in combat to use a tray power, even if its a SC or shield (that is the one thing i don't agree on). Trinkets also don't break the AM.
  18. Greenchain Well-Known Player

    Depends on what you mean by restart....

    If you block, get interrupted, or use a trinket we now have a 3 second window to get back into rotation without losing AM damage. If you go beyond this AND are in combat, the ramp up time has been decreased to 1.5 sec. This is by far the best part of this update so far. Well, ok the damage buff is alright too :)
  19. Ion GL New Player

    1.5s ramp up time in combat if I decide to end a combo for whatever reason and use a tray power is fine. (Pick someone up or whatever) If that ends up resetting to 4s to 'fix' the clip issue from earlier in the thread then that's not really a true fix, and that fix needs to get fixed. I may have misread, but I thought I read that using a tray power to clip a combo (while still in combat) resets AM to 4S. Can any tester verify if this is true or not?
  20. BOLO Active Player

    I have been reading this thread and greatly appreciate the testers and what Tunso has done so far. I believe once the fix is in where certain powers from the tray won't break am damage, HL sounds like it's gonna alot better then before.
    Now here's what I absolutely hate. Tunso made it clear that clipping the way hl used to be is not in the question. Their is no room for debate on this. People feeling this thread up asking for this is a waist of time. Please let the testers do the testing and continue to give ideas not related to clipping the way it was. I was also a light user from the beginning, and after many nights with sore thumbs, I enjoy the way the constructs are. The devs have put in alot of time and effort in the visualization aspect of the constructs. So, to have them clipped all the time and never played out is a slap in the face the the design team. Again thank you all for testeing.
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