GU 44 - Clues in Artifacts are still not "more evident"

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by PastGiver, Jan 10, 2015.

  1. PastGiver New Player

    In GU 43, clues in Artifacts were supposed to become more evident so that more people could get the accidental feat. Never happened. Well here we are, a whole game update later and I don't see any mention of this in the update notes.

    I've been talking with a few people here on the forums and a few have said there are definitely clues in Artifacts for the "accidental perfection" feat.

    After many runs and even recording video of the raid, I have yet to see a single clue anywhere.

    Devs, are you planning to add this in the game or no?
  2. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    One of the devs commented a few days ago and said that for some reason the clues being more evident never made it to live. It got past QA fine but for some reason just never properly clicked into place on the live servers. He said it would be fixed in an upcoming update but don't think he gave a timeframe.
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  3. sillhouette Well-Known Player

    If I was a dev, one thing I would do to encourage communication in the group, would be to make any clues NOT VISIBLE TO ALL THE GROUP MEMBERS. Make a visual clue for one artifact visible to one member, and another to another member. Then they need to all be looking and coordinate what they see.
  4. Solar Well-Known Player

    They should get James Ear Jones to do a voice over where he says "That one" when you are by the one to pick. Though I am sure even then some people would say it's too hard.
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