Game update gu:47 Problems

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by CaptainPoptart, Apr 11, 2015.

  1. CaptainPoptart Committed Player

    PVE damage and tanking scaling with cr not stats
    The universal marks- only 1 mark to buy a ton of stuff i don`t think that's right and its only to a maximum to 100 marks
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  2. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    can you explain what you mean ' one mark buy a lot of stuff ? ' what stuff ?
  3. ChuckLess New Player

    Thread #8759
  4. CaptainPoptart Committed Player

    For a example Mark of fury and you have to use that to buy gear utility belts even the slots etc.....
  5. Fivluih New Player

    I'm not digging the scaling to cr much either. Seems like a waste to max out gear and stats since the enemies will just scale anyways. Unless someone has different info to share on how that works. The only thing I'm really looking forward to is the new loot system.
  6. CaptainPoptart Committed Player

    I heard they also mess up legends also
  7. NaumNML New Player

    Wait, I thought the CR scaling only affectes defense. It's affecting health and dom too?
  8. Derio 15000 Post Club

    No you are wrong, this only will encourage 5-1-1-1 groups which is perfectly fine. No real problem.
  9. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    And this with info from test center where PS players don't go because they can't access Test. When the chunk of ps players sees this when it goes live you can expect to quadruple that number :)
  10. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Do you know what's going to fix GU 47.... the influx of players for XBox.
    It's going to essentially be a new launch of the game on it's own server.
    All the Xbox players will be locked into slow progress and none the wiser....
    The devs need to fix the game for players who have never experienced it.... that's the only reason to reinvent progress.
  11. Gooba1223 Well-Known Player

    so what is the point of buying pve gear of enemies scale? and now we need to use marks of fury for even utility belt and main frame unlocks? yup this is the update thats gona kill the game the day is here