Gear stats for DPS (T6)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Captain Domino, May 7, 2014.

  1. Captain Domino Committed Player

    I've noticed that there's a lot of pieces that drop in precision, but everything is boosted. What was the reason for the drop? I'm just curious.
  2. Scion Of Society Well-Known Player

    It dropped because T6 is Hybrid precision-Might gear, The reason for this is they said the coding would be way to complicated to make unattuned gear tune into precision or might versions, so they just made one. Hope this helps.
  3. Captain Domino Committed Player

    Ah, okay I understand. Thank you for explaining, helped a lot!
  4. Bysill New Player

    Indeed. If you are precision based BTW, you should check which 92 lvl pieces drop in precision, and replace them with 91 pieces (which boost precision compared to rage gear, instead of dropping it) That way you will maximize your precision ergo your damage out.

    Hope this helps