GENERATION 1 would love to have you! (USPS, Heroes)

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Celestial Paragon, Jan 21, 2014.

  1. ksolo07 New Player

    Ok thank you very much
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  2. ksolo07 New Player

    We sent you and americanninja24 a in game message thank you
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  3. Reaper501 Well-Known Player

    I'm ready, what I have to do?
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  4. PremiumPlayer New Player

    I have a couple of questions.

    One: did the other league page get taken down, the one through shivtr.

    Two: This is game related. While I was in Vengeance, I was asked why I haven't done Raven yet for Armor, and when I said I was only cr83 not 84, he told me you do not have to be 84 to fight Raven. If this is true, how do I get to this bounty at a cr 83.
  5. somerandombats New Player

    The other one may have been deleted ( i confess i hadn't messed with it) Raven is a cr 84 mission for her rewards. Find me online and ill help you farm her or get the cr 2 farm her so ether way your good.
  6. AbsoluteZero Committed Player

    I hit cr 84 last night so im ready to farm raven tonight also
  7. AmericanNinja New Player

    Nice! We shall help you. :D
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  8. somerandombats New Player

    Ninja ...deja vu?
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  9. AmericanNinja New Player

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  10. Regora New Player

    I got my fingers crossed for a red plasmic as well :)

    Edit: I guess I cant figure out how to quote someone lol
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  11. AmericanNinja New Player

    Me too!
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  12. AbsoluteZero Committed Player

    And I shall enjoy lol
  13. AbsoluteZero Committed Player

    Me 3 I want either the red plasmic or the nimbus
  14. Regora New Player

    Oh yes nimbus looks sweet as well. I've never had much luck but I'm hoping I break that trend tonight!.......just watch i'll get a purple aura
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  15. AmericanNinja New Player

    Click "Reply" on the bottom right of the post. Under the thumbs up. :D
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  16. Celestial Paragon Dedicated Player

    Can you send AmericanNinja24 an in game email and myself. Tell ninja that paragon sent you.
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  17. Celestial Paragon Dedicated Player

    Some People don't like us they have problems with G1......
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  18. Celestial Paragon Dedicated Player

    I want either the Nimbus or Blue Plasmic aura lol :cool:
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  19. AbsoluteZero Committed Player

    Anyone that doesn't like this awesome group of people is mentaly insane ;-)
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  20. Regora New Player

    I am just doesn't work lol
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