Giving all players access to all episodes.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by LeatherJacket25, Sep 14, 2022.

  1. LeatherJacket25 Well-Known Player

    For the lo….

    So a thing I struggle with, and what I see being struggled a ton with is getting into content. The game is huge.

    Could the set up be changed so that once you reach level 30, you have access to all omnibus episodes.

    This would mean more players available to run all omnibus content, potentially helping q times.
    Players would be able to learn mechanics from the start.

    Not only would this benefit people actually at the rank of whatever episode, because they have more players to run it with.
    But also if you are a new player, you can start playing whatever episode you are interested in. You could start collecting the things that take so much time to collect. You could get feats in any Omni episode.

    Keep the elite stuff, the episodes yellow/purple gear and MAYBE the Omnipotent stuff for when you reach the “CR” for that episode, then you’re keeping “progresssion”.
    Let ‘em still earn augment stuff.

    The 2 episodes not in omnibus can stay how they are and you can only play, unclamped if you reach the cr in time.

    Everything’s clamped so players would be leveled up, if just to help instances get done.

    I’m sorry but the Atlantis open world alone, deserves to have players in it.

    Has this been discussed? Would it help? How does game designing work?
    Is the issue not not having enough new high level cr players that want to get stuff done?

    I’m curious.
  2. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    I don't see the reason for that. Reaching certain CR is the focus on your progress. Just getting access to everything will be weird and out of place, at least for me.
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  3. UT Firefly Well-Known Player

    uhm...u want more sry for the word noobs in the highend raids ? you should think twice what u wish here this says players without any skills without any even small upgrade artifacts will run the raids and die every few seconds..?
  4. LeatherJacket25 Well-Known Player

    Yeah but players die every two seconds now.
    If the clamp puts us at least minimum cr for the episode, the players bumped up should still have a shot. Like when we have event version for current dlc.

    And they absolutely could have upgraded artifacts. They’d have more opportunity to farm for source marks, so they would be leveling them quicker.
    And they would have more opportunities to get feats from the get go, which would help level their character, quicker.
    - Which in turn helps EG players because there’s more players getting into our level quicker.

    And I’d prefer to have “noobs” to play with then no one.
    When trying to form a group, I forget that not every player that’s running around trying to get stuff done, is at the cr I’m trying for. If they were, I think group forming would be much easier.

    And no need for the “think twice remark”, I thought about it enough to post it. :)
  5. LeatherJacket25 Well-Known Player

    Yeah I feel you there, when long term players have had to do grind for the cr to play that episode. In the past.

    But if we think of new players, it would be much more inviting (maybe overwhelming aswell, which it is now anyway).
    Say they are really into Superman, they could start playing superman episodes, get those stories, start getting feats, etc, and hopefully venture to other content.

    JLD is one of the most interesting episodes. The Atlantis open world is incredibly beautiful, looks like it would’ve taken devs a lot of time and creativity, But it sits there for 6 days a week mostly unoccupied.
    If we opened them up, these zones/instances would be more populated.
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  6. myandria Item Storage

    Well, simply put, giving access to the entire Omnibus at CR 30 is unreasonable and unfair. This would not benefit everyone; the queues would be more mismatched than they are now. The omnibus was created to make queuing up for raids/alerts easier and faster; the devs never said anything about removing the CR progression from it.

    So, who would benefit from your idea? No one. Why? Because it will lead to more veteran/experienced players dropping from raids and alerts when they see that they have more lower CR teammates than teammates closer to their CR. That would lead us back to the way things used to be: long queues that lead to nowhere and multi-player abandonment of a raid when you finally get in one.

    Atlantis is indeed a beautiful open world; so beautiful, that some players STILL want to have a lair located there (myself included). However, many of the veteran players have moved on well past Atlantis AND the leveling system is so much faster now than it was before; it's very easy to level up past Atlantis via early end game access/gear vendors and never touch it.

    For example, what would be the point of getting into Wonderverse at CR 30 at this point when your gear will break within a couple strokes of an Atlantean/Themysciran/Olympian spear? Clamping does not protect your gear or raise/lower the stats of your gear. This is one of the reasons why players who rush into early end game content with low-level characters water that face plant often in raids and alerts.

