GENERATION 1 would love to have you! (USPS, Heroes)

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Celestial Paragon, Jan 21, 2014.

  1. Celestial Paragon Dedicated Player

    Yeah definitely! Wonder Woman vs Tela, Batman vs Man At Arms!! I don't know about green lantern vs stratos tho seems a bit unfair lol
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  2. PremiumPlayer New Player

    I was left a message in a thread that I am be a consideration for your league. I am a CR 50 HL primary DPS, but will control in alerts and raids. I have played since it went FTP, but quit playing when I found out T1 and T2 gear was all over $2000. I have come back since I found out I could advance my CR again. I would like to have a League to join to learn more about the game, and help make the league better. I am not a premier player ( I have hard light and battle for earth DLCs currently) I figured I would get them as I needed them to advance my character. I know I have some time before I hit T4 or T5. I would love to join an experienced league, so if I am excepted in-game mail me.

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  3. Celestial Paragon Dedicated Player

    Hey man we'd love to have you but do know as heads up right now we have had an influx of new members, so we are trying to help everyone as much as we can, so that being we'll try to help you as much as we can but our priorities is always the lowest tiered/cr members first.
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  4. PremiumPlayer New Player

    Sorry, I meant to say I am not a Legendary player. I am premium player with purchasing two DLCs.
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  5. Celestial Paragon Dedicated Player

    That's not a problem at all :)
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  6. PremiumPlayer New Player

    That would be fine, because eventually I will be that person :) Thanks for your consideration.
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  7. Celestial Paragon Dedicated Player

    Yup no problem man we are always happy to help :) if you want to contact me in game send an in game email to "Celestial Paragon" and I'll catch you online whenever I'm available most likely on the weekend.
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  8. PremiumPlayer New Player

    That is when I am most likely on also. how do I get a league request?
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  9. Celestial Paragon Dedicated Player

    We both have to online at the same time, just contact me via in game email so I have you on my friends list for when you log on.
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  10. PremiumPlayer New Player

    OK, I will do that
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  11. Celestial Paragon Dedicated Player

    Sounds good see you then!
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  12. AbsoluteZero Committed Player

    And welcome to the League newby lol just kidding ;)
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  13. AbsoluteZero Committed Player

    but on a serious note BLOOD SIGHT these guys are all really cool iv only been with the league for short time but everyone has been willing help
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  14. Neozero95 New Player

    I would love to join your league psn: Neozero95
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  15. Celestial Paragon Dedicated Player

    Thanks for your kind words mate! :)
    Will do! Welcome to GENERATION 1
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  16. AbsoluteZero Committed Player

    hey paragon ill be bringing my main over to the league tonight his name is Crash Knight if you wanna friend him or let optimus know
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  17. Celestial Paragon Dedicated Player

    Sounds like a plan I'll do what I can.
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  18. AbsoluteZero Committed Player


    Boss for the He-Man Raid
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  19. Celestial Paragon Dedicated Player

    That looks bada$$
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  20. AbsoluteZero Committed Player

    one guy commented on this idea on one of the other forums and thinks it would over complicate the game
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