Test Discussion GU 57: Light Mid-range Adjustments

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Tunso, Jan 26, 2016.

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  1. zCaution Well-Known Player

    What I think should be done is either
    1) lower the dmg so the clip is in line with other powers
    2)only lose the AM if you use the same move to clip out the animation( like starting with MG then using the tray MG)
  2. xXxT1NYxXx New Player

    Whom was it that said that that they didn't want to be able to clip while you still had your AM applied? I saw this in a video but I can't remember the name of it....
  3. bmce84 Loyal Player

    Tunso said doing that was doing more damage than intended.
  4. xXxT1NYxXx New Player

    I'm a little left behind here, so not being able to apply your pi along with inspiration and recharge will start your AM all over?
  5. Miserable Dedicated Player

  6. xXxT1NYxXx New Player

    It was in one of Kuroki Honoo videos.
  7. Miserable Dedicated Player

  8. SixSigma Well-Known Player

    Awesome, I'll practice these out a good number of times so I can consistently not screw up the combo within the 30 sec window and post those results. That first Claw combo looks like it'll be a good one too.
  9. Kuroki Honoo Committed Player

    Fadi, DarkAya, and some other guy that was in the thread complaining about my rotation being hard to name 3 off the top of my head
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  10. zCaution Well-Known Player

    Lol this why people don't share anything, at least you tried :/
  11. MainMan52 Well-Known Player

    Because of that rotation, I was going to switch to HL on live because it was actually fun. Now? No way. I would have preferred a damage reduction instead but then the "hardcore" HL players would have cried nerf.
  12. zCaution Well-Known Player

    Lol the hardcore HL players would cry for a dmg reduction because his clip made HL something other then the infinite combo
  13. Kuroki Honoo Committed Player

    I referred to it as a hybrid between the infinite combo and back then. Nice mix imo. HL was god tier in dps with it xD Prob say to tune it down to just strong/op instead lol
  14. Kuroki Honoo Committed Player

    Sidenote: question: In terms of nerfing the clip rotation I used, ideally, I would want to nerf it alone, but given the nature of it, the regular rotation would be weaker as well. The main difference between them was the extra burst from repeating a set combo, which was going to be getting the burst ticks of fan or impact (at least so far that I've seen and what dcuolog says is by far the majority of the damage). Do you guys think it would be better to reduce their damage by a flat % or to reduce the ticks from 3 to 2? Reducing those two somehow would nerf the burst of the clip rotation while hopefully not hitting the regular rotation too much.
    For those that haven't seen what the damage breakdown was like:
    GGJr (mini-gun clip) : http://dcuolog.com/?log=9283985d&view=parser
    TSIJr (fan clip) : basically the same but ram and impact were even at being extremely far ahead of the rest of the powers in damage out
  15. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    I never said I don't want clipping , clipping is nice but not for everyone since you have to be skilled to do it , which made it even better since only skilled players can do it
  16. SixSigma Well-Known Player

    Okay so I mainly tested against the range loadout since the loadout I primarily use is ranged. I'm not knocking the melee I just don't feel testing my range vs melee would be much of a test. As a reminder I did this NOT on the test server and against Sparing Target. I made sure to stand mid-range and the same distance away on both test and did 7 cold start 30 sec parser rotations and took the highest result from each range loadout. Also, as a standard I always use Spikequake > Inspiration as a starter to apply PI and a buff.

    Current "Top" Range rotation: Fan > Impact > Lightblast > Minigun > Ram > Fan (No Holds)
    30 sec – 16988/s – 509637 total – 66 hits – 26354 max

    My Range rotation: Ram > Snaptrap > Lightblast (3-4 sec hold) > Minigun (3-4 sec hold) > Ram
    30 sec – 17740/s – 532202 total – 86 hits – 27472 max
  17. Kuroki Honoo Committed Player

    1. you used snaptrap so I'm assuming you're single target, the numbers we use are from 3 sparring targets like for tunso testing
    2. the higher read of your range rotation had 20 more hits
  18. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    What's wrong with a power having a learning curve and taking some time to get good at. That's the whole problem with the game and the forum community right now, people on the forums just want everything easy and that's what's killing this game. Back when skill was involved In the game this game was at its peak but ever since things got dumbed down and skill,knowledge and hard work were taken out the game has been on a downward spiral.

    I see what Tunso is getting at with the infinite combo but basically using on power is boring as heck. At least have 2 options to play the power to make both side of the community happy. I don't get why it's always cater to the people who want it easy and forget about those who like to actually learn and push themselves to get better.
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  19. SixSigma Well-Known Player

    Correct, I'll do the test on 3 targets but the higher read on my rotation is because when letting LB and MG run you get additional hits. Sometimes the range was from 6 to 22 more hits. That may change when testing on 3 targets but I'll give that a shot also to see the difference.
  20. Kuroki Honoo Committed Player

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