Game voice chat not working

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by foxhound008, May 5, 2018.

  1. foxhound008 New Player

    My game voice chat isn’t working. I have turned my Xbox on and off. Unplugged everything then plugged it back in. But it still doesn’t work. My Xbox party chat works just fine. Anyone else have this problem?
  2. Kestral Committed Player

    This game is one of the hardest to figure out the cause of voice chat problems. Things to check:
    1. Is the mic muted on your controller or system? (be happy you aren't playing on PC then you have more problem causing issues to check)
    2. go into voice chat settings in the game and check like every setting mess with the levels and options.
    3. If you see the mic light up green next to your name you are transmitting, at that point you can both turn up your mic volume and ask the people you are talking to, to turn up your characters volume on their side.
    4. If there is no lit mic something is likely turned off in settings, but also this game does not like your mic to be plugged in after you have started playing (since you have already restarted everything I doubt that is the issue here).
    5. It does happen occasionally that only one chat tab will be mute and the others will work. Switch between League/group/instance chat as you have them available to see only some aren't working or all aren't working.
    6. Lastly, I haven't been on today yet but there have been rare days when voice chat is just down for most if not all people. You just have to wait this out sadly but it usually doesn't last longer then a day when I've seen it happen.
    Hope something there will help, I know it's frustrating when things don't work like their supposed to. Good luck!
  3. Physique Dedicated Player

    The easiest things to check are:
    1. See if you are in push to talk mode (Options -> Settings -> Voice -> Push to Talk -> Off
    2. If you are in Xbox Party Chat or running a PSN party chat session, in-game voice will not work.

    Push to talk is on by default so you will be able to hear people but not be heard unless you press left on your D-pad to activate the walkie-talkie mode and the press left again to turn it off.

    If you're mic / headset is not working at all, you may want to pull a league mate or in-game friend into a group, go to Group chat, and see if you can talk to them there after making sure you're not in an active party chat on your console and with push to talk turned off.
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