Green aura/lockbox question.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Zpred, Feb 7, 2014.

  1. Zpred Dedicated Player

    Sorry for the another green aura thread but it's just gonna be a quick simple question that a dev could possibly answer.

    Will the green aura drop chance be available to previous collected lockboxes we have stored away now ready for when this update comes or will we require new lockboxes from this GU onwards?
  2. Apostate Rising Dedicated Player

    i truly hope it is from boxes found after the update.
  3. Emerald Knight Well-Known Player

    Yes, once the update hits the server you'll have a chance to get a green aura in one of your collected boxes. (I already have three saved up...doubt I will get it though...)
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  4. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    Asked one of my leaguemates and he said to start saving your lockboxes, not sure but better to save them right just in case?
  5. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    They've said in the past the item gets generated upon opening of the box, not when it drops, so I would say start saving them.... Hope I get one so I can sell it first day.
  6. Zpred Dedicated Player

    Yea, it's what I always do, I had near 70-80 stored on top of the 250 Cap before dlc 9 so I could get as much as poss when it released at the time.
  7. Bast10n Committed Player

    I believe Lock boxes have a loot table that is based on when you receive them. When they changed to loot tables and took out the AUX ATK Soders and added the New Styles. Saved up tons in my inventory thinking I would get a few of these styles. Unfortunately I was still getting the Aux and ATK solders.. It would appear that the item in the lock boxes is predetermined at the time it hits your inventory.
  8. yssandra Active Player

    Short: Its based on when you recieve them.
    I remember everyone saving up the boxes before Origin Crisis hit the server and still no one got the T5 marcs.

    Just try it: Lvl a char from 1 to 30 and then t5 and save up all the boxes you will still only recieve MoT when you open them.
  9. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Well it appears the people who stated it previously might have been incorrect. LOL