So I just got into DCUO and I am a huge GL fan, I've seen players with the different corps emblems. I was wondering if anyone knows how to receive them. Also i have a villain who I accidentally purchased a green aura with, can I transfer that to another charachter?
The Lantern Emblems come from the Original Time Capsules, they can also be purchased off the broker if you have the in-game cash. The Green Aura can be traded to any other character on your account but if you equipped the aura on your villain toon then no, it's not tradeable. Hope this answers your questions.
What do you mean the original time capsule? Because I've collected some things but I didn't know how to access them, or is there two one is part of your collection one is a style item? And yea it's too late to trade the aura
Ask and you shall receive. For the aura... no ..... you cannot transfer it once you have consumed it. Sorry. But if you did not consume it... then yes you can give it to your hero character using the Shared Bank.
These were the First Time Capsule we got; Then we got the Amazon Time capsule; Then we got the Quardian Time Capsule; Right now we have access to all 3 Time capsules that can drop. So you can pretty decide which Time Capsules you want to open. Hope this helps.
There are 3 different time capsules with different rewards and different theme's. The First Time Capsules feature Lantern emblems, Misted auras, and Future Batman inspired Gear. They are simply called"Time Capsules" I refer to them as Original time capsules though to avoid confusion. The Second time capsules are known as "Amazon Time Capsules" featuring Shim'tar gear, amazon themed emblems, and so on. The Third time capsules are known as" Qwardian Time capsules" featuring Qwardian related items. The Lantern Emblems come from the "Lantern Emblem Capsule": The Lantern Emblems are also tradeable, so you can either make a deal with someone in-game or buy it off the broker. You can also trade said Lantern Emblem to your alt if you desire to do so.
if u are looking to create a green lantern inspired/iconic style, many ppl just use the scion of ion chest and/or back style. the style have green lantern emblem attached to it. but ur creativity will be a little bit limited since u can't change ur chest/back style. but then again, using emblems also can limit ur style coz many chest styles don't show emblems properly, or at all in some cases.
I forgot to mention that, Majority of the lantern corps have a gear set associated with them that you can buy around tier 5 or 6 I think
@ OP if you still need one let me know and I'll send you one in game Scion of Ion is CR84 to buy, then Vestments of Rage is purple drops 90 (I believe) Too bad the emblem look like a lego piece stuck on your chest and back. The best way is to still get the emblem, even though some done't work (Like GG chest) They allow much more freedom
Can someone send me a Green Lantern emblem please? Im trying to make a green lantern character and it looks incomplete without the emblem. I play on US servers
I know it was answered already. But a bit more information... So you can either buy the GL emblem off the broker for a probably stupid price, or open the original "Time Capsule" time capsule to get it and all the lantern related stuff (Eventually). I know that I haven't been picking up any capsules lately, but if I do have a stockpile of them just sitting there. I can send you a few if you wish. The reason I touched on this again is because yes, you do need a stabilizer to open the TC's (TC = Time capsule), and you can buy the stabilizers from the marketplace, BUT there is an event constantly going where you can get fragments that will create a stabilizer. As a member ($15 a month USD) you will be able to open a TC every 3 days. However it seems that many people have you covered on that. I also was going to say that I can send you one as well. BTKZ Mastermind is my most active IGN. ALSO. When you say that you have the green aura the big question is..... Did you get the free one that came with PS Plus? Because if you did then you will be able to have it on every character. Or if you bought it from the marketplace directly you will also be able to have it on every character. Just do the same thing you already did. On the character you want it on just go to the Marketplace and hit "Redeem/Claim" then click the items name and it will be in your inventory. Don't confuse this though. Only Marketplace items transition to all of your characters. Nothing else will.