GENERATION 1 would love to have you! (USPS, Heroes)

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Celestial Paragon, Jan 21, 2014.

  1. WizardOfWos New Player

    Hey. I don't know if you are still accepting people but here it goes.
    *In-game name: WizardOfWos
    *Faction (Hero/Villain): Hero
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. 50cr 48sp
    *Power: HardLight primarily with rifle
    *Role: DPS open to trolling in future.
    *Do you have a mic? Yup
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play: Premium with most DLC
    *About yourself. 19, from central time zone. Play mostly at night but will put several hours in most days.
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? Well, I have started getting to the meat of the "endgame content". Looking for skilled mature players to raid with.
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  2. somerandombats New Player

    cool what could go wrong? (other than no healers or a wipe or system crash or dp forgeting to mute his mic.....)
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  3. Abraxas Blade New Player

    If you are still recruiting, I am looking for a good/fun place. I've been playing for about a month and half, so I'm still learning.
    I'm 35, Eastern (USA) time zone.
    Play sporadically throughout the Week, maybe a couple hours a night and sometimes throughout the day/night on Weekends.
    1 Toon for now - Abraxas Meltdown - lvl 30, Fire DPS, 62 CR, 51 SP, Hero, USPS (PS 4)
    I do have a mic, but tend to be on the quiet side at first. I will listen and try to learn.
    I am a Legendary member, somewhere between T2 and 2.5 gear.
    I have not tried to tank yet, but have stored some decent 56CR gear. I am partial to DPS, mainly because I don't want to let anyone down by not holding aggro. Willing to give it a shot if needed, which is why I collected the gear :). Up to now, I have been working on feats. Would like to get into a good communicating group in order to learn.
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  4. AbsoluteZero Committed Player

    Hey flack you forgot healer forgetting to heal lol
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  5. AbsoluteZero Committed Player

    Ya we got freeze down till he brings out the 2 ice golems then got crushed by those
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  6. AmericanNinja New Player

    If no one has sent you an invite by the time I get on tonight, I'll send you both one.
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  7. somerandombats New Player

    i haven't got to fight him the last 3 times i tried to pub it i got dumped into a last room wipe session.
    also we are still accepting apps until paragon or prime tells us not to. So ill race you ninja.
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  8. Celestial Paragon Dedicated Player

    I was wondering about a different healer power. The only powers I've ever played on Paragon are Sorcery (My original power), then went to nature (around the time of Origin Crisis It had been out for around 2 weeks), Then I switched to Ice on the day Sons of Trigon came out as early access to legendary players for about 5 hours, needed some styles lol and then went back to Nature that day.

    I was thinking about going Celestial to suit the name lol
    But not too sure.
  9. AbsoluteZero Committed Player

    I hear celestial pretty with healing and good on the DPS side too
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  10. Celestial Paragon Dedicated Player

    Love the inside jokes you threw in there lmao!
  11. Celestial Paragon Dedicated Player

    I won't be online again until either Monday or Tuesday night. Oh and if anyone wants to join, hit em up with an invite fellas. I'm counting on you :cool:.
  12. Celestial Paragon Dedicated Player

  13. PremiumPlayer New Player

    Hey guys, My wife is going to be gone for the weekend, so I was wondering who would be around for a Gates walk-in, and willing to run through the tier 3 raids, alerts, and Duos Friday and Saturday. I would be will to help any of our lower members as well for the tier 2&1 content, just let me know.
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  14. PremiumPlayer New Player

    I have played with a few Celestials, and the healing ability is top notch. I think it is better than sorcery.
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  15. Kal~el Committed Player

    I am a CR98 sorcery healer looking for a league. Your league is what I need. I will be on later tonight and you can look me up if in game and you can out me through my paces. I find that getting into some T5 raids (pugs) a little harder for healers.

    Lady Mystyk is the name and healing is my game. Looking forward to hearing from you.
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  16. somerandombats New Player

    we can get you in tonight unless prime or ninja beat me to it.
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  17. somerandombats New Player

    I can tell you a walk in could might happen this weekend. The t3 stuff is shouted for nightly and i think nthere are a few t3s that need to run duos. So it should be doable.
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  18. Celestial Paragon Dedicated Player

    Do you think it's better that my nature healing ;) lol
  19. somerandombats New Player

    try electric healing i hear its a shock
  20. Celestial Paragon Dedicated Player

    Haha I did back in the day, but on a different character.