GENERATION 1 would love to have you! (USPS, Heroes)

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Celestial Paragon, Jan 21, 2014.

  1. NoWorries121 Well-Known Player

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  2. NoWorries121 Well-Known Player

    make an account and send an application!
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  3. somerandombats New Player

    ..........................and you have a naruto add for the front page. So we moving off power rangers?
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  4. Celestial Paragon Dedicated Player

    Those change from time to time ;)
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  5. somerandombats New Player

    Thats fine but just to let everyone know the master plan for raisig cr this week from me and ninja its simple. There is a very large block of people at 65-80 cr that we are going to focus on getting into tier 5 content. So please expect more dawn and veng walks. This should let us use gates to help under 70s.
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  6. Ancient Arr0w New Player


    i am interested in joining a League and this one caught my eye, you guys seem very nice and helpful which is what i am looking for.

    I am new to this game and currently have a level 22 Damage character.

    I am familiar with MMOs but would like some help about this game and looking for a group of people willing to help and have fun with.

    My in game name is AncientArr0w, the arrow is spelled with a zero. I read the begining of this thread and i am aware of contacting someone in game about joining and i will do that but i also thought i would say hello here.

    Thanks hope to talk to you in game.
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  7. Ancient Arr0w New Player

    i know of one thats only for android, its called Razer comms and works pretty good but only available for android.
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  8. GodofSorcery New Player

    Im on now
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  9. Celestial Paragon Dedicated Player

    I have an iPhone lol
    Welcome bro!
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  10. PremiumPlayer New Player

    I just wanted to say thanks for everyone who helped me this weekend. I jumped from a 61 CR to a 83CR from Fri night to Sun Morning. I just need to get a set of gloves above T3 than I should be ready to start war of light to get my lantern gear. I know so close. But thanks again for the help.
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  11. AbsoluteZero Committed Player

    Well that's what were here for blood sight to help all that we can
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  12. AbsoluteZero Committed Player

    And for those you waiting on the Helm of Greyskull for the Cross-Over DLC thread im just waiting on my brother to email it to me so as soon as he does ill post it up for all to see
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  13. somerandombats New Player

    wait do the chest piece for the teir 4 item. The chest legs and head will put you over the others "might" put you over.
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  14. Celestial Paragon Dedicated Player

    Do you have the Sons of Trigon DLC?
  15. NoWorries121 Well-Known Player

    theres nothing i can do about the ads that appear lol
  16. Celestial Paragon Dedicated Player

    Hey guys remember to sign up to our website! It has many features like live chat, events and etc come check it out and see for yourselves.
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  17. CCTrinket Well-Known Player

    i sent optimusprime mail.
  18. Celestial Paragon Dedicated Player

    okay remember his character's name is OptimusPrime G1, just thought i'd let you know.
  19. CCTrinket Well-Known Player

    what day should we meet.+*In-game name.: Asentmah
    *Faction (Hero/Villain).: Hero
    *Server (USPS3/EUPS3-USPC/EUPC): USPS3

    *Combat Rating/Skill Points.: 67CR/57SP
    *Power.: nature
    *Role.: healing/damage temporarily damage role, accidentally erased my healing gear thinking that sense it was imprinted im my armory i could delete it.
    *Do you have a mic?: no
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. : Premium
    *About yourself.: (i,m not going to be on all the time)
    *What are you looking for in a league and why?: Active players, very helpful, and do pvp. Need help getting more marks of triumph for to get my healer gear back.
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  20. AbsoluteZero Committed Player

    Ok for those of you following the Cross-Over DLC thread I have in my possession the first peice of concept art for the helm of grayskull keep in mind it is not the final version my brother is putting the finishing touches on it as we speak he also doing multiple variations of it to be released either today or tomorrow so think of this as like a prototype
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