Getting your first Artifact (Video)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jafin, Oct 20, 2017.

  1. Zamara Dedicated Player

    Can i add your video to the guide i'm working on? <<<< that one
  2. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    oppose to failing more often at higher ranks?

    think of training, you don't fail more after you trained for years do you? No you pass test easier / with ease as its routine anymore.

    as to where when just starting training and you did a test you'd fail once or twice.
  3. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Except we're talking about leveling up a permanent item. Think leveling a pokemon. Does getting bulbasaur enough experience to reach from level 5 to 100 get any easier? NO! It starts out as quick progression and turns into an absolute god awful grind.
  4. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    except if you watched the stream, they leveled all the way to 24 with almost 1100-1300 materials, thats a nice jump in ranks for so little materials, and they didnt mean to use so many catalyst based on Mepps reaction when he jumped from 20 to 24 rank.

    So it is easy to get to rank 20-24 and who knows how high until it actually becomes harder to get to your next rank.
  5. Wet fluffy Well-Known Player

    We have a couple of scousers in our league they should have contacted.

    Whilst on topic of English voice overs, is it me or does Gentleman Ghost sound like Alan Partridge?
  6. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    I look at it this way in terms of the game: by all accounts, DC has to give approval for what does and doesn't go into the game, especially when it comes to the characters and/or story. If something makes it into the game that means the creators and keepers of the canon don't have a problem with it, and if they don't have a problem with it that kinda undermines any real outrage the fans might have over it.

    Besides, it could be worse, they could have gone this direction for Constantine.


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  7. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    ^Dodged a real bullet^
  8. Caesar's Lion Dedicated Player

    This is awesome
  9. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    I read this with so much sarcasm and ended up dying of laughter. Maybe its just the way i read it. Just know im still laughing lol
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  10. Controller Devoted Player

    I'm sure there are cost issues to consider, but they / Daybreak should REALLY consider using that Tutorial thing for other parts of the game - maybe for new players to introduce their roles.

    It could become cumbersome and time-intensive for such an endeavor, but if I was a new player I'd be more apt to stick around with THAT tutorial helping me learn the ropes.
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  11. Jafin 10000 Post Club

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