Goodbye Succubi

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Netherith, Aug 15, 2013.

  1. Netherith Well-Known Player

    So with the release of the new update and DLC, all demons are to be reskinned to be more menacing and possess a more "Trigonic" theme.

    But which of our demonic friends are staying and which are going?
    Well, all of the Minions of Sin will be reskinned, along with the Volatile Succubi in the Metro SCU who will be replaced by a male Trigonic demon and the Soul Reavers will have a new all-blue rev-head look.

    The Trigon-possessed humans will remain as they are but the status of the Lost Souls in Limbo are currently unknown. The Avatar of Sin also seems to be left alone.

    So give your demonic friends a hug, take a picture to retain memories and say Bye-bye Succubi as we meet the newest onslaught of demonic entities in the forthcoming Sins of Trigon DLC.

    Minion of Envy
    Minion of Gluttony
    Minion of Greed
    Minion of Lust
    Minion of Sloth
    Minion of Wrath
    Exarch of Gluttony
    Exarch of Wrath
    Volatile Succubus
    Succumbed Succubus

    Possessed Student
    Soul Striker
    Soul Shade
    Soul Shadow
    Soul Scream
    Embodiment of Sin
    Avatar of Sin
  2. BA Baracus Well-Known Player

    Watch this. I don't think you will miss the succubi