Goth leggings, please come back?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dianatique, Nov 3, 2019.

  1. Eve YouTuber

    Queen Oceans to the rescue! Can't wait to use the fixed fishnets!
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  2. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    Thanks Oceans. <3
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  3. Oceans Developer

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  4. Dilios Well-Known Player

    Thank you, Oceans! *__*
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  5. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    Not to discredit the other devs for all the work they do, but ya know... This like a world changing event, FISHNETS.
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  6. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    Instead of worrying about who bought them or not...just add them as an extra style you get from the Daily Rewards.

    And if people start complaining, "Wait! I paid for the old one and they didn't! They shouldn't get the new one unless they pay!"...

    One of the freely dropped student head styles in the Legion open world was one you could buy from the marketplace for years. I haven't seen anyone complain about everyone else getting that free.
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  7. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Yeah I kind of agree with FoolsFire. I bought the Goth Leggings 10 years ago, I'm not going to be upset if the newer version isn't auto granted to me. I still have what I paid for, and I don't mind throwing a few bucks your way for the new ones.
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  8. Dilios Well-Known Player

    Yes, release the kraken, guys! Haha
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  9. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

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  10. Noble One Committed Player

    this what i wanted to see
  11. KiraDanvers Well-Known Player

    Good old Oceans! While we're thanking her, can we also poke her a little about the possibility of getting some high heeled shoes added in to the game (so I can finally make a Zatanna from the animated show)?

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  12. Caroline Dedicated Player

    Do you think it's possible to add Zatanna's boots to the MP at some point as well? They're so nice!
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  13. Dilios Well-Known Player

    Oceans, do you have any photos to show the "new version" of Goth Leggings? =P
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  14. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    High heeled shoes are not the easy ask you think it is. Because they elevate a character model above the ground plane, adding them means creating all new custom character animations that show a character doing all the same things but 3" off the ground with pointed toes. If not, all the characters would have their feet dug into the ground.

    Your next thought is probably "but what about the ones in the game" ... Other heels in the game get around this by being a full boot and scaling the proportion of the foot/leg length below the knee or at the thigh. If you look close enough you can see the heeled boots and diva boots are actually short and stumpy for the length they should be. With just foot heels like the ones shown, there's not enough length to hide the proportion / length being stolen. Maybe the character team has tricks I don't know (totally possible) but the only way I can see them adding heels is if the they were part of a whole pantyhose/tights piece and cut at the waist like the existing goth leggings do.

    Well, to clarify, they could just add heeled shoes and make a base set of the existing animations with heels on, but it's a bit of extra work they aren't usually interested in taking on and it would also have to be carried forward on new items added in the future. On the flip side it'd finally be done and they'd have a wider variety of female foot styles they could do and the animations would be ready.

    So. My guess would be they'd prefer not to do the extra work.
  15. Dilios Well-Known Player

    The Valentine's Day event would be a good time to bring the Goth Leggings back. xD
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  16. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    True, but there's no time like the present lol.
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  17. Charon Lead Content Designer

    There are snags in doing a grant. The thought instead is to put all three versions on the Fate Store for tokens like the other old MP items that found their way there. You buy them individually - Net Legs (the ones that had color under the nets), Sheer Net Legs (the ones that had skin tones under the nets), and finally Sheer Fishnet Legs. First two work with old skins, last one works with new skins. Selling them separately allows for previewing as well.
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  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I hate when my fishnets get snagged.... Frustrating. All that leg shaving for nothing.
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  19. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    I was like who is Grant? Did this get autocorrected? What's he talking about?

    Had to read it a couple times before i realized you meant granting the items. Ugh I need coffee.
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  20. Dilios Well-Known Player

    Oh, I will save my fate tokens!

    Thank you, Charon!
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