    Another thing to consider is skill points; sure, some players will tell you that SP doesn't matter but they are helpful in filling out your skills/stats tree(s). At CR 30 you've barely filled out your movement skill tree and have just started to get through the beginning of your main stat tree. Clamping does not raise or lower your SP.

    My suggestions to you are this: if you have a CR skip available and want to be able to queue into most of the omnibus content quickly, use it. Just be mindful that you will not get a lot of skill points from it, (~77) or so. You will need to run the older content to help raise that SP. If you don't, then I suggest leveling up via playing the content, playing the early end game content, and using the gear vendors; this will get you close to end game in less than 3 weeks time if you play almost every day and less than a month if you don't. So, in less than a month's time you could queue up for most of the omnibus content, which would be in time for the next seasonal event (Halloween).
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  7. LeatherJacket25 Well-Known Player

    Myandira said-

    “long queues that lead to nowhere and multi-player abandonment of a raid when you finally get in one”

    - this happens now. This is my biggest problem with omnibus.

    “ So, who would benefit from your idea?”

    - new players and EG players that can’t get into content that they want to get into.

    “ Because it will lead to more veteran/experienced players dropping from raids and alerts when they see that they have more lower CR teammates than teammates closer to their CR”

    - this happens now.

    “ However, many of the veteran players have moved on well past Atlantis AND the leveling system is so much faster now than it was before; it's very easy to level up past Atlantis via early end game access/gear vendors and never touch it.”

    - exactly. “Veteran” players have moved on. Meaning it’s mostly people that have yet to experience it, that want to get there.
    And the leveling system now means you don’t even have to touch certain episodes to bypass them, CR wise.

    “ what would be the point of getting into Wonderverse at CR 30 at this point when your gear will break within a couple strokes”

    - level agnostic (or wherever the word is). Event like cr.

    “ At CR 30 you've barely filled out your movement skill tree and have just started to get through the beginning of your main stat tree.”

    - yes, but is that different from when you enter a current dlc event instance at level 14 or 23? (Or whatever it is now).

    “ Clamping does not raise or lower your SP.”

    - no but having access to more content would help get you your SP faster.

    “ My suggestions to you are this:”

    - I appreciate that, but I’m at CR like 377 or something, like 425 SP and most arts at 179 and above.

    “ then I suggest leveling up via playing the content, playing the early end game content”

    - this is my whole point is. I can’t get into most content. This is my actual point of my post.
  8. LeatherJacket25 Well-Known Player

    What did “combat rating relevancy will be removed from the game” mean then?
  9. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    That was in regards to rewards. As in, if you're over the relevant CR of the instance you'll still get Source Marks and full rewards as opposed to only getting that from stuff the same CR as you. CR relevancy is not the same as the CR requirement.

    You still have to have at least the min CR for that content to run it, but if you're over what the formerly max CR for it its, now you still get rewards where you didn't before.
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  10. LeatherJacket25 Well-Known Player

    Cool, thank you.
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  11. myandria Item Storage

  12. LeatherJacket25 Well-Known Player

    It is just as bad for me. 1 in 3 omnibus raids, 1 if not more players leave if we don’t kill first boss first go. And that’s on raids that pop. Raids I’ve done 3 times in a row, and are all tier 1 or 2.

    To your next two points:-
    I know how that works. I’m literally saying change it. Keep the event version thing ongoing so that the open world and episodes aren’t dead once they are 5 episodes old) keep those two previous episodes at required cr so if players want to play that, they’ll level quicker)
    High CR players are clamped down. Clamp low level players up. Let all players have access to the content they are interested in.
    At level 30 you do have all you superpowers.

    It takes some instances a really long time now. And you can get feats in current episode if you are like lowest possible CR. It does depend on the group, but it’s so doable. Yeah I see how the CR skip creates that, but the CR skip was created (I truely believe) to get new people into later episodes. So that they have access to more things, to earn SP in content that’s active. I understand the CR skip.

