Green Lantern (Light) old old heath/defence bug is back

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by SigmaAtom, Jun 28, 2019.

  1. SigmaAtom Committed Player


    Just want to report that GL defence/health bug is back.

    This plagued me as a GL Vet from 2013-2016, near insta-dying after a few hits. My other powersets (see sig) are NOT experiencing this at the same CR in the same instance.

    Actually this bug is why I have 10 armories on Sigma.. I kept blaming myself and trying different armories to overcome the problem. It didn't occur to me that it was a bug in game.

    I ended up giving up back in 2016 and switching Sigma to Mental but I already had a GL I was leveling.. I think I'm CR 219 just now on my GL.


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  2. SigmaAtom Committed Player

    After spending all day on my (YL) Sinestro Corps Vil. getting the Avatar of Ophidian suit/style..
    I can confirm this bug is for both sides (Light).

    I hope we can get this fixed quickly, another 3 years would be a shocking amount of time to wait.

    INFO: Just spent the last half hour going through all the live updates/server hotfixes.. the last reference I could find to Light getting a change was: Live Update 80
    However, I was playing at that time and there was no bug.

    I remind any Dev kindly.. I have every powerset leveled and am aware how defence is *supposed* to react..

    Feeling? It feels like a quarter to a half of defence is just not working. At times with Light you are brought down like you were half or 3/4 the cr.

    Example: I've beaten Penguin in the Harley solo many times, he and his penguins destroyed me, taking me 4 attempts to beat him, when I was 4 cr above par. (my Vil. is cr 170)

    AFIII and JLD *seemed* to be working correctly.. in OW Metro I *felt* the mobs were taking a bit much off me for their cr (sub 30) but I will test again and update on here.
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  3. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    if its glitched it needs fixing....overall though light has a very glass cannon feel to hits hard enough too...maybe could use a shade of speed
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