    Yes I’m aware of the “in progress” button. It’s on, but hardly ever helps me. And usually when I get into an instance in progress, its 3 players and I waiting for 4 more players. It’s annoying. Sometimes it works but mostly doesn’t. And this leads back to people leaving instances, we mentioned earlier.

    Yeah I could’ve been clearer there, sorry. Yeah I mean omnibus content, raids mostly.
    Things I need to finish, collections and investigations. Omni items, feats.

    This has been my experience pre clamp/post clamp. I want to find a way to ge into the content I want to get into. And I think this would do that.
  13. BumblingB I got better.

    I'm confused on the issue. If you are queuing Omnibus duos, alerts, and raids, you still will be grouped with others who have done the same.

    On the other hand, I do feel that when they do spotlight weeks on older DLCs, they should also include the level agnostic instances for players to benefit from the double currency.
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  14. Wallachia Devoted Player

    I am not going to go haywire on this idea because it's well-fundamented. Congratulations on providing actual arguments. Other people should take you as a role model for future suggestions.

    No, really. No sarcasm.

    Now, to answer it. That would sorta break progression. I mean, what would be the motivation for players to do anything from level 30 to top cr? This would only mean more people buying CR skips, meaning more noobs on end content. But I see where you are coming from with this.
  15. Proxystar #Perception

    You're asking for tiers to be removed so players can just whatever regardless of their level. ok...
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  16. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Not sure why this would be needed. The time between level 30 and 300 CR (310?...whatever Legion requires) is stupid quick and can be done in anything. Yes, I suppose for an alt, it would be nice to have the ability to run say LLL raid as soon as you hit 30, but you can also hit it a few days later when you get to that level...a day if you are working hard at it.

    And as far as getting feats goes, there should be enough in T1/T2 to keep you busy without worrying about T5/6 ones.

    This seems like a pointless change to make to solve a problem that should last about a week for most users.
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  17. LeatherJacket25 Well-Known Player

    Yes! This for the bonus weeks is absolutely something I would love to see.
    I should’ve mentioned that in th op.
  18. LeatherJacket25 Well-Known Player

    Haha I have thought about it a lot.

    I think the motivation would be to get your CR to the point of Elite, getting to the latest episodes not in omnibus, if you keep the OP item on lock untill you reach required CR for that episode. The episodes yellow/purple styles.
    (Tbh haven’t decided what I think would be best regarding OP item with my suggestion. It would be handy to be able to start collecting catalysts etc from the get go, but it would make sense to keep it until “required” CR.)
    Could even be the episodes vendor styles that remain locked until you get to that CR. Maybe.
    When I started playing I didn’t really care about progression untilI knew that i was going to love playing it, and if players got to play episodes they were into straight away, I think they’d get more into it, and quicker.

    Wouldn’t this set up remove the need for cr skip?
  19. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    This is very confusing to me but I am a little blonde, well a lot lol. I am CR 377 with that much SP and all arts maxed at 200 and all Augments maxed to the current allowed level. I have no trouble going into any content I choose to enter, so I don't understand why you are having difficulties with content.

    Is it specific EEG instance you wanting to play? That might take longer for the queue to pop, but I have used the On Duty menu to specifically choose an EEG raid and I just waited for Omni to populate.

    If I am misunderstanding the problem, I apologize.
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  20. LeatherJacket25 Well-Known Player

    Who is getting there that quick? New members? New non members? I’d like to know.
    I got there pretty quick, you probably got there pretty quick, but are all potential players going to do that?

    I’ve had enough of T1-T2 instances. When instances do pop it’s mostly low tier content that I’ve done 100 times now. 3 times in a row.
    I want BOP raids to pop. I want Atlantis and Metal and JLD raids to pop. That’s where the feats I need are. That’s the content I am interested in.

    I have not been able to solve this problem. This problem is persistent and has been since I reached max CR.
    The problem I’ve always had is getting into (or finishing) later episode content. This is my whole point.
    Pre clamp/ post clamp, this is the same.